Mortensen: Elliott Suspension Upheld **merged**

The sad thing is when this happens to someone say on the giants watch it be dealt swiftly and swept under rug. And we just gotta all take it. The NFL is pretty much saying we can do what we want and you're gonna take it

Just trying to make him fight on 2 fronts. Standard tactic. This may have actually buried them as I don't think it's legal as the case is already in Texas. Or they are doing exactly what zekes attorneys did and file for just in case the TRO is granted. I dunno. Lawyers on the board. Any help?
in the end you have a judge that distinguishes the Brady case from this one.

In the end you are not more qualified to interpret law than a federal justice.

In the end the investigator being excluded from the process and mitigating evidence omitted is nothing like anything you quoted here.

In the end there is no precedent in the Brady case like there is here.

In the end this is about a criminal case not an integrity of the game case.

In the end SCOTUS has made it quite clear that the NFL can act unilaterally with regards to integrity issues but not labor issues.
lol In the end not a lot you said here makes sense. Its cool though. Cowboy fans sound just like Pat fans did when I told them Brady will lose in courts. They gave me hell when he won round one but I got the last laugh. Zeke will the battle Friday. But he'll lose the war. And where did you get it will be NO? Not saying that isn't true just haven't seen that. Did see where the nfl filed in NY though.
Dan Werly @WerlySportsLaw

BREAKING: NFL files lawsuit in New York federal court to confirm arbitration in Ezekiel Elliott case
"the petition alleges the league deliberately hid critical information from Elliott and the union that could have been used to exonerate him. It claims the NFL's lead investigator on the case, Kia Roberts, found the woman who accused Elliott wasn't credible and there was insufficient corroborating evidence to support any discipline."

"The suit alleges that the actual arbitration hearing was a farce, with the Brady team not having access to certain evidence and the “independent” law firm that conducted the Wells Report actively helping the NFL cross-examine Brady:"

"The Court is fully aware of the deference afforded to arbitral decisions, but, nevertheless, concludes that the Award should be vacated. The Award is premised upon several significant legal deficiencies, including (A) inadequate notice to Brady of both his potential discipline (four-game suspension) and his alleged misconduct; (B) denial of the opportunity for Brady to examine one of two lead investigators, namely NFL Executive Vice President and General Counsel Jeff Pash; and (C) denial of equal access to investigative files, including witness interview notes."

These are quotes from nflpa in both cases and the judges ruling on the 1st Brady hearing which he won. The arguments are the same as the Brady case. As far as precedence and if there was it wouldn't get passed this judge, sure it can. The judge can ignore the precedence just like the 1st judge on the Brady case ignored that it wasn't innocence or guilt on trial. It was about if the nfl follwed the cba. So this judge can ignore the precedence and claim it's not like Brady case. But in the end, it is like the Brady case. Its the same arguments. Unfair, appeal hearing not fair, lack of evidence, lack of corporation from the nfl on evidence.

The difference is on the field vs off the field.
I agree with you that Roberts should have been in the meeting and on that I think an injunction will be granted....but We now have Henderson look at all the evidence and still upheld the ruling based on the evidence....

Does the NFL have evidence we haven't seen? Because all the evidence that I've seen, convinced me Zeke is innocent.
lol In the end not a lot you said here makes sense. Its cool though. Cowboy fans sound just like Pat fans did when I told them Brady will lose in courts. They gave me hell when he won round one but I got the last laugh. Zeke will the battle Friday. But he'll lose the war. And where did you get it will be NO? Not saying that isn't true just haven't seen that. Did see where the nfl filed in NY though.
Dan Werly @WerlySportsLaw

BREAKING: NFL files lawsuit in New York federal court to confirm arbitration in Ezekiel Elliott case
Yeah honestly kill the giants Sunday serve the suspension come back angry and win it all. Everyone rock goodell clown shirts at the parade.
Just trying to make him fight on 2 fronts. Standard tactic. This may have actually buried them as I don't think it's legal as the case is already in Texas. Or they are doing exactly what zekes attorneys did and file for just in case the TRO is granted. I dunno. Lawyers on the board. Any help?
Wow, it's identical to deflategate. Only dates and name changed?
The sad thing is when this happens to someone say on the giants watch it be dealt swiftly and swept under rug. And we just gotta all take it. The NFL is pretty much saying we can do what we want and you're gonna take it
lol. Naw, I take the Break On Through ideology.
These two sides are so entrenched on their respective positions that this thing will be appealed to the SCOTUS.
There were rumors flying around earlier today that Jerry was walking around with a big grin on his face and promised something very good was about to happen... what was that all about?

I thought maybe Jerry was putting together an emergency owners committee meeting to fire the commish.
These two sides are so entrenched on their respective positions that this thing will be appealed to the SCOTUS.
There were rumors flying around earlier today that Jerry was walking around with a big grin on his face and promised something very good was about to happen... what was that all about?
Honestly think Jerry isn't connected as he thinks. The east coast owners run the league

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