FEATURED Morning Pops!

Morning Pops ---Morning all. Hope the back is better Leon. Should be a nice day on the links.
Morning, Pops. Good morning everyone. I played nine holes yesterday and Wednesday and the back has held up just fine. Everyone have a great day.
Morning Pops. Morning Fellas and to all who may be silent participants.

Busy this morning but that's not a bad thing.

Have a great day everybody!
Morning Pops, Morning Leon and those still snoozing. Worked pretty hard yesterday so I have declared a 4 day weekend. Mainly because the wind is suppose to blow and I can't get anything done.
Morning Pops. Morning Fellas a good morning to all who are just dropping in to check stuff out.

It's Friday and for me, that's the end of the work week I get paid for. Now starts the work week I don't get paid for. Nice weather here so that means yard work. Oh well......

Everybody, have a great weekend!
Morning, Pops. Morning everyone and I hope this Monday morning finds everyone safe and happy.
Morning Pops , Morning Leon and the regulars.. Have a hot cup of joe on me and enjoy the week. Little free agent action is just around the corner.
Morning Pops. Morning fellas and a good Monday Morning to any who may be out there lurking.

Everybody, have a great week!
Morning Pops. Morning Fellas and good morning to anybody who may stop in a bit later just to check stuff out.

Got a lot of stuff going on today so I'll leave it at that.

Everybody, have a great day!
Morning, Pops. Morning, ABQ and the rest of the gang. Enjoy your day, everyone.
Morning Pops. Howdy everyone. Not a lot going on. Wife gets back Friday and adopted daughter coming in an hour later. Going to get busy.
Morning Pops. Morning Fellas and good morning to all of you who may just come in and read the thread without posting.

Jobs, glad to see you are not sailing rudderless after Friday! Morning Leon, have a great day everybody!

Morning, Pops. Morning, everyone. We had lots of thunder showers yesterday and a tornado touched down about 15 miles away from us. The thunder storms don't appear to be letting up this morning. I hope you all have a very enjoyable hump day.
Afternoon Pops ....Jerry. sign somebody so the natives will have something solid to chew on.

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