FEATURED Morning Pops!

Morning Pops & Peeps :)
So I'm part Native American from the glorious Seneca Tribe and I've discovered my version of the rain dance.
It's been dry as a bone in Western NY for quite some time, so I thought that it was my duty to do my part. After work yesterday I washed my car. And BAM!!! We've got rain.
Morning Pops and all my little humpsters on this Wonderful Wednesday.

The weather here is superb, the news about a vaccine is looking good and the landscapers are putting in the new beds on the grounds and putting up the tree of lights that goes over the main fountain as they're going early on lighting the place up and I say "Bully for them".

I've got some family and friends that already have their decorations up and that has served to brighten and lighten their moods significantly as the upcoming holidays will be the strangest in my lifetime. I saw where the state of Washington has asked people not to gather for Thanksgiving and I hope people can follow the advice. This is the first Thanksgiving in my entire lifetime that I will not see family or friends and I have mentally adjusted to that. This is also a Thanksgiving that I will be giving more thanks for than any I can remember.

So, I am approaching that time of year where I pull up my life's slogan a lot more to keep me centered and at peace with conditions, the situation and the shape of the world. It is a phrase I repeat to myself when I feel I am sinking back into that feel sorry for myself that I dislike so much, I don't like that self. I leave it with you on this day.

"Everything in life, including life itself, is temporary. The past can be an anchor on this journey and today is my future past so set sail because it is all about the journey".

While contemplating the passing of things I've planted,
And recalling the importance of what I've taken for granted
I consider the self made truths that I've finally recanted
And regrets and recriminations were allowed to be supplanted.

Sorry folks, woke up weird again. I do this sometimes and need a place to lay this stuff out and this was it today. However, that slogan that came later in life, but I am fortunate it came at all, might have saved me. For a guy that doesn't mind being alone and sharing that with anyone as a warning I think, sometimes that's the last person I need to be around. He doesn't choose the best memories for me.
Morning Pops, morning Jobs. Morning Fellas and good morning to all who decided to stop in and visit the thread today.

Hump day and lots to do but I have time to make a few posts I think. How is everybody doing today? I am hopeful that we are all doing well.

Can't believe that Thanks Giving is already on us. This year seems like it's been forever an yet, we are already at Thanks Giving. Weird!

I haven't really payed a lot of attention to the NFL draft the last two drafts but maybe, if I can get motivated, I will do some research and evaluations this year. IDK, time will tell and there is no shortage of grandkids these days so could be that time just isn't there but I think I might try to actually do some evaluations. You would think that it would be easier to watch tape on these kids but I'm finding that it's not. There are actually fewer sites that offer that kind of tape. Guess we'll see.

It's Veterans Day today and to all of those who lived, died, sacrificed loved ones, I offer my sincere appreciation.

Leon, dbrp, Xelda, zrin, Trouty, ksk, RGV, Coach, RWB, Ranching, SW, John, Jan, Corso and Colo, I hope you are all doing well today. Take good care my friends!

Everybody, have a great day and chin up, weekend is ahead!

Here's a little tune for everybody to enjoy, if you wish, on this Veterans Day.

This is a tune that Trace Adkins cut in 2006. Not one of his big hits but maybe it sends the right message for a day like today. This song is called Arlington.

Morning Pops, morning Jobs. Morning Fellas and good morning to all who decided to stop in and visit the thread today.

Hump day and lots to do but I have time to make a few posts I think. How is everybody doing today? I am hopeful that we are all doing well.

Can't believe that Thanks Giving is already on us. This year seems like it's been forever an yet, we are already at Thanks Giving. Weird!

I haven't really payed a lot of attention to the NFL draft the last two drafts but maybe, if I can get motivated, I will do some research and evaluations this year. IDK, time will tell and there is no shortage of grandkids these days so could be that time just isn't there but I think I might try to actually do some evaluations. You would think that it would be easier to watch tape on these kids but I'm finding that it's not. There are actually fewer sites that offer that kind of tape. Guess we'll see.

It's Veterans Day today and to all of those who lived, died, sacrificed loved ones, I offer my sincere appreciation.

Leon, dbrp, Xelda, zrin, Trouty, ksk, RGV, Coach, RWB, Ranching, SW, John, Jan, Corso and Colo, I hope you are all doing well today. Take good care my friends!

Everybody, have a great day and chin up, weekend is ahead!

Here's a little tune for everybody to enjoy, if you wish, on this Veterans Day.

This is a tune that Trace Adkins cut in 2006. Not one of his big hits but maybe it sends the right message for a day like today. This song is called Arlington.

