FEATURED Morning Pops!

Morning, Pops and Cowboys fans. TGIF! It's warming up today so I'll finally get out to the golf course.

Everybody enjoy your day!

Morning Pops. Morning Fellas and good morning to any who might decide to stop in later.

Welcome to the weekend! I hope everybody has some good stuff going on this weekend. Wife got into the AP at about 12:30 last night so we didn't get to bed till about 2. Think we might grab an early dinner and maybe go see a movie. Been a long week for both her and I. This might be a good night to have somebody else cook, enjoy a flick and be in bed relatively early.

Everybody, have a great weekend!
Morning, Pops and Pen Pals. Welcome to the Weekend! Join us old retired farts in the land of ample time to do whatever you want. Enjoy!

Morning, Pops, ABQ, Jobb and anyone else who drops in. I am sooooo ready for this cold streak to end. It's been too cold to do any outdoor stuff most days. We even had a slight bit of snow yesterday. Well, enough complaining. The coffee is delicious. Have a great day.

Morning Pops. Morning Fellas and good morning to any who may stop in later today.

Leon, aint that always the way? In the Dog Days of Summer, you long for the cool of Fall and Winter. In the Freezing Temps of Winter, you long for the Warm lazy days of Summer.

Everybody, have a great day!
Morning, Pops and Pen Pals. Nothing much happening here today. I wish you all a good day.

Morning Pops. Morning Fellas and good morning to any who may stop in later today.

Leon, aint that always the way? In the Dog Days of Summer, you long for the cool of Fall and Winter. In the Freezing Temps of Winter, you long for the Warm lazy days of Summer.

Everybody, have a great day!
I tolerate the heat much, much better than the cold. Having said that, it was great living in Hawaii where the temps were perfectly accectable all year round. Do you feel the same about living there, @jobberone ?

Morning Pops. Morning Fellas and good morning to any who might stop in a little bit later.

I understand what you are saying Leon. It's not horribly cold here in NM but it gets into the 20s during the winter and over 100 in the summer. You got seasons here.

Everybody, have a great day!
Morning, Pops and brothers from different mothers. We are supposed to warm up to the high 60's today so I'm headed out to the golf course this morning.
Morning Pops. Morning Fellas, good morning to anybody who might still stop in later today.

Busy today guys. Hope everybody is off to a good start, hump day so lets get this one behind us and start planning for the weekend!
Morning, Pops and Pen Pals. As you get older it seems like the weeks, months and years go faster and faster. But this week is just flying by. I took my wife, mom-in-law and sister out to dinner for Valentines day last night and we had a great time. Y'all have a great day.

Morning Pops. Morning fellas and good morning to all who may decide to stop in later.

Valentines Day yesterday but it was kinda anti climatic, as it was also Ash Wednesday. Didn't really do anything special. Ashes and then came home and picked up LJS, which is not great but it is fish and it was quick. Gonna try and take the Wife out for a better supper this Saturday. Anyhow, I hope everybody is doing well today, it's Thursday so the end of the work week is in sight. Everyone, have a great day!
Morning, Pops and Pen Pals. Nothing much happening here today. I wish you all a good day.

I tolerate the heat much, much better than the cold. Having said that, it was great living in Hawaii where the temps were perfectly accectable all year round. Do you feel the same about living there, @jobberone ?


We love it esp the Big Island.

I big Aloha to all.
Morning, Pops and friends. Welcome to the Weekend. The masonary guys may come this morning, depending on the chance of rain, to remove some brick from the back of our bedroom so an addition can be added. #keepingthewifehappy. Have a great weekend, folks.

Morning Pops. Life is good for me, these days. Sure, I still feel a little sorry for myself on occasion (being a cry baby) but over all, life is very good for me right now. We have a warm day today, it's been cold and overcast here for several days so it's a nice treat. I miss you Old Man. I think I will go brew another pot of coffee and just sit outside on the deck for a little while.

Everybody, have a great day.
Morning, Pops, ABQ and Jobb. Morning to anyone else who drops in. Your morning yesterday sounds devine, ABQ. I hope you enjoyed it. I'll be savoring my 1st cup in a couple of minutes. Have a great day, boys.

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