FEATURED Morning Pops!


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Hey Pops and Popsadoodles. I watched the game and kept screwing up. I was in "stop the one with the ball" mode with a moderate lean towards the Chefs. I'd accidentally root for the Eagles to stop them and require a back track during instant replay. Fortunately, I had little stress. I felt like the Eagles were making a huge mistake by clock control in the 4th quarter. With five minutes left, those Chefs wallowed all over the field to take the lead. My stress came with them relying on their kicker. Maher flashback! NOOOOOO!

Oh, did y'all see the empty seats at the end zone? That wouldn't happen if the Cowboys were there.

The commercials were long and some didn't make sense. The delivery at the end missed the mark for me. I thought for sure one was a Snicker's commercial, with the "you aren't you when you're hungry". Fortunately, Tony Romo was in two by my count or was it a very long single commercial?

Rihanna is pretty much an unknown to me so I wasn't familiar with her music, but at least she wasn't trotting out a bunch of rappers as guest musicians. She was singing and I enjoyed her voice. It was a smooth half time show. I've since read that she hasn't performed in public since 2018 and is three months pregnant with her second child after giving birth nine months ago. I question her sanity. Any who.


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CowboysZone DIEHARD Fan
Good morning Pops and Friends,

Update on the NW Montana weather: it's snowing..Again. The temperature is only about 28-30 F, so this will turn into a slushy mess soon.

Here's one for the conspiracy enthusiasts - Montana could have easily taken down the Chinese balloon, however, the locals didn’t want to prematurely alert the fed regarding our defensive capabilities... I kid you not.


Well-Known Member
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CowboysZone DIEHARD Fan
Good morning Pops and Friends,

Update on the NW Montana weather: it's snowing..Again. The temperature is only about 28-30 F, so this will turn into a slushy mess soon.

Here's one for the conspiracy enthusiasts - Montana could have easily taken down the Chinese balloon, however, the locals didn’t want to prematurely alert the fed regarding our defensive capabilities... I kid you not.
So, I was looking at the weather forecast for next week: NW MT -5 F driving snow; San Antonio 75 F partly sunny. My wife is not entirely please with me.


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CowboysZone DIEHARD Fan
That's when you look her straight in the eye, and with conviction, tell her, "Hey, don't blame me! You knew I was an idiot when you married me!"
Nice approach; may have to try that. What has worked well so far is, "well, if you prefer to travel to Texas to take care of mother, I'll stay home". Generally, there are no more complaints


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CowboysZone DIEHARD Fan
Hold this one in your back pocket. "Or we could move my mother in with us".
No. Nope. Noppity nope.

Let me share a brief conversation I had with my wife today... hopefully, I won't get banned:

Wife: "What is President's Day?" Recall, she is not a US citizen and has only lived in the states for 7 years.

Conjuring up my high school civics class, I explain what I remember about President's Day.

Wife: "So, there is a federal holiday to celebrate a dumba$$?"

As the old Mastercard commercial said: Priceless!


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CowboysZone ULTIMATE Fan
Update on where I am at this time. I am 10 months past my expiration date and my body is still fighting this and I wouldn't say winning but not really losing either.

The labs continue to mystify them and they can only explain it as something within my DNA keeping this from progressing at the rate it should be by their prognosis. The oncologist does not ask me about the protocol I am on but her PA seems interested, so I share it with her.

And in the let's celebrate CC like a newborn, I gained another pound and have put on 4 since hitting my low, which was a major concern of theirs. Still have appetite and taste issues and they feel this could be symptoms of long haul Covid because they're not related to the cancer even though it is gastric.

Awhile back, I responded to one of Jan's posts about "why me"? Why am I not following the path most do with this particular cancer and I think I know part of it.

I asked the oncologist about scans and she looked at me with this puzzled look and asked "do you want scans"? I responded with "don't you"? She said she felt nothing when examining me and was pretty sure the traditional treatments were no longer a possibility with me so what purpose would a scan serve? Then she surprised me by saying she didn't know why my body was doing so well against this but she knew my attitude was a large part of it. Then she told me my attitude was "inspirational". I need to keep that going.

So, the "why me", I've deduced, is because being open and sharing my journey with others serves a purpose, even more purpose to my only other attribute, being a funny guy. But that comes in handy because by joking about this with strangers, I help de-demonize this monster into just a disease, it can't do anything more than take your life. It depends on fear to help it along and the damage that can do to your psyche is equal to that in your body. It can take my life; it cannot take me.

