FEATURED Morning Pops!

Morning, pops. Morning, friends. I guess we've got some of Phil's cold weather moving in tonight and tomorrow. I'm going to try to get in a round of golf this morning to tie me over. One of my golfing buddies died after a year-long battle with cancer. His funeral is tomorrow. One of the nicest guys I ever met.
Morning Pops and Leon. Howdy Cowboys. A bit warmer this morning after I made breakfast and took care of the dog.
Morning, pops. Morning, friends. I guess we've got some of Phil's cold weather moving in tonight and tomorrow. I'm going to try to get in a round of golf this morning to tie me over. One of my golfing buddies died after a year-long battle with cancer. His funeral is tomorrow. One of the nicest guys I ever met.

Morning Pops, Leon, and Sunday followers. Sorry to hear about your golfing buddy. Went to a memorial service yesterday for one of our friends who passed this last week at 42! He had McCardles(sp) disease or syndrome his whole life. I I'd never heard of it before. It just reinforces enjoying every round of golf, good or bad, to it's fullest. I know you understand this, Leon! Looks like the bad weather will be on you soon, Leon....stay safe!
Morning Pops.....Morning folks.Time to feed and turn everything loose....Colder then a well diggers....well you know.Have a blessed day
Morning, Pops and fellas. The coffee always tastes better in cold weather. I'm glad I'm not up there in the panhandle where Bob is, even though the coffee must be fantastic. Ologan, I'm sorry to hear about your friend. 42 is entirely too young to pass on.
Morning Pops, Morning Leon. Can't type evryones name ,my fingers are to cold....Have a safe day
Morning Pops. Morning Fellas and good morning to anybody who may decide to check out the thread.

Decent weekend. Decided to get out of town for a short while so headed down to Alamagordo for a little Motocross Racing. Got in on Friday night and ate a little something. We have family stationed in Holloman so we had a chance to play with the triplets (Milly, Lilly and Cade), two years old. That was a lot of fun. Headed out to the track on Saturday, beautiful day. Not to cold and no wind. Sunday we went back out, rained on us and it was pretty cold but still fun. Got back Sunday evening and back at work. Needed to get away for a little bit so it was just what the Dr. ordered.

Hope everybody had a great weekend as well. Happy Monday everybody!
Morning Pops. Morning Fellas and good morning to anybody who may decide to check out the thread.

Decent weekend. Decided to get out of town for a short while so headed down to Alamagordo for a little Motocross Racing. Got in on Friday night and ate a little something. We have family stationed in Holloman so we had a chance to play with the triplets (Milly, Lilly and Cade), two years old. That was a lot of fun. Headed out to the track on Saturday, beautiful day. Not to cold and no wind. Sunday we went back out, rained on us and it was pretty cold but still fun. Got back Sunday evening and back at work. Needed to get away for a little bit so it was just what the Dr. ordered.

Hope everybody had a great weekend as well. Happy Monday everybody!

Great. Glad to see you having some fun.
Morning, Pops, Bob, Jobb, ABQ, ologan, Phil. We woke up to snow yesterday and it snowed most of the day. It should melt away today as it is supposed to be in the mid-40's today. ABQ, sounds like you had a nice weekend. Are the triplets grandchildren, nieces/nephew or what?
Morning Pops, Morning all..Two semi warm days to get work done and then cold again.Blessed with a job that doesn't require me to leave home very often. Have a safe day everyone.
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Morning, Pops and friends. I'm just going to veg out today and watch the rain with a cup of coffee in my hands. Ah, the simple life.
Morning Pops. Howdy Leon. I'm having veggies for breakfast! :) Hope you all have a great day.
Afternooon Cbz. Afternoon all. Spent all morning moving hay and getting everything ready for what's looks like a week of very cold and snowing weather...Wish Leon still had his garage in the Islands.
Morning, Pops and everyone. Bob, I'm tempted to look for a Condo in the Bahamas and spend some of the winter months there. It probably wouldn't have a garage but you could pitch a tent in the Golf Cart parking area.

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