Mortensen: Elliott Suspension Upheld **merged**

Only minutes after Henderson rendered his decision, near the end of a court hearing in Sherman, Texas, Elliott’s attorneys reacted, via ESPN’s Adam Schefter:

“We received arbitrator Harold Henderson’s decision to uphold Mr. Elliott’s suspension of six games. We are extremely disappointed with Mr. Henderson’s inability to navigate through legal politics, and follow the evidence, and, most importantly, his conscious. The evidence that Mr. Elliott and his team presented on appeal clearly demonstrated that Mr. Elliott was the victim of a conspiracy orchestrated by the National Football League and its officers to keep exonerating evidence from the decision-makers, including the advisors and Roger Goodell. The only just decision was to overturn the suspension in its entirety. Mr. Elliott is looking forward to having his day in federal court where the playing field will be level and the NFL will have to answer for its unfair and unjust practices.”

Judge Amos L. Mazzaint III is expected to rule by Friday on the preliminary injunction motion, per a source.
The SCOTUS was very clear that the NFL could do what they want with issues regarding the rules and integrity of the game. That was laid out quite clearly in Brown vs NFL.

If this was just like Brady then this case would have no chance in the lower court given the precedent.

And sure the NFL will appeal. This is a much better case than Brady's case. Brady did not have the NFL's lead investigator excluded. Brady did not have several examples of mitigating evidence excluded from the decision. Brady did not have precedent.

This is also not going to be the same appeal's court. This one goes to New Orleans not New York.
"the petition alleges the league deliberately hid critical information from Elliott and the union that could have been used to exonerate him. It claims the NFL's lead investigator on the case, Kia Roberts, found the woman who accused Elliott wasn't credible and there was insufficient corroborating evidence to support any discipline."

"The suit alleges that the actual arbitration hearing was a farce, with the Brady team not having access to certain evidence and the “independent” law firm that conducted the Wells Report actively helping the NFL cross-examine Brady:"

"The Court is fully aware of the deference afforded to arbitral decisions, but, nevertheless, concludes that the Award should be vacated. The Award is premised upon several significant legal deficiencies, including (A) inadequate notice to Brady of both his potential discipline (four-game suspension) and his alleged misconduct; (B) denial of the opportunity for Brady to examine one of two lead investigators, namely NFL Executive Vice President and General Counsel Jeff Pash; and (C) denial of equal access to investigative files, including witness interview notes."

These are quotes from nflpa in both cases and the judges ruling on the 1st Brady hearing which he won. The arguments are the same as the Brady case. As far as precedence and if there was it wouldn't get passed this judge, sure it can. The judge can ignore the precedence just like the 1st judge on the Brady case ignored that it wasn't innocence or guilt on trial. It was about if the nfl follwed the cba. So this judge can ignore the precedence and claim it's not like Brady case. But in the end, it is like the Brady case. Its the same arguments. Unfair, appeal hearing not fair, lack of evidence, lack of corporation from the nfl on evidence.
NFL: "We care more about pandering to feminazis than we do about truth. Truth schmroof, we'll make a great player sit out for six games so that we can pretend we care about domestic violence."

No, NFL, you don't give a **** about anyone but your own fake reputations. Your witch hunt against a player for which you have ZERO PROOF won't help one single person to avoid domestic violence or to get justice for domestic violence.

This isn't justice. This is the NFL's disgusting witch hunt.
"the petition alleges the league deliberately hid critical information from Elliott and the union that could have been used to exonerate him. It claims the NFL's lead investigator on the case, Kia Roberts, found the woman who accused Elliott wasn't credible and there was insufficient corroborating evidence to support any discipline."

"The suit alleges that the actual arbitration hearing was a farce, with the Brady team not having access to certain evidence and the “independent” law firm that conducted the Wells Report actively helping the NFL cross-examine Brady:"

"The Court is fully aware of the deference afforded to arbitral decisions, but, nevertheless, concludes that the Award should be vacated. The Award is premised upon several significant legal deficiencies, including (A) inadequate notice to Brady of both his potential discipline (four-game suspension) and his alleged misconduct; (B) denial of the opportunity for Brady to examine one of two lead investigators, namely NFL Executive Vice President and General Counsel Jeff Pash; and (C) denial of equal access to investigative files, including witness interview notes."

These are quotes from nflpa in both cases and the judges ruling on the 1st Brady hearing which he won. The arguments are the same as the Brady case. As far as precedence and if there was it wouldn't get passed this judge, sure it can. The judge can ignore the precedence just like the 1st judge on the Brady case ignored that it wasn't innocence or guilt on trial. It was about if the nfl follwed the cba. So this judge can ignore the precedence and claim it's not like Brady case. But in the end, it is like the Brady case. Its the same arguments. Unfair, appeal hearing not fair, lack of evidence, lack of corporation from the nfl on evidence.

in the end you have a judge that distinguishes the Brady case from this one.

In the end you are not more qualified to interpret law than a federal justice.

In the end the investigator being excluded from the process and mitigating evidence omitted is nothing like anything you quoted here.

In the end there is no precedent in the Brady case like there is here.

In the end this is about a criminal case not an integrity of the game case.

In the end SCOTUS has made it quite clear that the NFL can act unilaterally with regards to integrity issues but not labor issues.
Seems like the NFL is fighting to have the case decided in NY. Wow!
It amazes me how Goodell will hug each draft pick that comes across the stage to "welcome them to the family". He treats his family like crap. Yeah, if my family messes up, I give them the benefit of a doubt. I side with them until there's plenty of proof otherwise.

Goodell doesn't get it. Seems like he assumes the worst from his "family".

Yeah, move the case to NY to continue to not allow Elliot a fair chance to defend himself. Just as long as you get the results you want.
NFL: "We care more about pandering to feminazis than we do about truth. Truth schmroof, we'll make a great player sit out for six games so that we can pretend we care about domestic violence."

No, NFL, you don't give a **** about anyone but your own fake reputations. Your witch hunt against a player for which you have ZERO PROOF won't help one single person to avoid domestic violence or to get justice for domestic violence.

This isn't justice. This is the NFL's disgusting witch hunt.

Again, think pink. A "man" who would allow the playing field to turn into a telethon for women's cancer for a month would also ignore the investigation of the police and his own investigator and simply take her word for it.

Nothing will change without a new commissioner.
Thanks for taking the time to post a very informative summary. Taking all this in Go Zeke and shame on you NFL league office. I still will watch the players but now see little difference in the NFL office and career politicians

The league's case against EE is basically the following:

1. Tiffany Thompson allegedly had photographs on the 18th of bruises on her (I use the word allegedly strongly). They want EE to account for those bruises despite not having any idea at when they occurred or how they occurred.

2. Lisa Friel does not find EE credible because he told her that Tiffany Thompson was not his girlfriend, but they had a sexual relationship and he paid for her rent and co-signed on her car.

That's it.

I just couldn't care less about NFL. It's run by the east coast. Until that changes good luck for the cowboys.

I mean tonight ******** reports NFL is now investigating mike for his assault case and they can do that cuz he works for NFL network. This is comedy. They are about to suspend Lael for murder next.
Neat. Finally, the NFL has their balls drop about the decision. Now, the other shoe gets its chance to drop. Buckle up buck-a-roos/hold onto your butts....this is about to get bumpy!
You know nothing Roger Goodell.

Winter is coming.

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