FEATURED Morning Pops!

Good morning Pops and Friends,

Another day in paradise! We went snowshoeing in Glacier National Park (only about 30 miles away). Nothing too strenuous; just a short walk to enjoy the park in winter.

Here is something weird: about a week ago a young man in his 20's or early 30's came strolling up our road with his dog. When I asked him what he was doing or whether he needed assistance, he just said he got lost walking his dog. Now, we live about 2.5 miles off the pavement with clearly maked signs announcing Private Road, No Trespassing and, to top it off, it was about 15 F.

I offered to give him a ride back to the road (my wife felt sorry for the dog). As we we driving back to the road, I continued to question the young man and, truthfully, his story simple didn't hold water. I matter-of-factly informed him he was on private property, that everyone in this area carries a sidearm and that, more often than not, the sheriff was called when strangers wandered around. Thinking my not-so -subtle comments would deter him from entering our property again, I didn't give it much more thought.

Fast forward to early yesterday morning and, while driving into town, I came across a beat-up vehicle half buried in the snow about a mile from our house. There were two men in the vehicle and, as I pulled up next to them, I noticed that the passenger was the same young man I ran into earlier.

I reminded him that they were trespassing and when the driver started to get out of the car, I also reminded him that everyone carries a weapon in Montana. He got back into the car and I called the sheriff.

Long story short, both were noted drug dealers with warrants for their arrests. They were taken into custody and are being without bail.

I am not sure what to think about all this... frankly, we thought we had gotten away from this sort of behavior by moving to Montana. It has left me a bit uneasy about being off the beaten path.

Interesting comment by the sheriff -- apparently, under Montana's "Castle Doctrine" i had the legal right to use deadly force if the driver did not return to his car. Hope I am never in that situation.
BE CAREFUL MONTANALO! These turds are up to no good on private property. With their limited scruples, be on your toes and make sure you know when they are released back into the wild. Drug dealers can be replaced, upstanding Cowboy fans can't. Yes, we're that valuable.
Good afternoon Pops and everyone.

Ok, all kidding aside, while my user name here is GrammaJan, I am only 54 years old (7 grandkids, but I’m not the one who had them so don’t judge the #;)) so I’m having a little trouble understanding something I just found in the house I bought almost 2 years ago.

When my back gets better, I will get out the stepstool and more fully investigate the cupboards in the kitchen, but today I ran across a foil covered brick (like for building a house, not something smuggled across the border in the fender of a car) in one of the upper cabinets. The person I bought this house from was fairly religious and did not believe in ghosts, so if it was her that left it here I’ve kind of ruled that idea out for her having put it there… but I’m just not sure what other use it would have in the house considering where it was located. It certainly was not accessible as a weapon should somebody break in (and I have alternate, more automatic options for that circumstance - that’s a callback to ColoCowboy’s message earlier). Doorstop is definitely out of the question, and there is no cooking grease or other film on it that would indicate that she used it to compress chicken, bacon or other items while cooking in the oven. Does anybody hear have any ideas about what this might have been for? Perhaps it belonged to the person that she bought the house from and he was trying to fend off ghosts. I don’t know. I just found it to be an odd discovery. Clearly I need to more fully investigate the cabinets and cupboards in the house.

Go ahead. let’s hear everyone’s entertaining thoughts on the what and why of this thing.
On to the mystery of the foil covered brick. Maybe it was to preserve the original color to compare to the other bricks after a certain period of time. Maybe it was a gift to the original homeowner upon completion of their home. Maybe the brick thought the government was spying on its thoughts. Maybe it wanted better reception of Super Bowl I. There are many logical reasons for a brick being covered in foil.
Good morning Pops and Friends,

Another day in paradise! We went snowshoeing in Glacier National Park (only about 30 miles away). Nothing too strenuous; just a short walk to enjoy the park in winter.

Here is something weird: about a week ago a young man in his 20's or early 30's came strolling up our road with his dog. When I asked him what he was doing or whether he needed assistance, he just said he got lost walking his dog. Now, we live about 2.5 miles off the pavement with clearly maked signs announcing Private Road, No Trespassing and, to top it off, it was about 15 F.

I offered to give him a ride back to the road (my wife felt sorry for the dog). As we we driving back to the road, I continued to question the young man and, truthfully, his story simple didn't hold water. I matter-of-factly informed him he was on private property, that everyone in this area carries a sidearm and that, more often than not, the sheriff was called when strangers wandered around. Thinking my not-so -subtle comments would deter him from entering our property again, I didn't give it much more thought.

Fast forward to early yesterday morning and, while driving into town, I came across a beat-up vehicle half buried in the snow about a mile from our house. There were two men in the vehicle and, as I pulled up next to them, I noticed that the passenger was the same young man I ran into earlier.

I reminded him that they were trespassing and when the driver started to get out of the car, I also reminded him that everyone carries a weapon in Montana. He got back into the car and I called the sheriff.

Long story short, both were noted drug dealers with warrants for their arrests. They were taken into custody and are being without bail.

I am not sure what to think about all this... frankly, we thought we had gotten away from this sort of behavior by moving to Montana. It has left me a bit uneasy about being off the beaten path.

Interesting comment by the sheriff -- apparently, under Montana's "Castle Doctrine" i had the legal right to use deadly force if the driver did not return to his car. Hope I am never in that situation.

Good afternoon Pops and friends. Yeah Colo, those guys were up to no good. Throw some raw meat in you property so it will attract man-eating critters. Let them take of loiterers but be sure and don’t stray too far from your yard.
Crazy days we live in. Always a good idea to pack.
Good afternoon Pops and everyone.

Ok, all kidding aside, while my user name here is GrammaJan, I am only 54 years old (7 grandkids, but I’m not the one who had them so don’t judge the #;)) so I’m having a little trouble understanding something I just found in the house I bought almost 2 years ago.

When my back gets better, I will get out the stepstool and more fully investigate the cupboards in the kitchen, but today I ran across a foil covered brick (like for building a house, not something smuggled across the border in the fender of a car) in one of the upper cabinets. The person I bought this house from was fairly religious and did not believe in ghosts, so if it was her that left it here I’ve kind of ruled that idea out for her having put it there… but I’m just not sure what other use it would have in the house considering where it was located. It certainly was not accessible as a weapon should somebody break in (and I have alternate, more automatic options for that circumstance - that’s a callback to ColoCowboy’s message earlier). Doorstop is definitely out of the question, and there is no cooking grease or other film on it that would indicate that she used it to compress chicken, bacon or other items while cooking in the oven. Does anybody hear have any ideas about what this might have been for? Perhaps it belonged to the person that she bought the house from and he was trying to fend off ghosts. I don’t know. I just found it to be an odd discovery. Clearly I need to more fully investigate the cabinets and cupboards in the house.

Go ahead. let’s hear everyone’s entertaining thoughts on the what and why of this thing.

could be a Cowboy’s fan brick in hiding :oops:
Good afternoon Pops and everyone.

Ok, all kidding aside, while my user name here is GrammaJan, I am only 54 years old (7 grandkids, but I’m not the one who had them so don’t judge the #;)) so I’m having a little trouble understanding something I just found in the house I bought almost 2 years ago.

When my back gets better, I will get out the stepstool and more fully investigate the cupboards in the kitchen, but today I ran across a foil covered brick (like for building a house, not something smuggled across the border in the fender of a car) in one of the upper cabinets. The person I bought this house from was fairly religious and did not believe in ghosts, so if it was her that left it here I’ve kind of ruled that idea out for her having put it there… but I’m just not sure what other use it would have in the house considering where it was located. It certainly was not accessible as a weapon should somebody break in (and I have alternate, more automatic options for that circumstance - that’s a callback to ColoCowboy’s message earlier). Doorstop is definitely out of the question, and there is no cooking grease or other film on it that would indicate that she used it to compress chicken, bacon or other items while cooking in the oven. Does anybody hear have any ideas about what this might have been for? Perhaps it belonged to the person that she bought the house from and he was trying to fend off ghosts. I don’t know. I just found it to be an odd discovery. Clearly I need to more fully investigate the cabinets and cupboards in the house.

Go ahead. let’s hear everyone’s entertaining thoughts on the what and why of this thing.

I Googled foil wrapped brick and the top answers were (in my best Richard Dawson Family Fued voice):
  • Door stop
  • Talisman to ward off evil spirits and ghosts
  • Bed warmer (Apparently, people would warm up the wrapped brick in the oven and then place in the bed to keep the feet warm. My guess is was before the invention of dogs to keep you warm)
  • And, I am not kidding with this one, to mess with @GrammaJan
And, there you have it.
I Googled foil wrapped brick and the top answers were (in my best Richard Dawson Family Fued voice):
  • Door stop
  • Talisman to ward off evil spirits and ghosts
  • Bed warmer (Apparently, people would warm up the wrapped brick in the oven and then place in the bed to keep the feet warm. My guess is was before the invention of dogs to keep you warm)
  • And, I am not kidding with this one, to mess with @GrammaJan
And, there you have it.

i figured on all of the above lol. Unfortunately I don’t have a dog so instead it’s a heating pad to keep me warm and body pillow to curl up with.

We’ll see how I feel tomorrow. No reason to believe this is the only one in the house so the search will begin in earnest when I’m able to safely use the step stool.

For now, I’m calling it a day and I’m going to go lay down on the couch with my TENS unit, heating pad and a bottle of wine and get lost in a few movies. Hope you all have a wonderful evening
Good afternoon Pops and everyone.

Ok, all kidding aside, while my user name here is GrammaJan, I am only 54 years old (7 grandkids, but I’m not the one who had them so don’t judge the #;)) so I’m having a little trouble understanding something I just found in the house I bought almost 2 years ago.

When my back gets better, I will get out the stepstool and more fully investigate the cupboards in the kitchen, but today I ran across a foil covered brick (like for building a house, not something smuggled across the border in the fender of a car) in one of the upper cabinets. The person I bought this house from was fairly religious and did not believe in ghosts, so if it was her that left it here I’ve kind of ruled that idea out for her having put it there… but I’m just not sure what other use it would have in the house considering where it was located. It certainly was not accessible as a weapon should somebody break in (and I have alternate, more automatic options for that circumstance - that’s a callback to ColoCowboy’s message earlier). Doorstop is definitely out of the question, and there is no cooking grease or other film on it that would indicate that she used it to compress chicken, bacon or other items while cooking in the oven. Does anybody hear have any ideas about what this might have been for? Perhaps it belonged to the person that she bought the house from and he was trying to fend off ghosts. I don’t know. I just found it to be an odd discovery. Clearly I need to more fully investigate the cabinets and cupboards in the house.

Go ahead. let’s hear everyone’s entertaining thoughts on the what and why of this thing.
Since it is wrapped in foil and I have two like that, I am assuming that is for cooking Chicken Under a Brick. The brick is used to weigh down the spatchcocked (OK, just leave it alone. I mean it, I'll have to use my bullet) chicken while it is either roasted or grilled and the skin gets really crispy and the chicken cooks quickly. The foil keeps the brick clean. The brick is not actually used on the chicken but on an inverted baking pan to flatten out the bird.

Jan, if you find any beer, I am assuming that is for Beer Can Chicken. If you find an old German guy in lederhosen in your pantry, just humor him by doing the Chicken Dance until he leaves.
Since it is wrapped in foil and I have two like that, I am assuming that is for cooking Chicken Under a Brick. The brick is used to weigh down the spatchcocked (OK, just leave it alone. I mean it, I'll have to use my bullet) chicken while it is either roasted or grilled and the skin gets really crispy and the chicken cooks quickly. The foil keeps the brick clean. The brick is not actually used on the chicken but on an inverted baking pan to flatten out the bird.

Jan, if you find any beer, I am assuming that is for Beer Can Chicken. If you find an old German guy in lederhosen in your pantry, just humor him by doing the Chicken Dance until he leaves.

I never use a brick when i cook spatchcocked chicken on the grill…

Funny thing is she is about my height, maybe a little shorter, so around 5’2”-5’3” and this thing was way up top in an upper cabinet, like 6’5”-7’ up. If I’m using something for cooking, I’m keeping it handy where I can reach it. Idk. I’m guessing the prior owner to her put it up there. She was only here for six years and it was an older guy before her… in fact the guy who built the house.

Who knows, but I’m sure before I’m done thinking about it I’ll have a glorious combination of stories to mash up :D
Good afternoon Pops and everyone.

Ok, all kidding aside, while my user name here is GrammaJan, I am only 54 years old (7 grandkids, but I’m not the one who had them so don’t judge the #;)) so I’m having a little trouble understanding something I just found in the house I bought almost 2 years ago.

When my back gets better, I will get out the stepstool and more fully investigate the cupboards in the kitchen, but today I ran across a foil covered brick (like for building a house, not something smuggled across the border in the fender of a car) in one of the upper cabinets. The person I bought this house from was fairly religious and did not believe in ghosts, so if it was her that left it here I’ve kind of ruled that idea out for her having put it there… but I’m just not sure what other use it would have in the house considering where it was located. It certainly was not accessible as a weapon should somebody break in (and I have alternate, more automatic options for that circumstance - that’s a callback to ColoCowboy’s message earlier). Doorstop is definitely out of the question, and there is no cooking grease or other film on it that would indicate that she used it to compress chicken, bacon or other items while cooking in the oven. Does anybody hear have any ideas about what this might have been for? Perhaps it belonged to the person that she bought the house from and he was trying to fend off ghosts. I don’t know. I just found it to be an odd discovery. Clearly I need to more fully investigate the cabinets and cupboards in the house.

Go ahead. let’s hear everyone’s entertaining thoughts on the what and why of this thing.
I'm sorry, I can't get past the fact that you're just now finding a foil wrapped brick in your cupboard.
I'm sorry, I can't get past the fact that you're just now finding a foil wrapped brick in your cupboard.

Here’s the deal. I am 5 foot three. The cabinets run to the ceiling in a house with 10 foot ceilings. I’ve never had a reason to search the upper cabinets to see if the prior owner left anything behind. The brick was in one of the upper cabinets near the back so I would never have seen it had I not been standing on some thing (which I shouldn’t have been doing in the first place). Being vertically challenged comes with its disadvantages. What can I say. I don’t use the upper cabinets because I can’t reach them, so there’s that.
Here’s the deal. I am 5 foot three. The cabinets run to the ceiling in a house with 10 foot ceilings. I’ve never had a reason to search the upper cabinets to see if the prior owner left anything behind. The brick was in one of the upper cabinets near the back so I would never have seen it had I not been standing on some thing (which I shouldn’t have been doing in the first place). Being vertically challenged comes with its disadvantages. What can I say. I don’t use the upper cabinets because I can’t reach them, so there’s that.
Someone, a very crafty someone, has been in your house hiding foil covered bricks from short people. There are others, I am sure of it. Does Randy Newman live in your town, he would be my first guess. Or a very drunk Peter Dinklage.
Driving through Brooklyn 2 days after a blizzard, and most of the people still haven't dug their cars out. Since there's no place to pull over because of the snow, people just stop in the middle of the road to pick up passengers, let them out...or go inside and get coffee...whatever. It took me over an hour to get from my first stop to my second stop, and that's with leaving the first one at 6:20 a.m., so the traffic is about as light as it's gonna be.
Meanwhile, my second stop, who said he'd be here at 6 just said he'll be here between 8 and 8:30, so I get to sit and wait for him to get here, then wait for him to dig out in front of his building so he can bring his lumber in.
I knew I should've called in "uninterested" this morning.
Good Hump Day Greetings Pops and Friends,

Our new Temperpedic mattress was scheduled for delivery yesterday. About delivery time, I got a call from the store stating the truck couldn't make it up our driveway. Now, we live on top of a hill with commanding, 360 degree views and I didn't see a delivery truck anywhere. I mentioned this to the store manager and explained that I plowed and sanded the road only an hour or so earlier. No response... I suspect they simply didn't want to make the delivery... admittedly, it was cold - about 15 F and only a slight blizzard, but "Come On, Man".

@Runwildboys would have delivered our mattress.

I spoke to one of the sheriff's deputes yesterday about the two trespassers. Apparently, trespassing and drug possession didn't warrant an arrest. I exclaimed, "So, you have a catch and release policy?" I laughed, the deputy laughed and we both agreed not to talk about it again.

So, how's the weather in your area? We have a brisk start to the morning 0 F with a -10 F windchill. Good day to stay inside.
Good Hump Day Greetings Pops and Friends,

Our new Temperpedic mattress was scheduled for delivery yesterday. About delivery time, I got a call from the store stating the truck couldn't make it up our driveway. Now, we live on top of a hill with commanding, 360 degree views and I didn't see a delivery truck anywhere. I mentioned this to the store manager and explained that I plowed and sanded the road only an hour or so earlier. No response... I suspect they simply didn't want to make the delivery... admittedly, it was cold - about 15 F and only a slight blizzard, but "Come On, Man".

@Runwildboys would have delivered our mattress.

I spoke to one of the sheriff's deputes yesterday about the two trespassers. Apparently, trespassing and drug possession didn't warrant an arrest. I exclaimed, "So, you have a catch and release policy?" I laughed, the deputy laughed and we both agreed not to talk about it again.

So, how's the weather in your area? We have a brisk start to the morning 0 F with a -10 F windchill. Good day to stay inside.
Hell yeah, when I delivered furniture, the weather didn't matter. We'd be out there in a blizzard, making people happy. If they won't deliver in 15° they aren't worthy of tipping when they finally do bring it, assuming it's the same guys.
Afternoon Pops and Popsadoodles. Mondanalo, you need one of these for those hoodlums. As Yosemite Sam saiys "when I say Private Property, I mean Private Property!" or "when I say I want my mattress, I mean NOW!" or "inlaws and outlaws not welcome".

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