You are the one White Knighting every thread
You mean providing an alternate view that may not be popular but is feasible? Whatever you want to call it, I'll agree. For the record I'm not religious, I don't believe in the Easter Bunny or Santa Claus and I think Bigfoot is a lie. I question everything, whether it's a popular belief or not. It doesn't mean I'm not a Cowboys fan because I think Zeke is literally dumb, selfish and jeopardizes the entire team with his behavior.
There sure are a lot of questions flying around this specific case, rightfully so, but anyone who brought up legitimate questions about the bar fight were immediately cast as "trolls" or not "real" Cowboys fans. I try to look at things from any and all angles, what I think is irrelevant but at least I try to see something from different view points not just the one that favors are star running back.