News: Motion Denied - Zeke suspended

I'll go with Roger. 4 games was too long for deflating footballs, and 6 was too long long for this. Should have been 1 and 2 games IMO max.


IF and thats a BIG IF...if EE did what he is accused of doing, he should be suspended for one game year, period...If he didnt, why should he have to serve anytime at all? So the NFL has a scapegoat? Nah bruh...he needs to keep fighting if he didnt do anything
Those saying we will be fine without Zeke are not remembering all of the 3rd down runs where he fights for that first down with his push....we aren't going to see that push from the other 3....I will certainly be thrilled to see that, but I can't think that will happen...someone said if zeke can get 150, then the other 3 can get, zeke did that once...

Dallas and Zeke got railroaded in this one....

Baddell must go down, and he must go down hard
Zeke is going to lose in court anyway.

Zeke had the irreparable harm covered. He lost the injunction because they don’t think he will win on the merits.

There is no chance in hell he wins the actual case. No chance.
The NFL will rue the day they did this to America's Team....if he was found guilty, that's one thing.:angry:
Maybe next time the NFLPA will fight a bit harder on the old CBA and what power they grant the league.
Exactly and the draft will be held at AT&T in April and this clown will be coming to the podium to announce every draftee that will be selected and each time he comes up there will definitely be boos and I wouldn't mind seeing egss, tomatoes, etc come his way each time he walks to that podium. I'm no conspiracy theorist by any means but Goodell, his goons, and those bed ***** NY judges just made the biggest play for the next 6 teams regarding Zeke's bogus suspension and we can guarantee the Eagles are jumping for joy that they won't have to deal with him a week from Sunday and part me also believe that the NFL and definitely the media wants to see Dak struggle without Zeke being in the back field yes they should be fine with Morris, McFadden, and Smith but all three them together is no Zeke freaking unbelievable.

Yup, I just became the biggest McFadden/Morris/Smith fan on the planet. I already liked those guys. Hope they tear it up on the field.



I know it will never happen but it would be nice to see the players around the league get together and make a protest in support of Zeke.
Each and every one of them need to realize this hurts all of them moving forward.
I know a few players have voiced some level of support for Zeke recently. It would be nice to see the players union get as many players around the league to show some strength in numbers for once and take a stand against the league front office for the way this was handled.

Waiting until it happens to you doesnt have the same impact as protesting when it hasnt happened to you.

Again i know it wont happen unfortunately. I would just love the players to send a loud message that the FO can't operate any way it wants unchecked.
More than likely 4. Arguments will heard on the 1st and then the judges will deliberate, probably over the weekend.

and if in the end he wins the case how do they make up for those lost games? THAT is why this is such a sham; there is no reason he cannot play until the court case is actually heard. But money talks and I guess we know who owns the NY Federal Appeals court

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