FEATURED Morning Pops!

Morning Pops. Morning all. It's another day in paradise. One of the dogs woke me up at 4 to go outside. She's getting to be about my age I reckon. House is cold. Two extra blankets on the wife who could sleep thru a tank battle I suppose. Took the old dog to her bed and covered her up. She hasn't moved. Now it's me and the young pup wandering around.

Bob, I think I asked before but I forgot. What is the dogs you're breeding?
Morning Pops. Morning Fellas and good morning to anybody who might stop in.

Jobs, I understand what you are saying. Had to take my truck over to my Buddies last night to change the Oil Pressure Sensor on it. Can't do it myself without taking off the entire manifold. It's located on the back of the block, near the top end so it's much easier if you have the right tool to take it off without going to the trouble of removing the manifold. Anyhow, long story short, finished it up around 8:00 and went home. Brought in the dogs and man, it was cold. Felt bad that I had left them out. Dogs are people too!

Morning Pops. Morning all. It's another day in paradise. One of the dogs woke me up at 4 to go outside. She's getting to be about my age I reckon. House is cold. Two extra blankets on the wife who could sleep thru a tank battle I suppose. Took the old dog to her bed and covered her up. She hasn't moved. Now it's me and the young pup wandering around.

Bob, I think I asked before but I forgot. What is the dogs you're breeding?

Working bloodlines of Australian Shepherds
Working bloodlines of Australian Shepherds

I'm keeping my son's Finnish Laphund right now. She herds reindeer although with the current paucity of reindeer in these parts she tries to herd our neighbors horses who consider her minimally amusing. I love Aussie's.
Morning Pops. Morning Fellas and good morning to anybody who might stop in.

Jobs, I understand what you are saying. Had to take my truck over to my Buddies last night to change the Oil Pressure Sensor on it. Can't do it myself without taking off the entire manifold. It's located on the back of the block, near the top end so it's much easier if you have the right tool to take it off without going to the trouble of removing the manifold. Anyhow, long story short, finished it up around 8:00 and went home. Brought in the dogs and man, it was cold. Felt bad that I had left them out. Dogs are people too!


Yes they are. I have two son's dogs. The Finnish Laphund is one of two dogs approved to be kenneled outside in winter in Finland. But she lives inside with me but outside with my son. The other is a Boxer who is old at 8. She gets covered up at night. They are my children, too.
Morning Pops! Morning Gang. Have a good one! Slept under my Mom's sleeping blanket. Ahhhhh!
Morning Pops and good morning to all the regulars and anybody who might come in to check out the thread.

Yes Jobs, it's amazing how attached you can become to Dogs. I, myself, have 4. I have two American Bulls (3 and 8), A Staffordshire Terrior (9) and my Wife's little Dog, a Dauchshund (6 Months). The little Dog stays inside all the time. The other three go out in the days but sleep inside at night. Like me, the two older ones are, well, getting old.

Good morning, Cbz and all Zoners. I'm watching the weather in the Buffalo area with some concern. Look after yourselves, wherever you are. Bob, Here's hoping for warm weather for your new pups.:D
Morning, Pops and peeps. We warmed up a little bit the last couple of days and yesterday and I played golf in short sleeves. It was a welcome break from the early winter. Have a great day, everyone.
Morning Pops. Morning Fellas and good morning to all who might drop in.

Folks in the NE could certainly use a break. Here's hoping the weather breaks for them and they can dig out.

Have a great day everybody!
Good morning, Cbz and all Zoners. I'll echo ABQ's wish for the weather to break. Enjoy your day and your entry into the weekend. :D
Evening Pops and all! Back from Branson, and glad to be home. Warming a bit, and good rain coming Sunday. Glad to hear about all the pup lovers here. Our two Springers are spoiled rotten. Somebody asked me one time if our dogs stayed outside at night. I told him "outside the covers...sometimes!". Wouldn't have it any other way.Just as a curiosity, Justbob, how much do your Australian pups go for?
Morning, Pops, ologan, Bob, Jobb, ABQ, Phil, etal. Welcome to the Weekend! We are supposed to get some rain today.
Morning Pops, Leon ,and followers. I know you need the rain, Leon. We're supposed to get 2"-3" tomorrow. Have to clean the gutters out today!
Morning, Pops and Folks. It's game day. I"m rooting for the Cowboys to beat the Giants and for Philthy, San Franfreako, Seattle and and Green Bay to all lose.
Morning Pops and good morning to all the regulars and anybody who might come in to check out the thread.

Yes Jobs, it's amazing how attached you can become to Dogs. I, myself, have 4. I have two American Bulls (3 and 8), A Staffordshire Terrior (9) and my Wife's little Dog, a Dauchshund (6 Months). The little Dog stays inside all the time. The other three go out in the days but sleep inside at night. Like me, the two older ones are, well, getting old.


Sucks getting old but the alternative is well...I left the Boxer with my brother for my trip to TX. And I sent the Finnish back to my son.
Morning Pops and all. We're in Vicksburg on the way to Winnsboro TX for the holidays. I stopped here so I could let my wife see the Mississippi in the daylight. We stopped around 6 last night. Have a good day today all.
Morning Pops, Jobb, Leon, and all! We stop in Vicksburg on our trips to Texas, as it's about half way. When you travel with SWMBO (She who must be obeyed), and two pups, you make frequent stops......if I was travelling alone, the stops would be few and far between.
Morning, Pops and all of you nice folks. We're still in the hunt! Now if we can cook some Eagle goose on turkey day we'll have the odds on our side. Have a great day, everyone.

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