Twitter: Most 40+ yards passing TDs in 2019


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You have to understand they don't actually watch other football teams. They don't know what actual bad qb play looks like. Especially because our defense has been so bad. every qb, even bad ones look like the next joe montana
Well, now I know what they consider to be bad QB play, I am watching older games with Romo on the free NFL game pass with the same critical eye they use with Dak and Romo is much worse of a QB than I remember. I didn’t remember him being so inaccurate.

He is also so damn exhausting to watch. Seemed like a chicken with his head cut off, scrambling around to till the last second trying to snap the ball avoiding a delay of game penalty. No wonder we had so many damn presnap penalties. I do remember having to yell “SNAP THE DAMN BALL” frequently but I was a big fan so I overlooked that in the past. Now it is just frustrating to watch.


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Interesting. Where do you find this stat and how far back can we go to see dropped INTs? Wouldn’t mind seeing how our QBs have performed in this stat over the years in comparison to the other QBs.

It was posted on this forum in a Tweet a couple days back . Winston has 20 and Dak had 17. Football Outsiders has their own calculations and they have Winston at 12 and Dak at 10, which is top 3.


Go Seahawks!!!
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It was posted on this forum in a Tweet a couple days back . Winston has 20 and Dak had 17. Football Outsiders has their own calculations and they have Winston at 12 and Dak at 10, which is top 3.
Cool. Will search football outsiders and see if I can find stats from previous years.


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Here is the stat. Think that tweet is inaccurate. Still not good for Dak but certainly not as bad as the tweet makes it out to be.

a little confusion.. I quoted Football Outsiders as another source to be fair. The tweet that was on here, I wasn’t sure the original source but it was put on here a few days back. Both sources have more for both Winston and Dak, but they both agree they are both up there as top QBs on dropped passes.


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That can be said for every single QB to ever play the game. You can't name 1 QB that doesn't throw short or over throw. The problem is you guys look over it with other QBs but since y'all don't like Dak it's something to talk about.
who is y'all? i haven't said 2 words about prescott good or bad. i was simply giving another reason why prescott didn't have more long tds. some of y'all need to stop with knee jerk reactions. i like prescott and think he will have a good year.


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Garrett should have been fired minimum 2009. By 2012, the offense was completely inept, built solely on Romo’s ability to go into hurry-up mode in the second half and put points on the board. After 2012 season, Jerry started pulling the reigns from Garrett and started giving control of the offense to Romo.

. Jones also went on to say that former coach Bill Parcells also has endorsed the team’s plans to give Romo more offensive input. On his radio show in Dallas, Jones talked about how Parcells always appreciated Romo’s intellect and approach to the game. Remember it was Parcells who signed Romo, an undrafted free agent, who eventually became his starting quarterback in his final season with the team.

if you want an explanation for all the delays Pre 2012, look no further than the above second article. Garrett kept tight control on offense and Romo wasn’t even in early game planning meeting. Jones even alluded to the substitution delays in one of the quotes.

But there was more; there was this: "Specifically, I'm interested in how we do with our tight end emphasis we have. This lets us have people on the field, players on the field, that we don't have to substitute as much for, that will even allow your quarterback to have more freedom to make play-calls out on the field because he's not having to get substitutions when the play comes in.

"It's a little subtle added bonus playing with the tight ends we have."

Jason Garrett completely wasted Romo’s career and Jerry didn’t allow Jason to touch the offense even when Dak came.
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Uhh Mahomes was struggling in that Super Bowl game....his TEAM and coach helped him out. That's usually how you win a Super Bowl....a TEAM.
I recall a miraculous play by Mahommes being the difference .


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Nobody said critics say that, it's the Prescott haters here that say that and that argument that doesn't hold up. For most of the last season Prescott led the league in completion percentage of pass 20+ yards and 40+ yards. Almost all QB's are accurate on the dink and dunk passes so just because Prescott is also good at those does not make him a dink and dunk passer only. Also instead of forcing the ball into a covered receiver downfield he chose to play it safer and hit the shorter receiver.
I’m not really interested in what the haters or slobberers think. It’s usually those in the middle without agendas who see it more clearly.


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He sure didn't struggle in crunch time, when he had to make play after play to bring his team back for the win. His defense did their part but Mahomes orchestrated the kind of multiple - 4th quarter - come from behind drives that most quarterbacks can't/don't.
Not denying that. But in order for a comeback to happen you need stops and that's what the defense did.

Did you see the Texans game? They were tearing them up.....defense helped that comeback. Of course Mahomes was a big part of it too.


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Lots of videos on YouTube. You should ask the same questions of Patrick Mahomes and other top 10 QBs. I bet their answers are very similar.
Do not pretend they are similar QB's. You know the truth. Mahomes can chuck it 70 yards and hit Hill in stride. You know this.


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You don't recall well then. Their defense showed up to even allow that miraculous play to even happen.
So, you think the Chiefs were even in the SB without Mahommes?

49ers were the better overall team but Mahommes stole it from them.


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I’m not really interested in what the haters or slobberers think. It’s usually those in the middle without agendas who see it more clearly.

Let me quote you "I haven’t seen critics says he can only do dunk and dunk. It’s just that’s the strength of his passing ability and percentage." I guess all the years as a NFL QB coach have told you that because Prescott is like just about every NFL QB and completes a high percentage of shorter passes as in dink and dunk that all those years of experience make you know that the dink and dunk game is all Prescott can do well. Gee it's funny, not ha ha funny, that no actual real coach has said that Prescott can only do dink and dunk well.