Movies so bad you walked out

Stargate and we only paid $1 to get in

I haven't seen that one. I only paid $4.80 to get into Tully because it was a matinee. But I would have continued to pay in sanity if I had stayed. It's the worst movie I've seen in years (or partially seen).
Never walked out
But I have only paused two movies with the express purpose of mocking & jeering them:
Pearl Harbor.
Never walked out
But I have only paused two movies with the express purpose of mocking & jeering them:
Pearl Harbor.

I didn't see Flightplan, but I did see Pearl Harbor. It was pretty bad. I call it Pearl Harbor 90210. They turned a historic event into a soap opera. So bad. Should have walked out, but I didn't.

The movie was 'ok' but my date was more focused on me than the flick. Had to get out of there before things got out of hand if you nomsayin'. Good times....good times. :lmao2:
Only once have i walked out. Two buddies and i got high back in the day (way back in the day) and we went to see Popeye with Robin Williams. Oh man.. so bad.

Twenty minutes in and we are *****ing to ourselves when my one friend says to my other buddy, 'hey, you want to be a lawyer, get us our money back'. Sure as heck he gets up and disappears to the lobby, 10 minutes later he comes back and says, 'let's go'.

I don't know what he said but they refunded our tickets and we bailed. I still get a smile when i remember that incident.

P.S. he made it
I am very selective about attending the theater for movies and will usually wait for the DVD and half of those I don't finish. I never go to see comedies because too many lines are missed, IF it is funny. I do like the big films like Star Wars and am going to see Infinity Wars tomorrow as the crowd will have died down a little. I don't like a lot of people sitting around me.

But the main reason I do not like going to the theater is I, invariably, find that person searching for the Holy Grail in their popcorn box or bag or taking the entire movie to wrestle pieces of candy out of the nosiest bag ever created. And they wait until the quiet moments and take forever to get it out of the bag. I want to jump up and yell "just jam your damned hand in there and throw it into your gaping maw" but then I would have posts for "Movies you've been thrown out of".

But I did manage to walk out of "Far From the Madding Crowd" that my wife made me attend because I was so fidgety in my seat and she ran out of LifeSavers.

I deserve an award of some type for not running, not walking, out of "Mama Mia". My wife was a huge ABBA fan and I like their music but enough is enough. If I were left alone with the person that conceived of that idea, I might cause them bodily harm. Even my wife said it was bad, really bad. But it gets worse, they're making a second one. And I am left to wonder how in the hell is that possible? They used every freakin' song those people ever recorded and a couple they were just thinking about recording. I despise every actor in that movie, even the ones that auditioned and didn't get the parts....and their families.
The most walked out movie I ever attended was "Alien". We were in a sold out theater and when that rascal poked his little head out, at least 50 people went flying up the aisle, never to return. I talked to a bud that went to the next showing and he said the same thing happened and a girl puked in the aisle.

I consider that the most brilliant Sci-Fi Creature Feature ever created. The sense of dread created from the beginning and then purposely muddying the dialogue to make the theater goers lean up in their seats was masterful.
The most walked out movie I ever attended was "Alien". We were in a sold out theater and when that rascal poked his little head out, at least 50 people went flying up the aisle, never to return. I talked to a bud that went to the next showing and he said the same thing happened and a girl puked in the aisle.

I consider that the most brilliant Sci-Fi Creature Feature ever created. The sense of dread created from the beginning and then purposely muddying the dialogue to make the theater goers lean up in their seats was masterful.
:lmao2:I guess it is safe to say not everyone who has seen Alien has not seen any of the sequels. :laugh:
:lmao2:I guess it is safe to say not everyone who has seen Alien has not seen any of the sequels. :laugh:
LOL, nope and that's one of the few movies I have actually heard people scream and they weren't all women. I can't watch Alien without watching the sequels except for the 3rd one. And AVP is about as fun as a popcorn movie can get. Monsters, Lance Henriksen, popcorn and M&M's or a big ole pickle and it doesn't get any better than that for me.
Only movie I ever walked out of at the theater was Rat Race. If I was not with my wife who was also hating it, I probably would have stayed until the end.

