More bad news from Mosley


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Hey choco, I couldn't cut and paste the whole Calvin Watkins article in this part of the forum but here is a little nugget for you....

Phillips said he will take a more active role in all phases of the defense. He denied that owner and general manager Jerry Jones told him to do so.

There you go, so is Mosley hyping, Watkins minimizing or Wade lying? I am sure Wade lying fits the best agenda for those that are hell bent on blaming Jones for controlling Wade or trying to be a head coach.

Maybe the only thing that happened is that some players went to Jones the GM and complained after not getting any satisfaction from the defensive coaching staff. Maybe that is a crock of shyte too.

And my point is to not immediately start a negative Jones thread because it validates whatever agenda, distrust or suspicions you are prone to have of him. Up until recently this type of thread starting was very uncharacteristic of you. You've always been better than that. Weigh more information before pretty much calling out Jones as the team destroyer and because you happen to favor Wade.


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cowboyed;2367913 said:
Hey choco, I couldn't cut and paste the whole Calvin Watkins article in this part of the forum but here is a little nugget for you....

Phillips said he will take a more active role in all phases of the defense. He denied that owner and general manager Jerry Jones told him to do so.

There you go, so is Mosley hyping, Watkins minimizing or Wade lying? I am sure Wade lying fits the best agenda for those that are hell bent on blaming Jones for controlling Wade or trying to be a head coach.

Maybe the only thing that happened is that some players went to Jones the GM and complained after not getting any satisfaction from the defensive coaching staff. Maybe that is a crock of shyte too.

And my point is to not immediately start a negative Jones thread because it validates whatever agenda, distrust or suspicions you are prone to have of him. Up until recently this type of thread starting was very uncharacteristic of you. You've always been better than that. Weigh more information before pretty much calling out Jones as the team destroyer and because you happen to favor Wade.

This denial by Wade is akin to Jerry's denial that he is not considering firing Wade (or however he put it).

I'm not saying that both are lying because I really have no way of knowing. But I am saying that during a climate such as this there are certain questions that would never get an honest answer.

And "did Jerry force you?" is certainly on that list.


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Star4Ever;2367417 said:
If he can't stay healthy, we may never know.

yeah, forget the fact he played in all 16 games last yr, his first in the league


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parcells316;2367401 said:
He had 10 tackles and 2 sacks vs. Cincy Sunday. He's only playing in their nickel right now.

He'd be the best linebacker not named Ware on this team. We couldn't have gotten him anyway but we could have had Woodley.

fantasy land strikes again!


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Boysboy;2367567 said:
But why are we giving Parcells TOO much credit?

When it comes to Romo? Look at the list of QBs Jerry trotted through
Valley Ranch. Yes Parcells brought in some oldies, but was it to find and groom a young gun?

We groomed Romo. Jones would have had him playing way way sooner
and Romo more than likely would have turned into a Hutch, Henson or who ever.......... No matter howmuch you hate Parcells he get's this credit.


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Vintage;2367408 said:
Timmons is playing in sub-packages behind Foote and Farrior. And he's been more impressive to date than Carpenter.

he has? why? because of one game vs an 0-7 Bengals team?

Carpenter has had 2 or 3 good games too, remember?


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CoCo;2367946 said:
This denial by Wade is akin to Jerry's denial that he is not considering firing Wade (or however he put it).

I'm not saying that both are lying because I really have no way of knowing. But I am saying that during a climate such as this there are certain questions that would never get an honest answer.

And "did Jerry force you?" is certainly on that list.

I get and accept your point, who really knows. My issue is certain knowledgeable posters immediately not giving Jones the benefit of the doubt at the onset of any team shyte-storm.

I do vigorously support Jerry Jones but that doesn't mean I don't hold him accountable from a fan's perspective. All the associated coaching and player shortcomings or issues are ultimately his responsibility including those driven by Parcells or Phillips because he not only wanted to be the owner but GM as well.

I just get sick of immediately typecasting Jones as the evil overbearing meddler at the first sign of coaching difficulty.


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InmanRoshi;2367966 said:

Oh, wait ... you were serious.
He doesn't watch much football outside the Cowboys obviously. Let's see who has the better LB corps come 12/7.

