FEATURED Morning Pops!

Morning Pops and gang! We have no wind other than the small amount blown this way by Bob. :) Been perfect weather here lately although occasionally a tad warm at times. Reminds me of the area above San Francisco and Qingdao. A bit too cool for Honolulu. Nairobi at the beginning of the wet season, too.
Morning, Pops. Morning Cowboys fans. Welcome to the Weekend! We're getting a little bit of welcomed rain this morning.
Morning Pops. Morning Leon. Glad it's raining there if you're happy about it. Going to grandson's soccer game so no rain wished here. It's his birthday so early soccer then party this evening. He's a good kid. You guys have a great day. Go Clemson and Carolina.
Morning, Pops and Everyone. Have a blessed day today. Jobb, we are still in a drought status here so it's all welcome right now. I hope you had fun with your grandson, and I'm sure you did.
Morning Pops! Morning Leon. Sry to hear about the drought. We haven't had a lot of rain and aren't as green as usual but we aren't in true drought status. The pond behind the house is almost dry. It's really more of a playa lake actually although their is a very tiny branch that feeds it. I miss the birds there.

I wish all a good day and go Boys!
Morning Pops, Jobb, Leon, and all. Had ahalf inch of rain, slow soaking type, overnight. My weather station says we've had a little less than 50 inches so far this year, unlike last year when we had 100 inches for the year, and......GO COWBOTS!!!
Morning pops ologan Jobb and zoners raining out side but it's a beautiful day after a beautiful win last night.
Morning, Pops and Cowboys fans around the world. Where have you been, barney? Good to see you back. Way to go, Cowboys! They dominated the game, except for the turnovers.
Morning Pops...Morning all.Heckler of a good day... Guessing the weather made down tto you Leon
Morning Pops, Leon, Barney, and those enjoying a most satisfying cup of coffee this morning. Great game ......Time to move on!!!
Morning Pops. Morning Fellas and good morning to any who may decide to stop in.

Man, everything is better this week. House could burn down and I'd probably be like, "Well, that sucks..... Where we going to watch the Cowboys game?"
Morning, Pops and peeps. Happy hump day!

Morning Pops. Morning Fellas and good morning to any who may decide to stop in.

Man, everything is better this week. House could burn down and I'd probably be like, "Well, that sucks..... Where we going to watch the Cowboys game?"

I know exactly how you feel, ABQ.
Morning Pops, Leon, ABQ, late arrivals.....Week flying by, stay safe all!
Morning Pops. Morning Leon, morning Ologan, Barney, Jobs, morning Bobby. Also good morning to anybody I might have missed or who might decide to drop in to check things out.

Week is flying by fast, no doubt. That's a good thing. I'm racing to Sunday at this point.
Good morning, (barely) Cbz and all fellow Zoners. I have been remiss in my postings, but I was afraid I was asleep and did not want to wake up. Enjoy your day! :D
Morning, Pops. Morning everyone. We are edging closer to the weekend and the Giants game. Have a great day!
Morning Pops, Leon, Phil, and all.Thought you might be oiling the hinges on that gate, Phil, letting a little cool breeze slip down our way.Keep 'er closed for just a little while longer, if you can!:)