And my family and friends are far more comfortable with this and do not take pity on me because I do not allow self-pity, another ally of the monster's.

And I will share with my Pops friends the most wonderful discovery I've made on this journey. There are far more people that beat the prognosis and even beat the disease than we know about because there are few records kept on those that do not elect to do traditional treatments. Through my sharing, others share with me of either people they know or themselves and that just happened this past Thursday when I met two cancer survivors I would not have known had I not been open to the questions I was asked about my weight loss.

People who haven't seen me in while are a little shocked when they see the new svelte CC with panther like movements. A mature and deliberate moving panther but a panther just the same.


Well-Known Member
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Update on where I am at this time. I am 10 months past my expiration date and my body is still fighting this and I wouldn't say winning but not really losing either.

The labs continue to mystify them and they can only explain it as something within my DNA keeping this from progressing at the rate it should be by their prognosis. The oncologist does not ask me about the protocol I am on but her PA seems interested, so I share it with her.

And in the let's celebrate CC like a newborn, I gained another pound and have put on 4 since hitting my low, which was a major concern of theirs. Still have appetite and taste issues and they feel this could be symptoms of long haul Covid because they're not related to the cancer even though it is gastric.

Awhile back, I responded to one of Jan's posts about "why me"? Why am I not following the path most do with this particular cancer and I think I know part of it.

I asked the oncologist about scans and she looked at me with this puzzled look and asked "do you want scans"? I responded with "don't you"? She said she felt nothing when examining me and was pretty sure the traditional treatments were no longer a possibility with me so what purpose would a scan serve? Then she surprised me by saying she didn't know why my body was doing so well against this but she knew my attitude was a large part of it. Then she told me my attitude was "inspirational". I need to keep that going.

So, the "why me", I've deduced, is because being open and sharing my journey with others serves a purpose, even more purpose to my only other attribute, being a funny guy. But that comes in handy because by joking about this with strangers, I help de-demonize this monster into just a disease, it can't do anything more than take your life. It depends on fear to help it along and the damage that can do to your psyche is equal to that in your body. It can take my life; it cannot take me.

And my family and friends are far more comfortable with this and do not take pity on me because I do not allow self-pity, another ally of the monster's.

And I will share with my Pops friends the most wonderful discovery I've made on this journey. There are far more people that beat the prognosis and even beat the disease than we know about because there are few records kept on those that do not elect to do traditional treatments. Through my sharing, others share with me of either people they know or themselves and that just happened this past Thursday when I met two cancer survivors I would not have known had I not been open to the questions I was asked about my weight loss.

People who haven't seen me in while are a little shocked when they see the new svelte CC with panther like movements. A mature and deliberate moving panther but a panther just the same.
My wife’s oldest sister just miraculously recovered from a Cancerous brain tumor . Radiation completely vanished it. They still can’t explain it. Initial diagnosis was about 4-6 months to live .

My younger brother had a 6 centimeter cancerous mass wrapped around his heart and vital organs . Aggressive Chemo completely shrank it. And almost 10 years later now has not come back. His initial diagnosis wasn’t good as being it was so entangled with heart and organs surgery wasn’t an option.

I’m going to a funeral service today from a former associate who succumb to Cancer last Saturday far too early in life at age 73. He battled it for about 2 years . And he also felt it begun after complications from Covid .

Catching it early always heightens the potential for more favorable results . The longer you beat his thing the greater your odds become . But we are just beginning to learn some of the long haul effects from Covid .

You have a tremendous attitude . And hope you have some family support close by. There’s always a chance you can survive this. Gods speed !!


Well-Known Member
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Update on where I am at this time. I am 10 months past my expiration date and my body is still fighting this and I wouldn't say winning but not really losing either.

The labs continue to mystify them and they can only explain it as something within my DNA keeping this from progressing at the rate it should be by their prognosis. The oncologist does not ask me about the protocol I am on but her PA seems interested, so I share it with her.

And in the let's celebrate CC like a newborn, I gained another pound and have put on 4 since hitting my low, which was a major concern of theirs. Still have appetite and taste issues and they feel this could be symptoms of long haul Covid because they're not related to the cancer even though it is gastric.

Awhile back, I responded to one of Jan's posts about "why me"? Why am I not following the path most do with this particular cancer and I think I know part of it.

