Moore has McVay traits


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Not saying Moore will ever be Sean McVay or that I endorse Moore as OC over other candidates. But before the board freaks out over a potential hire of Moore as OC, consider this. Like MCVay, Moore was the son of a coach. His father is a very decorated 23 season high school coach who won 4 state championships. (Yes I know far different from NFL coach). Literally, Moore’s entire youth was spent on practice field and sidelines. Second, he is the winningest college QB. Ever. He sees the game through a QB’s eyes and he knows what it takes for a QB to win. In college, he played for an innovative offensive coach in Chris Peterson, who was not afraid to be very creative and call trick plays and use a lot of motion. This surely rubbed off on Moore. Third, more than any assistant coach, he knows Dak’s strengths and weaknesses. He’s been his teammate or position coach for Dak’s entire career. You cannot underestimate that relationship. Finally, he was about the same age as McVay when McVay got his head coaching job. Daniel Jeremiah tweeted today that NFL views Moore as a rising star capable of being a head coach soon, like McVay. So factor all this in...

All these fanzone pundits want t Sean mcvay or Sean Payton. No e of them limed either of those prior to their hires. Some mocked the rams for hiring they all think they are geniuses.... they make everyone guy by association. Not saying if moore is good or bad, but these haters, complainers just dont like moore be cause he worked with linehan and Garrett. Anyone in the immediate. It le or im.eduate. it le after that is ex luded from their consideration.

Who knows, maybe moore was. Being held back by linehan. But hey dak su is and his stickiness is Moores fault not dak.
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Moore has been with Linehan his whole NFL career though right? I’ll give him a chance if they choose him but I have a bad feeling he’s gonna try to make Dak a pocket passer just like Linehan. That’s just gonna hurt Dak and the offense

He was also with Chris Peterson for 4 years. One of best offensive minds in college football.


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Not saying Moore will ever be Sean McVay or that I endorse Moore as OC over other candidates. But before the board freaks out over a potential hire of Moore as OC, consider this. Like MCVay, Moore was the son of a coach. His father is a very decorated 23 season high school coach who won 4 state championships. (Yes I know far different from NFL coach). Literally, Moore’s entire youth was spent on practice field and sidelines. Second, he is the winningest college QB. Ever. He sees the game through a QB’s eyes and he knows what it takes for a QB to win. In college, he played for an innovative offensive coach in Chris Peterson, who was not afraid to be very creative and call trick plays and use a lot of motion. This surely rubbed off on Moore. Third, more than any assistant coach, he knows Dak’s strengths and weaknesses. He’s been his teammate or position coach for Dak’s entire career. You cannot underestimate that relationship. Finally, he was about the same age as McVay when McVay got his head coaching job. Daniel Jeremiah tweeted today that NFL views Moore as a rising star capable of being a head coach soon, like McVay. So factor all this in...

also while in high school he would buy nfl team playbooks whenever they would pop up on ebay and study them, when he got to Boise he was already good at breaking down several nfl offenses


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McClay can keep drafting off the hook, but unless we have a coaching staff in place that has a grasp on how to utilize the talent that Will is putting on this roster, its just a waste of resources.
Contracts run out quick in this league, why doesn't Jerry see that it doesn't matter how much he pays his coaching staff.
We are all tired of seeing contracts like Daks, like 780K this season mean absolutely nothing, translate to absolutely nothing.
We better have a billion dollar staff when Dak is going to count 28 mill against your cap.

He would be crazy to give 28M to him, I would not go a penny north of 20M.