I mean I love the Cowboys but outside of Ware, they don't have one LB that would crack the top 5 LBers on the Steelers.


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cowboyed;2367963 said:
I get and accept your point, who really knows. My issue is certain knowledgeable posters immediately not giving Jones the benefit of the doubt at the onset of any team shyte-storm.

I do vigorously support Jerry Jones but that doesn't mean I don't hold him accountable from a fan's perspective. All the associated coaching and player shortcomings or issues are ultimately his responsibility including those driven by Parcells or Phillips because he not only wanted to be the owner but GM as well.

I just get sick of immediately typecasting Jones as the evil overbearing meddler at the first sign of coaching difficulty.

I hear you. But its pretty rare that a mind gets changed in the process. :)


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Vintage;2367501 said:
No kidding. '96 was the last time we won a playoff game. I was 8 when it happened. Most of my life has been cheering for a team that has been a good laughingstock. Oh well. So it goes.

Just makes it that much sweeter when they win a Superbowl, or two, in your future. I know that feeling cause when I was kid my first two full seasons of watching the games with my dad they went 3-13 and 1-15. I feel your pain. :)


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cowboyed;2367963 said:
I just get sick of immediately typecasting Jones as the evil overbearing meddler at the first sign of coaching difficulty.

Yeah, if only Jerry could run things his way we'd be ok. But no, it's those idiot coaches that weasel their way in here that have to ruin everything.


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Nav22;2366502 said:
This board will be hilarious if we beat Tampa Bay. Hilarious in that it will be a complete 180 from the tone the last week and a half.

"The season is saved!"

"5-4 at worst until Romo comes back... playoffs a strong possibility now!"

"Great adjustments by Wade!"

"Brad's a capable backup after all!"

Winning... cures... all.

U r right! Its kinda like when a team is down the entire game and fans think the team will come back from gettin their *** beat in the final 30 seconds!


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Dave_in-NC;2367957 said:
When it comes to Romo? Look at the list of QBs Jerry trotted through
Valley Ranch. Yes Parcells brought in some oldies, but was it to find and groom a young gun?

We groomed Romo. Jones would have had him playing way way sooner
and Romo more than likely would have turned into a Hutch, Henson or who ever.......... No matter howmuch you hate Parcells he get's this credit.

Remember the 2nd Skins game in '05 when we got annihilated, and the game was already over at halftime?

Parcells was going to put Romo in to see what he has in him. However-Bledsoe LOBBIED Parcells to keep him in, and guess what-Parcells GAVE IN to him.(Mosely confirmed this after the game)

My big gripe was that why didn't Parcells do this a bit sooner? Like I said above, he could have gotten Romo some experience, and at least got a good idea of what he had.

I'm not complaining-it worked out great in the end. But at that time, Parcells was losing reign on his team. Remember how he was screaming at all of his assistants toward that game's end?


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Bach;2368136 said:
Yeah, if only Jerry could run things his way we'd be ok. But no, it's those idiot coaches that weasel their way in here that have to ruin everything.

Ok, Parcells had more head coaching latitude than any other coach except Jimmy Johnson. Jones even increased Parcells compensation in his dismal third year and tried to retain him when he quit after his 4th year.

Some or our core players are talented but unmotivated dumb arses. The coaching appears to not be very aggressive in curbing the same carryover penalties and performances misfires from last year that are impacting us even moreso this season.

Stewart knowingly was brought in with little defensive coordinator experience and shyte-canned a more 3-4 knowledgeable Dom Capers to be hired to assist him. Wade is absolutely fine with that.

Bruce Read is in over his head directing special teams and gets an unprecedented 2 assistant coaches to compensate for his ineptitude. I don't believe too many teams are resourced on special teams in that manner.

But hey the root of the problem, is not coaching, it is Jerry Jones. Now another article refutes that Jones ordered Wade to call the defensive plays. Wade directly stated that did not happen. But I know Bach, let's just conveniently toss out what doesn't fit your agenda.

The best part about your perennial Jones hate fest proclivities is that there isn't a damn thing you can do about it.


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cowboyed;2368261 said:
Ok, Parcells had more head coaching latitude than any other coach except Jimmy Johnson. Jones even increased Parcells compensation in his dismal third year and tried to retain him when he quit after his 4th year.