I asked the oncologist about scans and she looked at me with this puzzled look and asked "do you want scans"? I responded with "don't you"? She said she felt nothing when examining me and was pretty sure the traditional treatments were no longer a possibility with me so what purpose would a scan serve? Then she surprised me by saying she didn't know why my body was doing so well against this but she knew my attitude was a large part of it. Then she told me my attitude was "inspirational". I need to keep that going.

So, the "why me", I've deduced, is because being open and sharing my journey with others serves a purpose, even more purpose to my only other attribute, being a funny guy. But that comes in handy because by joking about this with strangers, I help de-demonize this monster into just a disease, it can't do anything more than take your life. It depends on fear to help it along and the damage that can do to your psyche is equal to that in your body. It can take my life; it cannot take me.

And my family and friends are far more comfortable with this and do not take pity on me because I do not allow self-pity, another ally of the monster's.

And I will share with my Pops friends the most wonderful discovery I've made on this journey. There are far more people that beat the prognosis and even beat the disease than we know about because there are few records kept on those that do not elect to do traditional treatments. Through my sharing, others share with me of either people they know or themselves and that just happened this past Thursday when I met two cancer survivors I would not have known had I not been open to the questions I was asked about my weight loss.

People who haven't seen me in while are a little shocked when they see the new svelte CC with panther like movements. A mature and deliberate moving panther but a panther just the same.
Happy to hear this CC - never underestimate the power of the mind.


Well-Known Member
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Good evening Pops and Popsadoodles,

I've been quiet lately, because I was diagnosed with Murkel Cell Carcinoma. My new fangled dermatologist planned to cut it, but it grew too big for an office proceedure. Henceforth, I was set up with a new surgeon. He agreed to take on the mission of removing this tumor that was above my elbow. At the time of surgery, it had grown so much that he considered a skin graft. I whimpered and whined sufficiently to have him reconsider. (it worked!) He wanted a sacrificial lymph node as well. I told him I don't have any I'm willing to part with. He smooth talked me in his wily surgeon speech to let him have one. I've been scanned from head to toe twice in the past few weeks and seen way more doctors than I care to admit. I am supposed to be free and clear of cancer now. I just didn't want to say anything until afterwards so I wouldn't drive y'all crazy with my worrying ways. For the time being, be aware that the lymph node taken was my favorite because it's absence hurts the worst.

Oh, I got pain medication. I was at momma's and she asked "Did you know you talk in your sleep?"

I asked her why she came to my door last night and said "petit four"? She said she didn't. But my dreams were wild. One was white walls in the middle of the desert. One these walls hung pictures that were sewn of an action scene. People were discovering these pictures and admiring them to a point. They were near cartoonish of the scenes. I touched one and the image came to life. People with me said "don't touch that" so I wandered around the corner to touch the ones I wanted. I drove a race car and had a blast water skiing. I told other people touch the ones they were interested in. That must have been when I was talking. Everyone met back up and looked like they'd been to a semi interesting art gallery. I was soaking wet and grinning.

Other than the amazing dream, the high faluting pill made me itch like crazy. I also had hot and cold flashes so fast my arm got tired of cover on, cover off. I have one in me now so none of this may make sense tomorrow. Hey, I missed y'all.

Update on where I am at this time. I am 10 months past my expiration date and my body is still fighting this and I wouldn't say winning but not really losing either.

The labs continue to mystify them and they can only explain it as something within my DNA keeping this from progressing at the rate it should be by their prognosis. The oncologist does not ask me about the protocol I am on but her PA seems interested, so I share it with her.

And in the let's celebrate CC like a newborn, I gained another pound and have put on 4 since hitting my low, which was a major concern of theirs. Still have appetite and taste issues and they feel this could be symptoms of long haul Covid because they're not related to the cancer even though it is gastric.

Awhile back, I responded to one of Jan's posts about "why me"? Why am I not following the path most do with this particular cancer and I think I know part of it.

I asked the oncologist about scans and she looked at me with this puzzled look and asked "do you want scans"? I responded with "don't you"? She said she felt nothing when examining me and was pretty sure the traditional treatments were no longer a possibility with me so what purpose would a scan serve? Then she surprised me by saying she didn't know why my body was doing so well against this but she knew my attitude was a large part of it. Then she told me my attitude was "inspirational". I need to keep that going.

So, the "why me", I've deduced, is because being open and sharing my journey with others serves a purpose, even more purpose to my only other attribute, being a funny guy. But that comes in handy because by joking about this with strangers, I help de-demonize this monster into just a disease, it can't do anything more than take your life. It depends on fear to help it along and the damage that can do to your psyche is equal to that in your body. It can take my life; it cannot take me.

