Happy Thanksgiving Pops. Happy Thanksgiving Fellas.
Looks like we got a nice day here in NM. It's brisk but not cold. The Sun is shinning and there is no wind. My oldest just got home from work. My next oldest is not here yet but should be shortly. The Oldest Daughter stayed here last night. Youngest Son is headed to his Girl Friends house and will be here later. The Youngest Daughter is here in the Kitchen, telling me how to inject the Turkey. Momma's making stuffing, laughing the whole time.
It's a good day all and all.
Bob, Jobs, Ologan, Leon, I hope all of you have a great Thanksgiving. Phil, I know yours has come and gone but maybe you can sneak a Turkey Leg in and celebrate with your neighbors to the South.
I wish all of you nothing but good things today. All be well, be safe and have fun today!