Mortensen: Elliott Suspension Upheld **merged**

in terms of the NFL policy, it is more likely than not or by a preponderance of evidence, 51% very low standard he did what was found , .....Zeke even acknowledge he was responsible for some of her bruises, but that was because of rough sex...He also stated she always had bruises yet other witnesses stated they never saw bruises on her..he also stated they weren't boyfriend and girlfriend but his text messages state otherwise..just like we were told by those witnesses that Zeke didn't want her at his birthday party but Text messages state otherwise...both have credibility issues....

1. EE stated that he may have been responsible for some bruises. Not that he was responsible for exact bruises. Rember, EE doesn't even know where the bruises came from. Why? Because nobody saw bruises on Thompson, including people that were friends of HERS and not EE's.

2. EE didn't explain the bruises in the sense you are trying to make it out to be. EE stated that he never abused her and stated that any bruises came from the fight with Ms. Hewitt (who the NFL couldn't get ahold of, but EE's team magically could get ahold of). Then the NFL said 'well, she had bruises on her from the 18th and now you have to explain why they were there.' So EE was giving them possibilities in order to defend himself from a claim that the NFL was going to adhere to without cross examination. She worked at a job where her legs would bang into tables and stools and her legs were bruised.

Oh, and they also showed a videotape of Thompson trying to smash in the window of her own car that week. And finally, the testimony in the appeals shows CLEARLY that the doctors were full of crap and you can't come out with dates for bruises occuring by looking at pictures (and they couldn't even tell what the bruises came from).

3. Friel testified that EE told her that they were dating because they weren't exclusive and they had a sexual relationship and he paid for her rent and co-signed on her car. This is simply a difference in interpreting of what a boyfriend/girlfriend. It's not a 'lie' which would be something like denying they ever dated or he saw her a couple of times and that was it (and even then, it's a minor lie that has little to do with the case). Oh, and the Florida police office testified that Thompson told him that they were 'friends with benefits.' Of course, that police officer's testimony was withheld by the NFL.

4. EE stated that he initially invited her to his birthday party and then she started acting up at the club and the he told her, verbally, that he didn't want her at the party. This would fall in line with Thompson's own testimony that she went to his party in a separate car. And it falls in line with the six witnesses who saw the same thing and then saw her get up in the face of Taylor Sandbothe, threatening to fight her.

Sorry, but EE has been completely credible in this case. He has come forth freely, given all of the information he could give, he has gone out of his way to defend himself because he's been guilty until proven innocent and he has every bit of evidence and every witness (besides TT's aunt) has testified in his favor, including the witnesses that TT has stated would come to her defense (besides her aunt).

Read @Frank_Cawley 's TL on Twitter. He was there for the hearing today. The judge made it very clear he didn't buy the NFL's arguments on suppressing Robert's views or Friel's claim her own conclusions were 'cumulative' of the entire investigation. That right there is a huge red flag.

Elliott's going to get this TRO granted. He's going to play the entire season.

Yep, that's what I believe too.

These NFL goofs have run into a true legal process.
I want Zeke's suspension to be removed like everyone else but we really don't know the whole story. What has leaked out hasn't been good. The arbitrators lowered Hardy's suspension but didn't touch this one. just think there's more here than we know.
Anyway if Zekes lawyers now sue does the suspension go back burner again?
Why are some of y'all acting like cowards? What don't we know? You seriously think the NFL has some gotcha evidence that hasn't been leaked yet? Some of y'all are so scary it doesn't make sense. If they had any gotcha evidence they would've dropped it by now to shut all of this up. What reason wouldn't they? Dang it shouldn't be this flipping hard to understand
Uh WTH?!

Part of HH's decision:

I find it unnecessary to reexamine all the evidence presented in this record because my careful and diligent review of everything the Commissioner reviewed and relied on draws me to the conclusion that the record contains sufficient credible evidence to support whatever determinations he made. He is entitled to deference on those judgments absent irregularities not present here. While the record contains inconsistencies in statements, an adjudicator makes informed judgments on the credibility of witnesses and evidence.

IN layman's terms it means he thinks Goddell can do whatever the **** he wants because the stupid NFLPA agreed to it.
I've read several reports that are completely contrary to this. Demaurice Smith also contradicts your claim. The players are very much concerned about this.

If Zeke is indeed innocent it sets a dark precedent to suspend players without evidence of any wrong doing. Not far fetched at all to think more NFL players could become targets. With some $ and influence it wouldn't be too hard to get some attractive females with bruises to take out 1/2 of the leagues big stars...
Uh WTH?!

Part of HH's decision:

I find it unnecessary to reexamine all the evidence presented in this record because my careful and diligent review of everything the Commissioner reviewed and relied on draws me to the conclusion that the record contains sufficient credible evidence to support whatever determinations he made. He is entitled to deference on those judgments absent irregularities not present here. While the record contains inconsistencies in statements, an adjudicator makes informed judgments on the credibility of witnesses and evidence.

