News: Motion Denied - Zeke suspended

I’m investing all my savings into net-weaving companies to catch all the people jumping off the bandwagon if we lose this week.
Well, there goes the season.
Not yet. Maybe the division, but if the season goes down the tubes, JJ takes a hit for talent acquisition and JG takes a bigger hit for being able to handle zero adversity as a coach.
I’m investing all my savings into net-weaving companies to catch all the people jumping off the bandwagon if we lose this week.

gonna look like the suicide nets at the Foxconn factories.


It's not over yet. He misses at least 3 weeks but maybe not all 6.

Regardless, in the end, the NFL wins. Even missing 3 games and having the court then toss out the remaining three games is a win for them and they can sell to the woman's rights groups.

I hope Goodell burns over this. What a complete and utter sham. They have labeled a player a woman beater without really anything other than a minimal amount of circumstantial evidence.

I wish Elliott could sue Goodell personally.
Those saying we will be fine without Zeke are not remembering all of the 3rd down runs where he fights for that first down with his push....we aren't going to see that push from the other 3....I will certainly be thrilled to see that, but I can't think that will happen...someone said if zeke can get 150, then the other 3 can get, zeke did that once...

Dallas and Zeke got railroaded in this one....

Baddell must go down, and he must go down hard
The RBS are going to have to step up. No way we will be successful throwing most of the time.
and if in the end he wins the case how do they make up for those lost games? THAT is why this is such a sham; there is no reason he cannot play until the court case is actually heard. But money talks and I guess we know who owns the NY Federal Appeals court

Oh I agree its a sham. However, if Zeeke misses games yet eventually wins the case, his remedy would be a civil suit against the NFL
Regardless, in the end, the NFL wins. Even missing 3 games and having the court then toss out the remaining three games is a win for them and they can sell to the woman's rights groups.

I hope Goodell burns over this. What a complete and utter sham. They have labeled a player a woman beater without really anything other than a minimal amount of circumstantial evidence.

I wish Elliott could sue Goodell personally.
I think the NFL loses overall. Just more bad publicity for them. The people they are trying to appeal to aren't even football fans.
and if in the end he wins the case how do they make up for those lost games? THAT is why this is such a sham; there is no reason he cannot play until the court case is actually heard. But money talks and I guess we know who owns the NY Federal Appeals court

You don't make up for the lost games. Similar to how a person doesn't make up for lost years while appealing a wrongful conviction. Sucks, but that's just the way it has been decided the system will work.
I know it will never happen but it would be nice to see the players around the league get together and make a protest in support of Zeke.
Each and every one of them need to realize this hurts all of them moving forward.
I know a few players have voiced some level of support for Zeke recently. It would be nice to see the players union get as many players around the league to show some strength in numbers for once and take a stand against the league front office for the way this was handled.

Waiting until it happens to you doesnt have the same impact as protesting when it hasnt happened to you.

Again i know it wont happen unfortunately. I would just love the players to send a loud message that the FO can't operate any way it wants unchecked.
The players won't do it as they need their paychecks. I think the fans could though. After all, that's who ultimately makes the NFL what it is.
But money talks and I guess we know who owns the NY Federal Appeals court
Not only owned, but literally married into them, with the Failla's. Bet they attend the same parties. Etc, etc, etc.
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What saddens me the most about being a Cowboys fan is the knowledge that if I were a fan of a different franchise, I would not be dealing with this crap.

The same can be said for Elliott, only his reputation is at stake and is now forever tarnished by a few bad moments with the wrong girl at a very young age.
Zeke as nothing to lose by seeking relief from SCOTUS. Ginsburg might give him another week or so.

BTW, screw Goodell Wanted to use stronger language but this is a family site, I think.

Side note:
Ya know, The Osbournes was a show about family. Why can't this site be more like The Osbournes?.. lol

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