Morning Weldon! Say hello to all. Morning Leon, JB, Phil, ologan, ABQ, barney, and the rest of the gang. Clearing out Mom's last few things in storage today. My brother's birthday, too. I'll have to eat and drink a toast. Poor me. Have a great weekend.
Morning Pops. Morning Fellas. Hope everybody had a great weekend.
Man, been so busy lately. I have a project going on that's really sucking up my time. Usually gone and working by 5 to try and get a few hours in before I have to work on my regular job but it's good to just stop in and say hello to Pops and the rest of you fellas. I feel like I'm cheating on you guys. LOL......
Afternoon Pops, ABQ, Jobb, Leon, Barney Brit, and a host of others. Haven't had time to hit the golf course yet, Leon, but it's only a matter of time.......shortly, I hope!