FEATURED Morning Pops!

Morning, Pops, ABQ, Trouty and all of you who pop in now and then. (BTW, I miss you guys) Today is game day and I hope you all enjoy the game immensely! Have a great day, everyone.
Morning Pops, morning fellas, and morning to all the Zoners. Game day, guys!!! So excited! I'm gonna be thinking about it all day. Think we have a good chance with this MIN squad. Everyone have a blessed and safe Thursday.
Morning Pops. Morning Fellas and good morning to all who might have opportunity to drop in today.

Gotta be honest, I hate Thursday Night Football but, if that's when the game is, I'll be watching. Go Cowboys!
Morning Pops. Morning Leon, Trouty, Jobs, where you at Buddy?

I hope everybody is doing well today. I am a little tired today, we had family over to watch the game last night. ABQJr and his girl, my Brothers and Sisters and their families and my oldest Daughter and Son in law. We had Posole, Green Chile Stew, Fried wrapped Hebrew Dogs, Tamales and lot of different snacks. Was a really nice time.

You know what, it's not the wins that are special about a season like this, it's the times you can spend together, enjoying the games. Those are the things that are really great to me.

Have a great Weekend everybody!
Morning, Pops. Morning everyone. Welcome to the Weekend! Good to hear from you, Jobs.
Morning Pops, morning ABQ, Leon, Jobber, and the rest of the fellas, and morning Zoners.

Saturday! Taking the little fellow to Olive Garden today. I tried to talk him out of it, in favor of Outback (I want a daggon steak), but he was steadfast for his fettuccine alfredo that he loves LOL

Everyone have a blessed and safe Saturday. 11-1 y'all :)
Morning Pops, fellas. Been busy past few days but wanted to tell everyone hi. So, hi. Watching the college football selection show for now. They are sure are making a big to do about all this stuff.
Morning Pops, morning fellas, and morning to all the Zoners. We got some nice help yesterday, only wish SEA would've lost. But the Giants loss is a nice consolation prize.

Everyone have a blessed and safe Monday.

How bout them Cowboys :)
Morning Pops. Morning Fellas and good morning to any who may stop in later.

Went to Gallup this weekend to visit friends and check out their Balloon Fiesta. There is a much bigger one here in Albuquerque but the one they have, it's pretty cool. They do it at Red Rock so the Balloons take off in an area surrounded by Red Cliff Stone Face. It looks really beautiful.

These are not my pics but it gives you an idea of what it looks like.



Morning Pops. Howdy all. Trying to get solar powered battery charger for the three batteries since its on a trailer now. Pain in the butt.
Morning, Pops and Pups. 47 degrees here which isn't bad. Awesome pics @ABQCOWBOY . They do look awesome lifting off with the cliffs as a background. Have a great day, everyone.
Morning Pops, morning ABQ, Jobber, Leon, all the fellas and to all the rest of the Zoners.

We're getting a BRE audit at my Dad's business so wish us luck. More specifically, me, since I'm kinda the guy that handles quite a bit of it :)

Everyone have a blessed and safe Tuesday, y'all.

Luv ya, Zoners :) @jobberone Luv your festive avatar!!!
Morning Pops. Morning Fellas and good morning to any who decide to drop in later.

Good luck Trouty.

Everybody, have a great day!
Morning Pops, morning fellas, and good morning to all the Zoners.

@ABQCOWBOY, thank you, this is day two. The auditor said it should only be one more day after today. Thank the good Lord.

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