FEATURED Morning Pops!

:banghead:Morning Pops, fellas. Hope everyone has a great weekend. For me, I've got to go out. In the woods and get a dozer unstuck. Not sure how it will all unfold.
Morning, Pops and everyone. Go Cowboys!

strollinruss, did you get the dozer unstuck? What did you you have to do to get it out?
Morning Pops. Morning Fellas and good morning to any who may have the good fortune of stopping in at some point today.

Hope everybody had a great weekend. For me, was a very good weekend for Football.

Have a great week everybody!
Morning, Pops and all of Y'all. I'm still riding high after the win over the Commanders. Have a great day, folks.
Morning Pops. Morning Fellas and good morning to anybody who may be dropping in to read, as opposed to post.

Thursday already! Man, this week is flying. Hope everybody is doing well today. Have a great day everyone!
Morning, Pops and everyone. Go Cowboys!

strollinruss, did you get the dozer unstuck? What did you you have to do to get it out?
Yup, got it out. Had to get a little Terex excavator out there and dig all the way around like it was on this little 'mud island' then ran a couple of chains to the nearest tree and used 6 way blade to work it out. Took a while but worked.
Morning Pops. Morning Fellas and good morning to any who may just stop in to read.

Hope everybody has some good stuff lined up for the weekend.

Be well everybody!
Morning, Pops. Morning ABQ and everyone else who drops in Welcome to the Weekend!
Good morning pops, fellas. Hope the weekend has some good times and relaxation in store for everyone. I me excited about Sunday night. I've been working the last two games and this will be the first time I get to watch the Boys.
Good morning, Cbz40 and all fellow Zoners. Just reflecting on Sunday Night's game and the good feeling that winning creates. Looking forward to the next game. I'm really enjoying the young guys. :D
Afternoon Pops. Phil, where you been? Hope you are doing well my friend.

Busy this morning but the afternoon seems to be coming inline. I'm headed out to pick up a sandwich, hope everybody is doing well today. Looking forward to 5 o'clock!

Bell well everybody!
Morning Pops, fellow Cowboys fans, and everyone else too I suppose. Hope everyone has a happy and productive day.
Morning Pops. Morning Fellas and good morning to any who might be passing through this thread today.

Hump Day! It sure is and I'm the hump. LOL......

Everybody, have a great day!
Morning, Pops, ABQ, Phil, strollingruss and anyone who drops in. The mornings have been a little more brisk this week. That makes the coffee taste even better. Have a great day!
Morning Pops. Morning Leon and good morning to the rest of you fellas. I hope all are in good spirits today.

Leon, best time of the year IMO. I love the fall. Brisk but not bitter cold. Football is here and you are still at a point in the season where hope is alive (LOL...) and you are right, a good cup of coffee, while always good, is better in the early morning when the floor is still cold and the temp is cool. Great observation my friend.

Everybody, have a great day!
Morning, Pops and Pups. TGIF. My granddaughter's 3rd grade class gets to do a cheer leading routine at Granbury High School's football game tonight. It should be really cute.

Have a grand day everyone!

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