I just watched the movie " Deep Water Horizon" and he played a small, but a very moving role in it toward the end. :)
Morning Pops & Peeps :)
So I'm part Native American from the glorious Seneca Tribe and I've discovered my version of the rain dance.
It's been dry as a bone in Western NY for quite some time, so I thought that it was my duty to do my part. After work yesterday I washed my car. And BAM!!! We've got rain.
You'll have to teach me that dance. When I was my car, we get bird crap.
Evening Pops and everyone...

Well. Received a call this morning from someone I had a closing with earlier this week. They informed me someone in their office, who I happened to have direct contact with, tested positive for that monster flu. Great way to start the day huh? Guess we’ll see how this plays out.
That's exactly why I hit the carwash! G-Damn seagulls tattooed my white car. Might even have been prehistoric, I'm not sure. But it looked like it was on purpose.
You know, here in the Midwest we have a LOT of mulberry and other berry trees/shrubs. Wanna guess what color the poo bombs are that the birds deliver to our cars and patio furniture...?:rolleyes:
We have Starlings that go a nice dark shade of violet. I honestly have no love for birds.
Oh yeaaahhh. Purple and white marbled with seeds that stick to your car. Oorrrr, you could have the morning doves and pigeons that insist on building nests on your windshield EVERY day while you’re in the office. That’s always fun cleaning that dirty schmutz off the window after spending the day dealing with people that behave just like the schmutz itself.

I think I need a vacation:)
Evening Pops and everyone...

Well. Received a call this morning from someone I had a closing with earlier this week. They informed me someone in their office, who I happened to have direct contact with, tested positive for that monster flu. Great way to start the day huh? Guess we’ll see how this plays out.
There were a couple of guys at work who tested positive last week, so Monday while I was on the road, I got a message that by the time I got back we'd be closed, and closed on Tuesday as well, and in order to come back to work we had to get tested and have a negative result. I was back to work on Wednesday, along with 2 other drivers, my supervisor, dispatcher, and one tallyman. Nobody but us got the instant results test, so we got to stand around a concrete floor all day Wednesday building piles of lumber, just so we could make deliveries yesterday and today.
Even with that, only 3 trucks out of 9 went out.
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There were a couple of guys at work who tested positive last week, so Monday while I was on the road, I got a message that by the time I got back we'd be closed, and closed on Tuesday as well, and in order to come back to work we had to get tested and have a negative result. I was back to work on Wednesday, along with 2 other drivers, my supervisor, dispatcher, and one tallyman. Nobody but us got the instant results test, so we got to stand around a concrete floor all day Wednesday building piles of lumber, just so we could make deliveries yesterday and today.
Even with that, only 3 trucks out of 9 went out.
Sure wish I knew who had those ‘instant result tests’ around here. Meanwhile I’m required to mask up, even in my own office so I can breathe my own possibly contaminated air, and they won’t let me go anywhere but to the bathroom. This is ridiculous.
Morning, Pops and peeps. Happy Friday. Jan, I hope your covid test is negative. Good luck!
I can’t even get tested until this coming Tuesday and they’re telling me it’ll be another 3-5 days before the results are in. By then the quarantine period will have pretty much run its course and I continue to work in the interim? Am I the only one that sees the stupidity in this???
Good morning Pops and Freaky Friday Fans.

Jan, there is an abundance of stupidity and head scratchers for sure and I hope you get a negative on that test. If not, then I hope you are asymptomatic with no residual issues.

I see the Maine wedding story has been revived and now the count is 176 infected and 7 dead from that one gathering. I expect the Fusco family story to come back soon as well. Just today Chicago is trying to shut down family gatherings for Thanksgiving and they're getting some serious push back and frankly, I don't get it. I hope they, at least, keep the vulnerable to this away if they're going to ignore the recommendations.

I had considered going to Dallas to be with my remaining aunts/cousins family but I want them to remain to be my remaining family. So we're zooming it. I haven't seen my grandkids or sons in 8 months and will not see them for the first time since they've all been alive during Thanksgiving and Christmas. I don't know how I will fell about that until it happens.

But we don't have to beat ourselves up for being stubborn because our ancestors went through this same thin 100 years ago. I've been reading about the Spanish Flu pandemic and there were just as many anti-maskers back then and the isolation had just as much effect and gave birth to the Roaring 20's once it was clear to go out again and Prohibition was enacted to curb the anticipated wilding and we know how well that worked.

I don't think I would have fared well during those times but I do dig spats and have always liked having the nickname "Shifty" so I might have done OK but I know which side of the law I would have been on and had a lot of fine company.

Y'all have a good weekend and take good care of yourselves.
Morning Pops and pen pals. Welcome to the Weekend! I read that Elon Musk got tested four times in one day for Covid, and two came back positive and two came back negative. Don't know if true or not.

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