Some or our core players are talented but unmotivated dumb arses. The coaching appears to not be very aggressive in curbing the same carryover penalties and performances misfires from last year that are impacting us even moreso this season.

Stewart knowingly was brought in with little defensive coordinator experience and shyte-canned a more 3-4 knowledgeable Dom Capers to be hired to assist him. Wade is absolutely fine with that.

Bruce Read is in over his head directing special teams and gets an unprecedented 2 assistant coaches to compensate for his ineptitude. I don't believe too many teams are resourced on special teams in that manner.

But hey the root of the problem, is not coaching, it is Jerry Jones. Now another article refutes that Jones ordered Wade to call the defensive plays. Wade directly stated that did not happen. But I know Bach, let's just conveniently toss out what doesn't fit your agenda.

The best part about your perennial Jones hate fest proclivities is that there isn't a damn thing you can do about it.

I'm not exactly a Jones-homer myself. Actually, not much of a fan of him.

However-it's when the Parcells-apologists participate in this debate is when it becomes laughable...they act like how he built this team, how he made much better personnel decisions than Jerry, how Jerry bringing in TO against his wishes(which wasn't true) drove him out, how injuries derailed 2 of our seasons under him(but they're saying it's no excuse now), etc, etc.


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Chocolate Lab;2366485 said:
Ok, I say this with a small caveat... There's a 10% chance he was just being a smart***, but I'm almost positive he was serious about this:

He said Ellis basically thought he wasn't being rushed enough, and went to Jerry with his complaint. Tank did the same thing.

He says that Jerry basically went to Wade and asked him to change this, and also take over the playcalling from Stewart.

Mosley says that internally, this team looks even worse than it does from the outside.

Coach Jerry has to go, or we're headed back to 5-11. He just has to go. :banghead:

(I'll wait for the "Go Jerry, you rule!" comments, though.)

Perhaps he went to coach softy and he wouldn't listen. I don't blame him if he did go to Jerry. He probably went to stewart and stewart woudn't listen. What do you want him to do? Just sit back and drop into coverage when the best part of his game is rushing the passer? Way to go Ellis...

Arch Stanton

it was the grave marked unknown right beside
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cowboyed;2368261 said:
Ok, Parcells had more head coaching latitude than any other coach except Jimmy Johnson. Jones even increased Parcells compensation in his dismal third year and tried to retain him when he quit after his 4th year.

Some or our core players are talented but unmotivated dumb arses. The coaching appears to not be very aggressive in curbing the same carryover penalties and performances misfires from last year that are impacting us even moreso this season.

Stewart knowingly was brought in with little defensive coordinator experience and shyte-canned a more 3-4 knowledgeable Dom Capers to be hired to assist him. Wade is absolutely fine with that.

Bruce Read is in over his head directing special teams and gets an unprecedented 2 assistant coaches to compensate for his ineptitude. I don't believe too many teams are resourced on special teams in that manner.

But hey the root of the problem, is not coaching, it is Jerry Jones. Now another article refutes that Jones ordered Wade to call the defensive plays. Wade directly stated that did not happen. But I know Bach, let's just conveniently toss out what doesn't fit your agenda.

The best part about your perennial Jones hate fest proclivities is that there isn't a damn thing you can do about it.

You make some good points cowboyed. What makes me shake my head is a thread - 15 pages in length - full of posts bashing Jerry. All from a rumor mentioned by Mosley of BSPN. Who has yet to write and article or a blawg entry about such a good story. Is it ESPN or BSPN? I call it BS.

Ducks for cover.......:p:


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cowboyed;2368261 said:
Ok, Parcells had more head coaching latitude than any other coach except Jimmy Johnson. Jones even increased Parcells compensation in his dismal third year and tried to retain him when he quit after his 4th year.

The best thing Jerry did since Jimmy left was bring in someone like Parcells. There was no reason he wasted all those years with the likes of Switzer, Gailey and Campo.

When BP left though, Jerry went right back to his old ways.

The best part about your perennial Jones hate fest proclivities is that there isn't a damn thing you can do about it.

I guess you enjoy losing. Sad.