FEATURED Morning Pops!

Morning, Pops and Peeps. I had a miserable game of golf yesterday. Couldn't do anything right. Wish me better luck today. Have a good day, folks.
Good morning, Cbz and all Zoners. We got 8 inches of snow on the weekend and we may get more today. Hopefully, this will melt by the weekend. Enjoy your day.:D
Morning, Pops and Zoners. Bright sunny day yesterday and more of the same projected for today. Beautiful!
Morning, Pops and Peeps. I had a miserable game of golf yesterday. Couldn't do anything right. Wish me better luck today. Have a good day, folks.

Never had a bad day... Just days when I found alot of lost balls in the rough and trees... Figured if I came home with more then I lost it was a good day.:D
Morning, Pops, friends and neighbors. Bob, I just about break even on the balls lost/found. When folks ask me what brand of ball I use, I answer "found". Have a great day, everyone.
Morning, Pops and Cowboys fans everywhere. Bob, how did your conference calls go a few days ago? Do you have travel in your future? Jobb, have you closed on the Hawaii property yet? Any idea on when the move will occur?

Have a great day everyone.
Morning Pops..Morning all. Calls went well ,Leon...May be going to Sri. To look at a 2002 case.Still waiting on the financial arrangements to be finalized. Other then an East Tex trip in Jun(that will never happen) I am home with the wife and dogs for a while. Might have to dig out the clubs
Morning Pops, Leon, JB, and Friday followers. Landed at Love late yesterday, and, after picking up rental, the first stop was TEX MEX food!! Slight case of "E.I." This morning..........enchilada indigestion....but well worth it! Wish this quick trip to my home state could be longer. Think I'll try to round me up a new jersey while here.......decisions, decisions.........T Fred, or Martin?????? Any suggestions? Stay safe, all!
Morning Pops, Leon, JB, and Friday followers. Landed at Love late yesterday, and, after picking up rental, the first stop was TEX MEX food!! Slight case of "E.I." This morning..........enchilada indigestion....but well worth it! Wish this quick trip to my home state could be longer. Think I'll try to round me up a new jersey while here.......decisions, decisions.........T Fred, or Martin?????? Any suggestions? Stay safe, all!

Buy both and give me the extra
Morning Pop and fellas. Hope you have a good one. Ologan enjoy your stay. Send me tacos and burritos. No beans for everyone's sake though.

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