FEATURED Morning Pops!

Morning Pops! Morning barney and Leon. Howdy ABQ, Bob, Phil, ologan and any I missed. Dog had another two cancers removed yesterday. That's four in a couple of months or so. I feel so sorry for her but she is doing well. Going to see my son and grandson today or tomorrow. Have a good one people.
Morning Pops, Morning all....Another day of managing by the members....Perhaps we will find a new GM and running back in the membership.:)
Morning Pops, Morning all....Another day of managing by the members....Perhaps we will find a new GM and running back in the membership.:)

Don't count your chickens until they hatch. Lots of feral chickens in Hawaii.
Morning Pops.Morning all.Welcome to the weekend...Still trying to figure out a name for the new pup.Have tried several,but they just aren't right..Meanwhile the natives are restless around here.
Morning Pops. Happy Birthday Leon! Hope you have a wonderful day. Same to the rest of you guys.
Evening Pops, Leon, Jobb, JB, and good to see you again, Barney Brit.It's your Bday, Leon? Enjoy and treat yourself to a good round of golf.
Stay safe, all!
Miss the birthday party again .... Dang it....Happy Birthday Leon.... New pictures up Vince
Morning, Pops and all faces in the crowd. Thanks for the birthday wishes, guys. I reached the 70 years old milestone yesterday. I thank God for all he has blessed me with. Have a great day, everyone.
Morning Pops, JB, Leon, and all. Caught the pics, JB!Great!! 70 Leon?? I feel much better now, closing in on 68! Just remember the old adage............Growing old is mandatory..growing up is optional!!! Enjoy the day, and stay safe!
Morning, Pops. Morning everyone. You're still a spring chicken, ologan. But you're right; we don't have to grow up. Have a great day, everyone.
Morning Pops. Ologan you are as young as you feel. You and Leon have a good day. Have a great one guys.
You ain't holding your mouth right.

Always hold it open and slightly tilted back as I take my morning advil.. 4 cups of coffee and three advil and I'm good to go. Just slower then I did. But I'm not complaining ...I'm good soon as I loosen up.
Always hold it open and slightly tilted back as I take my morning advil.. 4 cups of coffee and three advil and I'm good to go. Just slower then I did. But I'm not complaining ...I'm good soon as I loosen up.

If you can manage cattle and horses you ain't too bad old man.
If you can manage cattle and horses you ain't too bad old man.

I'm not ... Course its the crazy horses and cattle of my youth that makes me hobble a little today..... But I am breathing and walking so I'm grateful. Few of my wreaks could have ended one of the two. I just enjoy being grumpy :muttley:
I'm not ... Course its the crazy horses and cattle of my youth that makes me hobble a little today..... But I am breathing and walking so I'm grateful. Few of my wreaks could have ended one of the two. I just enjoy being grumpy :muttley:

You Grumpy! Never!

Morning Pops and all. Have a great day.

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