Mortensen: Elliott Suspension Upheld **merged**

How can the NFL file suit in New York when the suit today was in Texas?

Can the New York court overrule the judge in Texas if he grants the TRO?

What if the judge in Texas grants a TRO, but the judge in New York does not, which one is the legit ruling?
NFL suit probably tossed in AM. IMO, this is NFL saying they expect to lose in Texas. If Texas judge grants TRO then its official.
NFL suit probably tossed in AM. IMO, this is NFL saying they expect to lose in Texas. If Texas judge grants TRO then its official.

I hope you are right my friend, if this thing gets moved to New York with a judge that probably has season tickets to the Giants, Zeke is toast.
I think the only people this case will work out for in the end will be the lawyers on both sides who will have about a zillion billable hours. In the end, Zeke will almost assuredly have to serve a 6 game suspension either this year or next. The NFL continues to look awful in the court of public opinion. Going to battle with your players in cases that take 2 years isn't good for the league. I guess Goodell keeps his hammer in player discipline but is it really worth it.
in the end you have a judge that distinguishes the Brady case from this one.

In the end you are not more qualified to interpret law than a federal justice.

In the end the investigator being excluded from the process and mitigating evidence omitted is nothing like anything you quoted here.

In the end there is no precedent in the Brady case like there is here.

In the end this is about a criminal case not an integrity of the game case.

In the end SCOTUS has made it quite clear that the NFL can act unilaterally with regards to integrity issues but not labor issues.

I just had Linkin Park in my head in the end it doesn't even matter...
How can the NFL file suit in New York when the suit today was in Texas?

Can the New York court overrule the judge in Texas if he grants the TRO?

What if the judge in Texas grants a TRO, but the judge in New York does not, which one is the legit ruling?

This is the NFL effectively admitting defeat in Texas. They are assuming a TRO will be issued Friday, which the judge all but stated today. Ultimately the goal is to avoid a binding injunction that would essentially guarantee Zeke plays all year like Brady did.
How can the NFL file suit in New York when the suit today was in Texas?

Can the New York court overrule the judge in Texas if he grants the TRO?

What if the judge in Texas grants a TRO, but the judge in New York does not, which one is the legit ruling?
Stop asking impossibly hard questions.
That's wrong.
Wish it was but who has stuck it more to us than Mara. I mean jerrys not even apart of the committee that extends goodell. Throughout the whole thing Jerry comes out and says oh he won't be suspended only to be made a fool of the next day when NFL announces and upholds punishments. At this point no one knows how it's gonna go. Jerry walking around with a big smile and being confident is just Jerry being Jerry.
This is the NFL effectively admitting defeat in Texas. They are assuming a TRO will be issued Friday, which the judge all but stated today. Ultimately the goal is to avoid a binding injunction that would essentially guarantee Zeke plays all year like Brady did.

isnt getting an injunction almost guaranteed after the TRO.?
How can the NFL file suit in New York when the suit today was in Texas?

Can the New York court overrule the judge in Texas if he grants the TRO?

What if the judge in Texas grants a TRO, but the judge in New York does not, which one is the legit ruling?

The case that was "first filed" prevails. What the NFL will likely argue is that the NFLPA filed the case in Texas too soon, i.e. before Henderson ruled and the district court there has "jurisdiction." How it gets resolved will be messy.
This is the NFL effectively admitting defeat in Texas. They are assuming a TRO will be issued Friday, which the judge all but stated today. Ultimately the goal is to avoid a binding injunction that would essentially guarantee Zeke plays all year like Brady did.

But if Zeke gets a TRO from the Texas judge, doesn't the same judge then rule on the injuction?

I think this has to get tossed, the New York court cant claim jurisdiction and remove the case from the Texas judge without his permission, can they:huh:
Wish it was but who has stuck it more to us than Mara. Throughout the whole thing Jerry comes out and says oh he won't be suspended only to be made a fool of the next day when NFL announces and upholds punishments. At this point no one knows how it's gonna go. Jerry walking around with a big smile and being confident is just Jerry being Jerry.
Keep your powder dry young grasshopper, this isn't over. Jerry didn't become a billionaire by not knowing what he's doing. I think he knows something but like the savvy predator that he is, he is binding his time to spring his coup de gras on Goodell at just the right moment.

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