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They have youth in common, sex, and work for nfl teams. Lol
Not saying Moore will ever be Sean McVay or that I endorse Moore as OC over other candidates. But before the board freaks out over a potential hire of Moore as OC, consider this. Like MCVay, Moore was the son of a coach. His father is a very decorated 23 season high school coach who won 4 state championships. (Yes I know far different from NFL coach). Literally, Moore’s entire youth was spent on practice field and sidelines. Second, he is the winningest college QB. Ever. He sees the game through a QB’s eyes and he knows what it takes for a QB to win. In college, he played for an innovative offensive coach in Chris Peterson, who was not afraid to be very creative and call trick plays and use a lot of motion. This surely rubbed off on Moore. Third, more than any assistant coach, he knows Dak’s strengths and weaknesses. He’s been his teammate or position coach for Dak’s entire career. You cannot underestimate that relationship. Finally, he was about the same age as McVay when McVay got his head coaching job. Daniel Jeremiah tweeted today that NFL views Moore as a rising star capable of being a head coach soon, like McVay. So factor all this in...



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They have youth in common, sex, and work for nfl teams. Lol
Not saying Moore will ever be Sean McVay or that I endorse Moore as OC over other candidates. But before the board freaks out over a potential hire of Moore as OC, consider this. Like MCVay, Moore was the son of a coach. His father is a very decorated 23 season high school coach who won 4 state championships. (Yes I know far different from NFL coach). Literally, Moore’s entire youth was spent on practice field and sidelines. Second, he is the winningest college QB. Ever. He sees the game through a QB’s eyes and he knows what it takes for a QB to win. In college, he played for an innovative offensive coach in Chris Peterson, who was not afraid to be very creative and call trick plays and use a lot of motion. This surely rubbed off on Moore. Third, more than any assistant coach, he knows Dak’s strengths and weaknesses. He’s been his teammate or position coach for Dak’s entire career. You cannot underestimate that relationship. Finally, he was about the same age as McVay when McVay got his head coaching job. Daniel Jeremiah tweeted today that NFL views Moore as a rising star capable of being a head coach soon, like McVay. So factor all this in...


Common Sense

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We're not talking about heart surgery. We're talking about a game, not a life or death game either. But I'll play along - how does that surgeon get 3 years of experience if he doesn't do his first surgery.

I'm not advocating for KM - just addressing the notion that because he was not a super successful NFL QB or a currently accomplished OC, he can't be any good. The OP outlined a good case for why KM should not be dismissed outright.

That’s fine, but there’s a huge difference between not being dismissed outright and saying someone is the next Sean McVay.


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If Jerry Jones thinks Moore is some rising star coach, that REALLY can't be good.


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That’s hilarious. I was laughing so hard that it brought tears to my eyes. Just classic


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We have no idea how Moore will do if he’s given the job. All I’m saying is that there are parallels between him and McVay, and if you believe plugged-In guys like Jeremiah, Moore is highly regarded in the NFL and College coaching community.
I just have one question than, if he is so highly regarded in the NFL and College coaching community than how come he has not been offered an OC position before when all these positions were open. I am just curious. Not saying it will be bad or good but just wondering why no one has offered him these positions before.


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You just don’t hand the reins of a top tier offense to a completely inexperienced coach. It’s ridiculous. McVay even with those traits wasn’t fast tracked like this.
Bottom 3rd of the NFL is not a top tier offense.

Common Sense

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Fair enough. But just my take, the OP wasn't saying he would be the next SM, just that there were similar traits.

I sure hope he’s a lot closer to McVay than we think. He played in a pretty creative offensive scheme at Boise State.


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Would you prefer a heart surgeon with one year of experience or three years of experience, or is there no difference?
A young einstein was blowing away his older colleagues. He had a propensity for thinking outside the space-time box.

Big D

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The optics have people flipping out. Nobody here knows jack about Moore's qualifications. Some figure since he couldn't fix Dak, he must not know what he's doing...and maybe they're right. But with all the resources available to our FO, if they choose to give Moore the OC position, it's because they believe he's the best fit, and maybe that was the plan all along, and QB coach was just a rung on the ladder.
The optics? What about the facts? Before this season he was in competition to be the third string quarterback on the verge of being released. There was no talk of him coaching anything , anywhere. Now, after being gifted the qb coach position, which he was woefully under-qualified for, he's suddenly being considered a rising star on par with mcvay? They might as well hire me! I've coordinated the offense of my city league team here locally and we won the championship! I'm now more qualified than he is! :lmao: