FEATURED Morning Pops!

Evening Pops and everyone.

-11 for the 7am commute tomorrow (sigh…). I like cold weather, but this is being a bit dramatic.

Be safe out there for all you in similar situations, and plan well for the trip no matter how short the journey.
Evening Pops and everyone.

-11 for the 7am commute tomorrow (sigh…). I like cold weather, but this is being a bit dramatic.

Be safe out there for all you in similar situations, and plan well for the trip no matter how short the journey.

Evening Pops and friends. Whoaaaa!!! -11 and still going to work??!!
Once upon a time I experienced that temperature and once is enough for a lifetime.
Be careful on your commute to work Jan.
Good morning Pops and Friends,

Wow, @GrammaJan compared to you, we're experiencing spring-like weather with temperatures ranging from the high teens to the low 30's and... get this, no recent snow. I know, I know, it's heaven. Stay warm, that's dangerously cold weather, Jan.

It was bound to happen - I got booed today by the old cogger brigade at the local gym. Why? I was wearing my Cowboy's hat. Personally, I take as a sign of respect. At least, that's the story I'm sticking with.

So, who is organizing or attending a SB party? We are and I got "volun-told" to make fajitas. Should be fun.

How's your week?
Morning, Pops and peeps. Welcome to the Weekend! My wife told me she had a hair appointment in the afternoon. I told her to remind me to compliment her when she got home so she wouldn't think I didn't notice. Fortunately, she thought it was funny.:laugh:
Good morning Pops and Friends,

Another day in paradise! We went snowshoeing in Glacier National Park (only about 30 miles away). Nothing too strenuous; just a short walk to enjoy the park in winter.

Here is something weird: about a week ago a young man in his 20's or early 30's came strolling up our road with his dog. When I asked him what he was doing or whether he needed assistance, he just said he got lost walking his dog. Now, we live about 2.5 miles off the pavement with clearly maked signs announcing Private Road, No Trespassing and, to top it off, it was about 15 F.

I offered to give him a ride back to the road (my wife felt sorry for the dog). As we we driving back to the road, I continued to question the young man and, truthfully, his story simple didn't hold water. I matter-of-factly informed him he was on private property, that everyone in this area carries a sidearm and that, more often than not, the sheriff was called when strangers wandered around. Thinking my not-so -subtle comments would deter him from entering our property again, I didn't give it much more thought.

Fast forward to early yesterday morning and, while driving into town, I came across a beat-up vehicle half buried in the snow about a mile from our house. There were two men in the vehicle and, as I pulled up next to them, I noticed that the passenger was the same young man I ran into earlier.

I reminded him that they were trespassing and when the driver started to get out of the car, I also reminded him that everyone carries a weapon in Montana. He got back into the car and I called the sheriff.

Long story short, both were noted drug dealers with warrants for their arrests. They were taken into custody and are being without bail.

I am not sure what to think about all this... frankly, we thought we had gotten away from this sort of behavior by moving to Montana. It has left me a bit uneasy about being off the beaten path.

Interesting comment by the sheriff -- apparently, under Montana's "Castle Doctrine" i had the legal right to use deadly force if the driver did not return to his car. Hope I am never in that situation.
Good morning Pops and Friends,

Another day in paradise! We went snowshoeing in Glacier National Park (only about 30 miles away). Nothing too strenuous; just a short walk to enjoy the park in winter.

Here is something weird: about a week ago a young man in his 20's or early 30's came strolling up our road with his dog. When I asked him what he was doing or whether he needed assistance, he just said he got lost walking his dog. Now, we live about 2.5 miles off the pavement with clearly maked signs announcing Private Road, No Trespassing and, to top it off, it was about 15 F.

I offered to give him a ride back to the road (my wife felt sorry for the dog). As we we driving back to the road, I continued to question the young man and, truthfully, his story simple didn't hold water. I matter-of-factly informed him he was on private property, that everyone in this area carries a sidearm and that, more often than not, the sheriff was called when strangers wandered around. Thinking my not-so -subtle comments would deter him from entering our property again, I didn't give it much more thought.

Fast forward to early yesterday morning and, while driving into town, I came across a beat-up vehicle half buried in the snow about a mile from our house. There were two men in the vehicle and, as I pulled up next to them, I noticed that the passenger was the same young man I ran into earlier.

I reminded him that they were trespassing and when the driver started to get out of the car, I also reminded him that everyone carries a weapon in Montana. He got back into the car and I called the sheriff.

Long story short, both were noted drug dealers with warrants for their arrests. They were taken into custody and are being without bail.

I am not sure what to think about all this... frankly, we thought we had gotten away from this sort of behavior by moving to Montana. It has left me a bit uneasy about being off the beaten path.

Interesting comment by the sheriff -- apparently, under Montana's "Castle Doctrine" i had the legal right to use deadly force if the driver did not return to his car. Hope I am never in that situation.
I hope you never have to avail yourself of that right, but it's good to know you have it.
Good morning Pops and Friends,

Another day in paradise! We went snowshoeing in Glacier National Park (only about 30 miles away). Nothing too strenuous; just a short walk to enjoy the park in winter.

Here is something weird: about a week ago a young man in his 20's or early 30's came strolling up our road with his dog. When I asked him what he was doing or whether he needed assistance, he just said he got lost walking his dog. Now, we live about 2.5 miles off the pavement with clearly maked signs announcing Private Road, No Trespassing and, to top it off, it was about 15 F.

I offered to give him a ride back to the road (my wife felt sorry for the dog). As we we driving back to the road, I continued to question the young man and, truthfully, his story simple didn't hold water. I matter-of-factly informed him he was on private property, that everyone in this area carries a sidearm and that, more often than not, the sheriff was called when strangers wandered around. Thinking my not-so -subtle comments would deter him from entering our property again, I didn't give it much more thought.

Fast forward to early yesterday morning and, while driving into town, I came across a beat-up vehicle half buried in the snow about a mile from our house. There were two men in the vehicle and, as I pulled up next to them, I noticed that the passenger was the same young man I ran into earlier.

I reminded him that they were trespassing and when the driver started to get out of the car, I also reminded him that everyone carries a weapon in Montana. He got back into the car and I called the sheriff.

Long story short, both were noted drug dealers with warrants for their arrests. They were taken into custody and are being without bail.

I am not sure what to think about all this... frankly, we thought we had gotten away from this sort of behavior by moving to Montana. It has left me a bit uneasy about being off the beaten path.

Interesting comment by the sheriff -- apparently, under Montana's "Castle Doctrine" i had the legal right to use deadly force if the driver did not return to his car. Hope I am never in that situation.
I hope I never get lost and get out of my car to ask you directions.
Good morning Pops and everyone.

I’m getting old. Hurt my back at some point and didn’t know it until I tried to get out of bed the other morning. Perhaps the worst sciatic attack I’ve had. I have a high pain tolerance, but this one has about brought me to tears. Got a TENS unit today and will work with it this weekend. Saw the chiro last night… I feel worse today (not uncommon) and am hoping I feel markedly better tomorrow.

Coach… how you doing buddy?
Good morning Pops and everyone.

I’m getting old. Hurt my back at some point and didn’t know it until I tried to get out of bed the other morning. Perhaps the worst sciatic attack I’ve had. I have a high pain tolerance, but this one has about brought me to tears. Got a TENS unit today and will work with it this weekend. Saw the chiro last night… I feel worse today (not uncommon) and am hoping I feel markedly better tomorrow.

Coach… how you doing buddy?
Doing OK, Jan, thanks for asking.

Had to get a test on Thursday since I had a small bout with chills but that was negative. Everyone in my family in Austin has had it and my grandkids are just getting over it.

I had a bad back for years, two herniated discs, so I know how bad that can be. Hope you begin to get some relief.
Good afternoon Pops and everyone.

Ok, all kidding aside, while my user name here is GrammaJan, I am only 54 years old (7 grandkids, but I’m not the one who had them so don’t judge the #;)) so I’m having a little trouble understanding something I just found in the house I bought almost 2 years ago.

When my back gets better, I will get out the stepstool and more fully investigate the cupboards in the kitchen, but today I ran across a foil covered brick (like for building a house, not something smuggled across the border in the fender of a car) in one of the upper cabinets. The person I bought this house from was fairly religious and did not believe in ghosts, so if it was her that left it here I’ve kind of ruled that idea out for her having put it there… but I’m just not sure what other use it would have in the house considering where it was located. It certainly was not accessible as a weapon should somebody break in (and I have alternate, more automatic options for that circumstance - that’s a callback to ColoCowboy’s message earlier). Doorstop is definitely out of the question, and there is no cooking grease or other film on it that would indicate that she used it to compress chicken, bacon or other items while cooking in the oven. Does anybody hear have any ideas about what this might have been for? Perhaps it belonged to the person that she bought the house from and he was trying to fend off ghosts. I don’t know. I just found it to be an odd discovery. Clearly I need to more fully investigate the cabinets and cupboards in the house.

Go ahead. let’s hear everyone’s entertaining thoughts on the what and why of this thing.

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