FEATURED Morning Pops!

Morning Pops and all y'all who wander by in search of a greeting. Your lucky day because this is it. I greet you with great gusto. I would hug each of you like a lovable Russian bear if you were here and this virus wasn't around and you brought me vodka for Thirsty Thursday. Those are the rules, you have to be here, the virus has to be gone and there must be vodka and you know me, top shelf only, I don't like bending over.

Supposed to rain here Sat-Mon and cool things down to the low 90's so I have to think of rainy day things to do. Or I could spend the weekend just thinking of rainy day things to do and come Monday, wish I'd done them. Or if I'd thought of some rainy day things to do that might have gotten me into trouble, be glad I didn't do them. I am thinking I've got the thinking all set up for a rainy weekend.

Replaced the AC filter this morning and replaced one of the fluorescents in the kitchen and that might qualify as the weekend projects. Actually, since there were two events, I think I'll let the AC filter carryover to next weekend. Don't want to overextend myself unless I am reaching for that top shelf.
Adopted 2 lab puppies the other day they were living under an abandoned mobile home 8 of them were under there my son in law adopted the other 6 and is looking for homes for them. They are about 8-10 weeks old no mamma dog to be found. They seem to have never been around people at 1st they would run away or hide from us. But started playing with me today Pretty lil pups They like it outdoors better than in the house. 1 white one and 1 kinda light orange and white one
I wish your son in law the best of luck finding homes for those babies!
Good morning Pops and Popsadoodles! Here's wishing @GrammaJan a very happy birthday!

If Xelda's not lying to us, HAPPY BIRTHDAY, JAN!!!
WHAT? Why would I lie about that? Her birthday is stamped in my memory and I've been counting down the days until I could wish her a happy birthday. I've caught myself exaggerating for effect, but never lying unless it's so obvious that everyone can see the whopper from a mile off.
Morning Pops. Morning Fellas and good morning to all who decided to stop in and visit.

So, worked on all the water features this week. The Wife finally broke down and called a guy to come out and have a look. I guess she got tired of watching me struggle. So they came out yesterday and got the water fall working. Of course, she looked at me in that "now pay them useless husband" kinda way. So I did that. This morning I walked out to enjoy a cup of coffee by the "water" and sure enough, no water. Thing isn't working. Of course, the Wife is nowhere to be found, shut up in here work area, not coming out to take here medicine. She can't stay closed up in there forever. I'm a patient man.........

Happy Birthday Jan! I hope you have yourself a great day!

Jobs, Leon, dbrp, Xelda, zrin, Trouty, ksk, RGV, Coach, RWB, Ranching, SW, John, Jan, Corso and Colo, I hope you are all enjoying a great day as well.

Everybody, it's Thursday so finish up strong and lets get this thing done so we can move on to Friday!

Be Great Everybody!
WHAT? Why would I lie about that? Her birthday is stamped in my memory and I've been counting down the days until I could wish her a happy birthday. I've caught myself exaggerating for effect, but never lying unless it's so obvious that everyone can see the whopper from a mile off.
I know you'd never lie to us, Darlin'... except in the case of the circumstances you mentioned.
Morning Pops. Morning Fellas and good morning to all who decided to stop in and visit.

So, worked on all the water features this week. The Wife finally broke down and called a guy to come out and have a look. I guess she got tired of watching me struggle. So they came out yesterday and got the water fall working. Of course, she looked at me in that "now pay them useless husband" kinda way. So I did that. This morning I walked out to enjoy a cup of coffee by the "water" and sure enough, no water. Thing isn't working. Of course, the Wife is nowhere to be found, shut up in here work area, not coming out to take here medicine. She can't stay closed up in there forever. I'm a patient man.........

Happy Birthday Jan! I hope you have yourself a great day!

Jobs, Leon, dbrp, Xelda, zrin, Trouty, ksk, RGV, Coach, RWB, Ranching, SW, John, Jan, Corso and Colo, I hope you are all enjoying a great day as well.

Everybody, it's Thursday so finish up strong and lets get this thing done so we can move on to Friday!

Be Great Everybody!
Thank you ABQ
WHAT? Why would I lie about that? Her birthday is stamped in my memory and I've been counting down the days until I could wish her a happy birthday. I've caught myself exaggerating for effect, but never lying unless it's so obvious that everyone can see the whopper from a mile off.
You could have given her your dishwasher. She doesn't have one and you don't know how to operate one.:cool:

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