And my family and friends are far more comfortable with this and do not take pity on me because I do not allow self-pity, another ally of the monster's.

And I will share with my Pops friends the most wonderful discovery I've made on this journey. There are far more people that beat the prognosis and even beat the disease than we know about because there are few records kept on those that do not elect to do traditional treatments. Through my sharing, others share with me of either people they know or themselves and that just happened this past Thursday when I met two cancer survivors I would not have known had I not been open to the questions I was asked about my weight loss.

People who haven't seen me in while are a little shocked when they see the new svelte CC with panther like movements. A mature and deliberate moving panther but a panther just the same.
Momma asked about you and I told her we hardly hear from you any more now that you're back to your flirting weight. She asked if I meant fighting weight. I said no, it's flirting weight. Our new improved svelte CC rarely makes time for us any more. He's out chasing skirts all over creation and neglecting those that love him the most. (That would be us.)


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No. Nope. Noppity nope.

Let me share a brief conversation I had with my wife today... hopefully, I won't get banned:

Wife: "What is President's Day?" Recall, she is not a US citizen and has only lived in the states for 7 years.

Conjuring up my high school civics class, I explain what I remember about President's Day.

Wife: "So, there is a federal holiday to celebrate a dumba$$?"

As the old Mastercard commercial said: Priceless!
Your wife is a genius! It's a federal holiday to celebrate all those dumba$$e$. Since many people get a paid day off, there is no complaint.


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My wife’s oldest sister just miraculously recovered from a Cancerous brain tumor . Radiation completely vanished it. They still can’t explain it. Initial diagnosis was about 4-6 months to live .

My younger brother had a 6 centimeter cancerous mass wrapped around his heart and vital organs . Aggressive Chemo completely shrank it. And almost 10 years later now has not come back. His initial diagnosis wasn’t good as being it was so entangled with heart and organs surgery wasn’t an option.

I’m going to a funeral service today from a former associate who succumb to Cancer last Saturday far too early in life at age 73. He battled it for about 2 years . And he also felt it begun after complications from Covid .

Catching it early always heightens the potential for more favorable results . The longer you beat his thing the greater your odds become . But we are just beginning to learn some of the long haul effects from Covid .

You have a tremendous attitude . And hope you have some family support close by. There’s always a chance you can survive this. Gods speed !!
I'm glad to hear about your sister and brother.


Confused about stuff
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CowboysZone DIEHARD Fan
Good evening Pops and Popsadoodles,

I've been quiet lately, because I was diagnosed with Murkel Cell Carcinoma. My new fangled dermatologist planned to cut it, but it grew too big for an office proceedure. Henceforth, I was set up with a new surgeon. He agreed to take on the mission of removing this tumor that was above my elbow. At the time of surgery, it had grown so much that he considered a skin graft. I whimpered and whined sufficiently to have him reconsider. (it worked!) He wanted a sacrificial lymph node as well. I told him I don't have any I'm willing to part with. He smooth talked me in his wily surgeon speech to let him have one. I've been scanned from head to toe twice in the past few weeks and seen way more doctors than I care to admit. I am supposed to be free and clear of cancer now. I just didn't want to say anything until afterwards so I wouldn't drive y'all crazy with my worrying ways. For the time being, be aware that the lymph node taken was my favorite because it's absence hurts the worst.

Oh, I got pain medication. I was at momma's and she asked "Did you know you talk in your sleep?"

I asked her why she came to my door last night and said "petit four"? She said she didn't. But my dreams were wild. One was white walls in the middle of the desert. One these walls hung pictures that were sewn of an action scene. People were discovering these pictures and admiring them to a point. They were near cartoonish of the scenes. I touched one and the image came to life. People with me said "don't touch that" so I wandered around the corner to touch the ones I wanted. I drove a race car and had a blast water skiing. I told other people touch the ones they were interested in. That must have been when I was talking. Everyone met back up and looked like they'd been to a semi interesting art gallery. I was soaking wet and grinning.

Other than the amazing dream, the high faluting pill made me itch like crazy. I also had hot and cold flashes so fast my arm got tired of cover on, cover off. I have one in me now so none of this may make sense tomorrow. Hey, I missed y'all.

