FEATURED Morning Pops!

Morning, Pops and friends. I hope your week gets off to a good start today.
Morning Pops. Morning Fellas and good morning to any who may decide to stop in later. Been out of town for a few days so nice to be back.

Everybody, have a great day!
Morning Pops, morning Fellas and good morning to any and all who may stop by later.

Leon, how you been? Heat of the Summer is finally starting to tapper off. It's still in the mid to upper 80s and high 50s to low 60s for lows but the high 90s to 100+ are gone. At least for now LOL... We may get the odd hot day but should be nice from here on out. To be honest, this is probably the best time of year here. Just beautiful weather really. Enjoy it while I can before the Winter comes!

Have a great day everybody...
Morning, Pops and all of Y'all. I hope everyone has a wonderful day.

ABQ, I've been well. Thanks for asking. We had some fairly cool weather last week and lots of rain. This week the temps are back up near 100. Supposed to be 97 today. I took my 8 year old granddaughter to the game against the Dolphins last week and we had a ball. She watches the series on TV showing the tryouts for the Cowboys cheerleaders. When they came on the field, she was in awe. When they showed the close up of girls on the big screen she would tell me their names if she knew it. She knew several of them.

I hope you are doing well as well. Take care, my friend.
Morning Pops. Morning Fellas and good morning to anybody who may stop in and just check out the thread.

Leon, things like that, experiences you sometimes are lucky enough to share with Children or Grand Children are worth their weight in gold. Sounds like you and your Daughter had a great time. I am happy for you Brother. I'm sure I don't need to tell you this but I will anyway. Try to miss out on as few of those kinds of opportunities as you can. Once they are gone, they are gone for ever.

Everybody, have a great day!
Morning Pops. Morning Fellas and good morning.

It's Friday and not a moment too soon. I am good with it.

Anybody have any big plans for the weekend? Whatever the case, everybody, have a great day!
Morning Pops. Howdy all. More packing today. F350 goes to get oil and tranny fluids changed out. Might see a movie. Errand day in the States.
Morning, Pops and friends. I hope you enjoy the remainder of your weekend.
Morning Pops. Morning Fellas, hope everybody had a great weekend (in spite of the game).

Monday Morning and back at it. Hope everybody has a great Week!
Morning Pops. Morning all. Hope all is well. Little news for me.... Celebrated my 42 anniversary the 23rd and became a grandpa yesterday.
Being new here, I feel a little funny getting in with yalls traditions. Having read the first several posts in this thread I have a fairly good sense of the respect you guys had for one your own who passed on.

With that being said, its my honor to say Good Morning Pops, and all you guys. Look forward to getting to know y'all better!
Morning, Pops and friends and neighbors. Welcome strollinruss; I look forward to saying hi each morning.

We had a really sudden thunder storm last evening and it looks like it might have rained a lot more during the night. I hope my golf game doesn't get rained out today. Have a great hump day everyone.
Good morning, Pops, fellas. Wanted to make sure I say hi today since I may be a little busy for the next few mornings. Hope everyone has a great and productive day!

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