FEATURED Morning Pops!

Morning Pops and all! I hate it when they reschedule things I was looking forward to, Leon. Was it weather related? It's not that cold front that's supposed to bring us snow on Tuesday,is it?
Stay safe, all.

BTW.......you're letting that gate open again, Phil!
Morning, Pops. Morning everyone and have a great day.

Morning Pops and all! I hate it when they reschedule things I was looking forward to, Leon. Was it weather related? It's not that cold front that's supposed to bring us snow on Tuesday,is it?
Stay safe, all.
We had a fairly high wind and 20 or 30 % chance of rain. That caused 24 people to cancel so the pro shop postponed it til next week.
Morning Pops, Leon, and Monday followers. Don't worry, Leon.....next week will probably bring short sleeve weather for you. Stay safe, my friend!
Morning Pops. Morning everybody.

Tired this morning. Lots of old aches and pains but that's what happens when you get past a certain age. I know you guys know. LOL...

Have a great day everybody.
Good afternoon, Cbz and all Zoners. Our entry into spring continues to be delayed. Still dealing with freezing temps. I'll let you know if I find the gate. somebody keeps moving it. Enjoy the day, all of you. :D
Good morning, Cbz and all Zoners. We are slated to get more snow over the next few days. By reports, it could be quite a bit. Still can't find the gate. Take care, all of you. :D
Morning Pops. Morning Jobs, Bob, Phil, Leon, Ologan, Kristie, Barney and anybody else who may drop in.

Having some great weather here the last few days. I'm sure we still have a little cold left but I hope we are about done with it soon.

Everybody, have a great day!
Morning, Pops. Morning, friends. Looks like we'll get some rain today. Have a great day, everyone.
Good morning Cbz and all Zoners. We're getting snow and will continue to get it for a couple more days. Winter will just not go away. Enjoy your day, whatever it brings.:D
Morning, Pops and Zoners. We got a nice rain yesterday morning and when it stopped I played golf. Supposed to be mid-80's today and tomorrow.

Have a great day everyone.
Good morning, Cbz and all Zoners. I used my snowblower in Mrach for the first time, ever. Enjoy your day, all of you.:D
Morning Pops, Leon, and crew. Nice to get out and hit the ball, isn't it, Leon! I hope to start hitting the course myself in the next couple of weeks. Rusty, rusty,rusty.
Morning, Pops and Zoners.

ologan, sometimes you play better after a long layoff. I think it's because we forget all our bad habits and all those silly adjustments we were making in our swing in an effort to hit the ball straight. Ha ha.

Have a great day everyone.
Morning Pops, Leon, and Sunday morning/afternoon/evening followers. I know what you mean, Leon. I seem to do better just starting off a season, then I tend to press to hard, and over analyze everything in my golf game. I think the best advice is to just go with it and have fun!
Morning, Pops and Cowboys fans. I hope you find joy and prosperity in this new week.
Morning Pops, Leon, and all. Ahhhh Monday.....one day closer to next Monday (for you gainfully employed!)
Morning Pops! Morning Fellas and good morning to anybody who stop this way.

Looks like a great week weather wise, here in Albuquerque. I hope the winter is gone but it probably isn't. We will probably get pounded into submission right around Easter, as usual.

Be well everybody!