I only skimmed it, but it came across as a huge joke. I did not notice any mention of the supposed forensic evidence and how it was thoroughly debunked (did I miss this?). It was like he wasn't actually there at the appeals hearing.
They evoked both conduct detrimental and DV. Plus they gave him the DV punishment.

Thing is that was not collectively bargained. The league cannot just deviate from standard practice without collectively bargaining it. They can call it whatever they want but I would not be surprised at the end of all this that the DV policy gets scrapped.

Is there actually a DV policy?

I know with Ray Rice they tried to go by policy and people begged Goodell to scrap policy and make an arbitrary decision. That kind of set this whole thing in motion, and I don't know that they've negotiated the CBA since, so how could they even have a DV policy?

Man, there's so much crap to wade through here and I have no idea if I should be prepping for a long fight or if the league is just going to waive the "You told us we could do whatever you want" clause and tie the judges' hands.
Was listening to NFL radio on the way home and they had the former GM from the Colts on(forgot his name). He said that he did not think any judge would over turn the suspension just like the Brady case. He reported the reason why is the NFLPA head signed the policy of having Goodell be the one who handle discipline of the players and if a judge did overturn this policy it will open up tons of law suits in other labor relations throughout the country. Said that the players signed this labor contract and have to abide by the contract they signed. Just FYI.

Major difference in a civil vs. criminal case. NFL handed down a suspension based on a criminal conviction...that didn't happen.

The Josh Brown 1-game suspension is going to be a major point here about unfairness as well.
Players care about money and working conditions. The guys that behave themselves, which includes most of them, aren't concerned about the rules in place for the troublemakers.

Except you never know when or if you will be falsely accused of being one of the troublemakers. That's probably a function of the human condition though, because generally speaking people don't care about the rights of the accused, presumption of innocence, etc. until it affects them, someone they know or their favorite football team.
If you read the judgment in the Brady case, the court states that there were no issues of fundamental fairness. The case itself was about the integrity of the game itself and had no precedent.

This case has plenty of issues with fundamental fairness. It is about a criminal complaint and it has tons of precedent.

Also the DV policy was not collectively bargained.

Just forget about the Brady case. It was never as all encompassing as people have been claiming.
But muh article 46
1. The players and NFLPA signed the contract in good faith (i.e. Goddell doesn't suspend players for outrageous reasons, being unfair, blatant disregard for process, etc.)
2. The players and NFLPA never agreed to the revised CBA, post-Rice case.
If this is true I don't know why people keep saying that they signed their rights away. Maybe just parroting what they hear on tv I guess
If Zeke is indeed innocent it sets a dark precedent to suspend players without evidence of any wrong doing. Not far fetched at all to think more NFL players could become targets. With some $ and influence it wouldn't be too hard to get some attractive females with bruises to take out 1/2 of the leagues big stars...

Anytime someone gets railroaded it is a concern to all. This country is founded on rule of law and the NFL's arbitrary and capricious brand of justice is nauseating.
Except you never know when or if you will be falsely accused of being one of the troublemakers. That's probably a function of the human condition though, because generally speaking people don't care about the rights of the accused, presumption of innocence, etc. until it affects them, someone they know or their favorite football team.

Very well said. Couldn't agree more.
Why are some of y'all acting like cowards? What don't we know? You seriously think the NFL has some gotcha evidence that hasn't been leaked yet? Some of y'all are so scary it doesn't make sense. If they had any gotcha evidence they would've dropped it by now to shut all of this up. What reason wouldn't they? Dang it shouldn't be this flipping hard to understand

It's simple. Some fans want him to be guilty. Almost as bad as the NFL wanted it to be true so they could appear 'tough on domestic violence'. And now the facts show that the case is a sham and they just can't bring themselves to admit it.

"There's just got to be something, right? They can't be this dumb, right?"

Uh, yeah, yeah they can.
This about going after the NFLPA and getting as much leverage as possible to get an even more favorable CBA for the owners.

They well never get a more favorable CBA then the one they currently have. The NFLPA got majorly screwed because Smith had no idea what he was doing. I'm shocked he hasn't been sacked as of yet!
Uh WTH?!

Part of HH's decision:

I find it unnecessary to reexamine all the evidence presented in this record because my careful and diligent review of everything the Commissioner reviewed and relied on draws me to the conclusion that the record contains sufficient credible evidence to support whatever determinations he made. He is entitled to deference on those judgments absent irregularities not present here. While the record contains inconsistencies in statements, an adjudicator makes informed judgments on the credibility of witnesses and evidence.

Henderson is gonna slurp Goodell's pigskin until the bitter end! :omg:
Was listening to NFL radio on the way home and they had the former GM from the Colts on(forgot his name). He said that he did not think any judge would over turn the suspension just like the Brady case. He reported the reason why is the NFLPA head signed the policy of having Goodell be the one who handle discipline of the players and if a judge did overturn this policy it will open up tons of law suits in other labor relations throughout the country. Said that the players signed this labor contract and have to abide by the contract they signed. Just FYI.
Deciding one specific case was handled unfairly would not do that

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