Momma asked about you and I told her we hardly hear from you any more now that you're back to your flirting weight. She asked if I meant fighting weight. I said no, it's flirting weight. Our new improved svelte CC rarely makes time for us any more. He's out chasing skirts all over creation and neglecting those that love him the most. (That would be us.)
I'm very glad you're okay now, and back to "normal"!


Well-Known Member
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Update on where I am at this time. I am 10 months past my expiration date and my body is still fighting this and I wouldn't say winning but not really losing either.

The labs continue to mystify them and they can only explain it as something within my DNA keeping this from progressing at the rate it should be by their prognosis. The oncologist does not ask me about the protocol I am on but her PA seems interested, so I share it with her.

And in the let's celebrate CC like a newborn, I gained another pound and have put on 4 since hitting my low, which was a major concern of theirs. Still have appetite and taste issues and they feel this could be symptoms of long haul Covid because they're not related to the cancer even though it is gastric.

Awhile back, I responded to one of Jan's posts about "why me"? Why am I not following the path most do with this particular cancer and I think I know part of it.

I asked the oncologist about scans and she looked at me with this puzzled look and asked "do you want scans"? I responded with "don't you"? She said she felt nothing when examining me and was pretty sure the traditional treatments were no longer a possibility with me so what purpose would a scan serve? Then she surprised me by saying she didn't know why my body was doing so well against this but she knew my attitude was a large part of it. Then she told me my attitude was "inspirational". I need to keep that going.

So, the "why me", I've deduced, is because being open and sharing my journey with others serves a purpose, even more purpose to my only other attribute, being a funny guy. But that comes in handy because by joking about this with strangers, I help de-demonize this monster into just a disease, it can't do anything more than take your life. It depends on fear to help it along and the damage that can do to your psyche is equal to that in your body. It can take my life; it cannot take me.

And my family and friends are far more comfortable with this and do not take pity on me because I do not allow self-pity, another ally of the monster's.

And I will share with my Pops friends the most wonderful discovery I've made on this journey. There are far more people that beat the prognosis and even beat the disease than we know about because there are few records kept on those that do not elect to do traditional treatments. Through my sharing, others share with me of either people they know or themselves and that just happened this past Thursday when I met two cancer survivors I would not have known had I not been open to the questions I was asked about my weight loss.

People who haven't seen me in while are a little shocked when they see the new svelte CC with panther like movements. A mature and deliberate moving panther but a panther just the same.
Just knowing you is a blessing.


Well-Known Member
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Good evening Pops and Popsadoodles,

I've been quiet lately, because I was diagnosed with Murkel Cell Carcinoma. My new fangled dermatologist planned to cut it, but it grew too big for an office proceedure. Henceforth, I was set up with a new surgeon. He agreed to take on the mission of removing this tumor that was above my elbow. At the time of surgery, it had grown so much that he considered a skin graft. I whimpered and whined sufficiently to have him reconsider. (it worked!) He wanted a sacrificial lymph node as well. I told him I don't have any I'm willing to part with. He smooth talked me in his wily surgeon speech to let him have one. I've been scanned from head to toe twice in the past few weeks and seen way more doctors than I care to admit. I am supposed to be free and clear of cancer now. I just didn't want to say anything until afterwards so I wouldn't drive y'all crazy with my worrying ways. For the time being, be aware that the lymph node taken was my favorite because it's absence hurts the worst.

Oh, I got pain medication. I was at momma's and she asked "Did you know you talk in your sleep?"

I asked her why she came to my door last night and said "petit four"? She said she didn't. But my dreams were wild. One was white walls in the middle of the desert. One these walls hung pictures that were sewn of an action scene. People were discovering these pictures and admiring them to a point. They were near cartoonish of the scenes. I touched one and the image came to life. People with me said "don't touch that" so I wandered around the corner to touch the ones I wanted. I drove a race car and had a blast water skiing. I told other people touch the ones they were interested in. That must have been when I was talking. Everyone met back up and looked like they'd been to a semi interesting art gallery. I was soaking wet and grinning.

Other than the amazing dream, the high faluting pill made me itch like crazy. I also had hot and cold flashes so fast my arm got tired of cover on, cover off. I have one in me now so none of this may make sense tomorrow. Hey, I missed y'all.

Momma asked about you and I told her we hardly hear from you any more now that you're back to your flirting weight. She asked if I meant fighting weight. I said no, it's flirting weight. Our new improved svelte CC rarely makes time for us any more. He's out chasing skirts all over creation and neglecting those that love him the most. (That would be us.)
Sooooooooooooooo, are you back to make out w/ me again speed?