LeonDixson Illegitimi non carborundum Messages 12,299 Reaction score 6,808 Mar 11, 2014 #12,181 Morning, Pops. Morning Zoners. We're headed off to San Antonio for a few days. Have a great day everyone.
Morning, Pops. Morning Zoners. We're headed off to San Antonio for a few days. Have a great day everyone.
ABQCOWBOY Regular Joe.... Messages 58,929 Reaction score 27,716 Mar 11, 2014 #12,182 Morning Pops. Morning Fellas and good morning to anybody new who might stop this way. Hope everybody is well today. Working from Maryland this week. Looks like I brought the rain. Oh well............ Have a great day everybody!
Morning Pops. Morning Fellas and good morning to anybody new who might stop this way. Hope everybody is well today. Working from Maryland this week. Looks like I brought the rain. Oh well............ Have a great day everybody!
jobberone Kane Ala Messages 54,219 Reaction score 19,659 Mar 11, 2014 #12,183 Morning Pops. Morning to all the gang. Getting new eyelets for the stove. Rah! Highlight of the week. I always manage to have fun.
Morning Pops. Morning to all the gang. Getting new eyelets for the stove. Rah! Highlight of the week. I always manage to have fun.
Phrozen Phil Well-Known Member Messages 3,994 Reaction score 91 Mar 11, 2014 #12,184 Happy belated birthday, Cbz40. You are still missed, Pops.
ABQCOWBOY Regular Joe.... Messages 58,929 Reaction score 27,716 Mar 12, 2014 #12,185 Morning Pops. Morning Fellas and good morning to anybody who may stop this way. Nice post Phil and you are right. He is still missed. Have a great day everybody.
Morning Pops. Morning Fellas and good morning to anybody who may stop this way. Nice post Phil and you are right. He is still missed. Have a great day everybody.
justbob Just taking it easy Messages 7,834 Reaction score 1,134 Mar 12, 2014 #12,186 Morning Pops -----We are starting a new wareless morning And I agree as long as those that knew him are around -Pops will be missed.....Hopefully his spirit and ways of doing things always will be.
Morning Pops -----We are starting a new wareless morning And I agree as long as those that knew him are around -Pops will be missed.....Hopefully his spirit and ways of doing things always will be.
barney Active Member Messages 276 Reaction score 45 Mar 13, 2014 #12,187 Morning pops boys and girls have a great day all
kristie Well-Known Member Messages 8,504 Reaction score 804 Mar 13, 2014 #12,188 morning, everyone!!!
ABQCOWBOY Regular Joe.... Messages 58,929 Reaction score 27,716 Mar 13, 2014 #12,189 Morning Pops. Morning Fellas and good morning to anybody who may stop this way. Thursday, one more day and then hopefully, I can get home. Going through Chicago so sometimes you never know this time of year. Keeping my finger crossed. Everybody, have a great day!
Morning Pops. Morning Fellas and good morning to anybody who may stop this way. Thursday, one more day and then hopefully, I can get home. Going through Chicago so sometimes you never know this time of year. Keeping my finger crossed. Everybody, have a great day!
jobberone Kane Ala Messages 54,219 Reaction score 19,659 Mar 13, 2014 #12,190 Morning Pops. Morning barney, kristie and ABQ. Cool here but sunny. Hope you all have a great day! ABQ be safe and hope you get thru Chi fine.
Morning Pops. Morning barney, kristie and ABQ. Cool here but sunny. Hope you all have a great day! ABQ be safe and hope you get thru Chi fine.
Phrozen Phil Well-Known Member Messages 3,994 Reaction score 91 Mar 13, 2014 #12,191 Good morning, Cbz and good morning, all Zoners. I'll echo Jobberone's cautionary note to ABQ and anybody else travellling in questionable weather. Take care and be safe.
Good morning, Cbz and good morning, all Zoners. I'll echo Jobberone's cautionary note to ABQ and anybody else travellling in questionable weather. Take care and be safe.
barney Active Member Messages 276 Reaction score 45 Mar 14, 2014 #12,192 Good morning pops and all you regulars above! TGIF the weekend will soon be upon us have a great day and weekend all
Good morning pops and all you regulars above! TGIF the weekend will soon be upon us have a great day and weekend all
LeonDixson Illegitimi non carborundum Messages 12,299 Reaction score 6,808 Mar 14, 2014 #12,193 Morning, Pops and Zoners. We're back from San Antonio. Had a lot of fun, food, friendship and spirits but it's good to be home.
Morning, Pops and Zoners. We're back from San Antonio. Had a lot of fun, food, friendship and spirits but it's good to be home.
Phrozen Phil Well-Known Member Messages 3,994 Reaction score 91 Mar 14, 2014 #12,194 Good morning, Cbz40 and all Zoners. The weekend is nigh!
LeonDixson Illegitimi non carborundum Messages 12,299 Reaction score 6,808 Mar 15, 2014 #12,195 Morning, Pops. Morning, everyone and Welcome To The Weekend!
barney Active Member Messages 276 Reaction score 45 Mar 16, 2014 #12,196 Morning pops Phil Leon ABQ and the rest of you boys hope you and everyone else are enjoying the weekend
Morning pops Phil Leon ABQ and the rest of you boys hope you and everyone else are enjoying the weekend
LeonDixson Illegitimi non carborundum Messages 12,299 Reaction score 6,808 Mar 16, 2014 #12,197 Morning, Pops and everyone. Enjoy your Sunday.
ologan Well-Known Member Messages 4,189 Reaction score 616 Mar 16, 2014 #12,198 Morning Pops, Leon ,and Sunday followers. Glad you enjoyed SA, Leon. Hope you've had your fill of good mexican food! Stay safe, all!
Morning Pops, Leon ,and Sunday followers. Glad you enjoyed SA, Leon. Hope you've had your fill of good mexican food! Stay safe, all!
justbob Just taking it easy Messages 7,834 Reaction score 1,134 Mar 16, 2014 #12,199 Afternoon Pops and thanks to all the old and new that keeps Pop's yard watered and the coffee hot
LeonDixson Illegitimi non carborundum Messages 12,299 Reaction score 6,808 Mar 17, 2014 #12,200 Morning, Pops. Morning everyone. Have a good one.