I consider it Titanic, without the crappy Celine Dion theme song.I didn't see Flightplan, but I did see Pearl Harbor. It was pretty bad. I call it Pearl Harbor 90210. They turned a historic event into a soap opera. So bad. Should have walked out, but I didn't.
The guy three seats away from me, in Black Panther. I actually laughed and told him, "Come on, it's a little bit better than that."The question should be has anyone of you ever fallen asleep in the theater,while watching a movie?
You should've at least stayed long enough to see 2 seconds of a topless Anne Hathaway, the highlight of that movie..but yeah I couldn't get through itMy ex-wife talked me and we had our 13 year old son also into watching Brokeback Mountain after the film we were suppose to see was sold out of 2 theatres. She telling me all the movie reports it is a really good movie. I told her if it gets too creepy, me and the son will find another movie. I think we may have stayed 5 minutes into the movie.The beginning before anything physical Heath Ledger and Jake Gyllenhall meet for the first time and just shake hands . .
It's the Great Pumpkin, Charlie Brown......That girl Lucy really pisses me off.
The question should be has anyone of you ever fallen asleep in the theater,while watching a movie?
It was based on a true story and they completely changed the ending.I LOVED Open Water
But I'm a SCUBA diver
Did it simply bore you to tears?
So I suppose I should NOT get you Open Water 2 as a birthday present?
LMAO, they were dorky.I wanted that Tornado to tear up Helen Hunt's Science Crew so much. Especially Phillip Seymour Hoffman's character "Dusty" that crew was so annoying . I wanted that tornado to jump right over Helen Hunt & Bill Paxton at the end and go right after that turd crew of hers.
I find that my patience and tolerance clock has shortened down to no more than 10 minutes, at the most. If someone tells me "now it starts off slow so ya gotta stay with it", I ask "why"? Why do I have to eat all of my vegetables or I don't get any pudding? Screw that, I want pudding and then more pudding. I don't trust those people, they wasted part of their life and now want company.Now I have stopped DVDs I rented because it was so bad. That Godzilla movie with Matthew Broderick got on my nerves. Yes Matthew, Godzilla is a misunderstood creature and when he was close enough to sniff you and Godzilla understood you were a caring loving person who loved animals. Total BS!!! Godzilla would have bitten your head off as an appetizer!!
That Volcano movie was stupid with Pierce Bronsin. Yes that volcano is following them all around the island like it was JAWS. Give me a break.
I have luckily avoided a lot of stupid movies just seeing them advertised. I have a rule, if I see animals or little kids trying to look cool wearing those Blues Brothers type glasses, I avoid at all cost.
As much hype as that movie was getting, I chuckled maybe 3 times in the whole movie. The scene where he and his manager were fighting was just gross, not funny.Borat
Well, if you don't have the patience to wait for the big payoff, thenI find that my patience and tolerance clock has shortened down to no more than 10 minutes, at the most. If someone tells me "now it starts off slow so ya gotta stay with it", I ask "why"? Why do I have to eat all of my vegetables or I don't get any pudding? Screw that, I want pudding and then more pudding. I don't trust those people, they wasted part of their life and now want company.
If I start watching a DVD and it doesn't grab me within 10, I'm out. Like you say, I don't want to say to myself "well, that's an hour and a half I'll never get back" because I don't know how many I've got left. I hit my knees after "Mama Mia" and thanked God for not taking me right after that movie. I would have done some serious haunting if He had.
And I don't know if I am just weirding out, my wife thought so, but most of the time I choose to watch something that I've seen numerous times that I know I like rather than risk watching a loser. And there are parts of films that I know I don't want to see again like Open Range when he shoots the dog, I ff through that and I cut off the end of Saving Private Ryan, everybody lives. I change the ending by not watching them. If I don't see it, it doesn't exist. Kind of like the monster in the closet or under the bed. Well, not under the bed because I have seen him.
And what the hell is it with Bruce Willis in every DTV film? He's getting as bad as Eric Roberts and Seagal. I used to like him but he's mailed it in too much and is way overexposed. What's next? Filming him sleeping and using that as stock footage? And featuring Bruce Willis as "the sleeping man". And I'll tune in for Seagal movies just to see what he's done to his hair. Lordy, he looks like he has Ruth Buzzi's hairnet on from Laugh In.
Hell, they might be measuring me for the big dip, I prefer multiple smaller payoffs.Well, if you don't have the patience to wait for the big payoff, then
NodsThe scene where he and his manager were fighting was just gross, not funny.
Yes, it was super boring and the I thought the acting was bad. I believe that it is really important for one room-set movies to have good dialog and acting. I later saw the ending and was glad I didn't stick around for that (talk about no payoff).
They made a squeal? I sure that one was great![]()