Morning Pops. Morning fellas and low and behold, I see we might have picked up a new poster! Morning Barney.
Happy Friday to all. I hope everybody is doing well. Looking forward to this weekend. Gotta go look at some tile for the house tomorrow. As some of you may know, my house flooded last fall and the hardwood floors in the game room just completely warped. Originally, I wanted to just replace it with more oak but after getting some guys in to have a look, no way I can match it. Since the living room and game room are essentially just one big room with a pillared divider, I will likely have to do some sort of transition but I'm really liking some of the new tile. It's come a long way.
Gonna also rewire my trailer this weekend and replace all of the running lights and tail lights. My oldest is moving into a house and he's going to need it to get himself situated. Momma's been on me for the last two weeks to get that done so I guess I 'm gonna take a couple hours and see to it on Sat.
Maybe cook up some Green Chile Stew on Sunday. That would be nice.
Everybody, take good care and enjoy the weekend!