I used to never stop watching a movie, even at home, but as of late, I've done it more and more. Life is too short to waste time on crap, and there's a lot of crap. Still, if I'm at the theater, I'll stay to the end (I also am more selective on when I'll go to the theater).

The movie was 'ok' but my date was more focused on me than the flick. Had to get out of there before things got out of hand if you nomsayin'. Good times....good times. :lmao2:
I wanted that Tornado to tear up Helen Hunt's Science Crew so much. Especially Phillip Seymour Hoffman's character "Dusty" that crew was so annoying . I wanted that tornado to jump right over Helen Hunt & Bill Paxton at the end and go right after that turd crew of hers.
My ex-wife talked me and we had our 13 year old son also into watching Brokeback Mountain after the film we were suppose to see was sold out of 2 theatres. She telling me all the movie reports it is a really good movie. I told her if it gets too creepy, me and the son will find another movie. I think we may have stayed 5 minutes into the movie.The beginning before anything physical Heath Ledger and Jake Gyllenhall meet for the first time and just shake hands . I told her "That's It,for me" !!! Me and the son snuck into "Final Destination 3" . Thank God!!! My Ex-Wife stayed and watched Brokebutt Mountain and she said we were not the only ones who left the theatre. I guess that's why she is my Ex-Wife, she was a flake.

Walked out on "Year One" Jack Black and can't think of the skinny other guy(He played in Zombieland). That movie was just stupid and so badly written,directed, and even edited. The jokes were awful. I had 2 sons and had to endure Transformers for them after we switched.

Hated "Cry Baby" stupid film maybe stayed 25 minutes. I always after that I avoided any John Waters film because I knew it would suck even as much they try to hype it as good.
I wanted that Tornado to tear up Helen Hunt's Science Crew so much. Especially Phillip Seymour Hoffman's character "Dusty" that crew was so annoying . I wanted that tornado to jump right over Helen Hunt & Bill Paxton at the end and go right after that turd crew of hers.
That's a good benchmark
When you start rooting for the inanimate objects, it becomes Kwai Chang Caine time:
"time for you to leave"

For me it's when I start thinking:
"Where's Jason Voorhees... when he's so desperately needed here?"
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My ex-wife talked me and we had our 13 year old son also into watching Brokeback Mountain after the film we were suppose to see was sold out of 2 theatres. She telling me all the movie reports it is a really good movie. I told her if it gets too creepy, me and the son will find another movie. I think we may have stayed 5 minutes into the movie.The beginning before anything physical Heath Ledger and Jake Gyllenhall meet for the first time and just shake hands . I told her "That's It,for me" !!! Me and the son snuck into "Final Destination 3" . Thank God!!! My Ex-Wife stayed and watched Brokebutt Mountain and she said we were not the only ones who left the theatre. I guess that's why she is my Ex-Wife, she was a flake.

Walked out on "Year One" Jack Black and can't think of the skinny other guy(He played in Zombieland). That movie was just stupid and so badly written,directed, and even edited. The jokes were awful. I had 2 sons and had to endure Transformers for them after we switched.

Hated "Cry Baby" stupid film maybe stayed 25 minutes. I always after that I avoided any John Waters film because I knew it would suck even as much they try to hype it as good.

You lasted 25 minutes on Cry Baby? My friend talked me into seeing it and we lasted about 10 minutes before walking out. We ended up sneaking into that Dana Carvey movie that was playing in theaters at the same time. Needless to say, my friend wasn't allowed to pick movies we went to see for a couple of years as compensation.
I LOVED Open Water
But I'm a SCUBA diver
Did it simply bore you to tears?

So I suppose I should NOT get you Open Water 2 as a birthday present?

Yes, it was super boring and the I thought the acting was bad. I believe that it is really important for one room-set movies to have good dialog and acting. I later saw the ending and was glad I didn't stick around for that (talk about no payoff).

They made a squeal? I sure that one was great ;)

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