Movies That Should Be A Remake and Movies That Should Never Ever Be Remade


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Movies that should be remade

*Night of The Comet-Good story but a 80s movies that could use an upgrade with the modern FX effects

*Godzilla vs King Kong-They should make it happen and it would be a money- maker

Movies that should never remade

*The Warriors-Several years ago MTV wanted to remake this classic and I knew they would ruin it.Thank God it fell through.

What is your picks.


Cowboys 24/7/365
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Should be remade

Hancock - Too much focus was put on the main character being a butt and depending on Will Smith’s charisma to create jokes on the running gag. I think a remake could be a lot better focusing on the tragic effects of alcoholism and how the hero recovers from it. In other words, make it more of a truly serious drama.

Should never be remade

Forrest Gump - Storytelling at its finest backed up with perfect direction. It amazes me any time I read or hear criticism of the film. A true Hollywood gem I think can stand the test of time without re-imagining.


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Commando would be a good one. A close second for me would be Escape from NY.

The thing is I don’t know if there is an actor currently in Hollywood that could fill the shoes of Kurt Russell in escape or Arnold in commando. I know the guy that played khal drago played conan in the remake but I heard the movie wasn’t good.

At the end of commando there was a hint of a sequel. Maybe it could be about matrix’s daughter and the aftermath of the events from the original or something lol.


Cowboys 24/7/365
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Commando would be a good one. A close second for me would be Escape from NY.

The thing is I don’t know if there is an actor currently in Hollywood that could fill the shoes of Kurt Russell in escape or Arnold in commando. I know the guy that played khal drago played conan in the remake but I heard the movie wasn’t good.

At the end of commando there was a hint of a sequel. Maybe it could be about matrix’s daughter and the aftermath of the events from the original or something lol.
I have mixed feelings about an Escape From New York remake. Like, who could replace Adrienne Barbeau? Seriously though, the film is a cult classic that deserves the best and serious effort remaking it. Great lines from that movie. One of my favorites...



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I am not into remakes and think they need more creative story telling and writing in films and stop relying on comic book films and Star Wars spins. I will watch these but they have become overly dependent on them.

And the overuse and misuse of CGI is ruining a lot of films. Peter Jackson had a larger budget for The Hobbit than Lord of the Rings and chose to use way more CGI in The Hobbit as if stretching one book into three films wasn't enough.


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CowboysZone ULTIMATE Fan
Movies that should be remade

*Night of The Comet-Good story but a 80s movies that could use an upgrade with the modern FX effects

*Godzilla vs King Kong-They should make it happen and it would be a money- maker

Movies that should never remade

*The Warriors-Several years ago MTV wanted to remake this classic and I knew they would ruin it.Thank God it fell through.

What is your picks.
The makers of Kong: Skull Island are taking on the Godzilla vs Kong idea and will have an abundance of monsters no doubt. I thought they did a really good job on Kong.

They need to let the Alien franchise die. With Prometheus and Covenant stinking it up, this should have ended with Aliens. Although AVP is a great popcorn movie.


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There are remakes that are different enough that they seem like a new film. Best example is The Magnificent 7. Loved the original and the remake was different enough not to really be a comparison, both can stand on their own right.

There is one movie I would like to see a remake of if they wouldn't CGI it up too badly, Jaws. The Shallows would have been a lot better in the hands of people who don't view CGI as Cartoon Generated Images.

As a kid that grew up on the Hammer Films and some Vincent Price horror classics, those would be worth a remake as Edgar Allen Poe never gets old.


Cowboys 24/7/365
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The makers of Kong: Skull Island are taking on the Godzilla vs Kong idea and will have an abundance of monsters no doubt. I thought they did a really good job on Kong.

They need to let the Alien franchise die. With Prometheus and Covenant stinking it up, this should have ended with Aliens. Although AVP is a great popcorn movie.
:hammer:Agree with closing out the Alien films and I say that being a huge fan of the first two movies. Ridley Scott disappointed me so badly with Prometheus that I have never stopped to watch Alien Covenant.

Alien v Predator was 'great' due to Sanaa Latham. :grin:


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:hammer:Agree with closing out the Alien films and I say that being a huge fan of the first two movies. Ridley Scott disappointed me so badly with Prometheus that I have never stopped to watch Alien Covenant.

Alien v Predator was 'great' due to Sanaa Latham. :grin:
AVP was just a fun movie and how could they go wrong with Lance Henriksen?

Covenant was about as bad as it can get and I wonder who taught astronauts to take their helmets off on hostile planets? Ridley Scott is the mots hit and miss director out there. And when he misses, it's awful.


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Night of the Comet should remain as is, an 80's classic cult/zombie type film.

Jaws, this should be untouchable but I would love to see it redone in todays technology changing nothing. I think it could be something special with the right director and direction.

Hollywood is out of ideas and it is a sad reality that we have to even discuss remakes :(


Cowboys 24/7/365
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Night of the Comet should remain as is, an 80's classic cult/zombie type film.

Jaws, this should be untouchable but I would love to see it redone in todays technology changing nothing. I think it could be something special with the right director and direction.

Hollywood is out of ideas and it is a sad reality that we have to even discuss remakes :(
I used to think the same thing, that Hollywood's creativity has bottomed out. To be honest, Hollywood has been remaking original films for many decades from almost its beginning.

The number of remakes and sequels has increased, especially in the last decade or so, but there are scores of new movies that are not remakes or sequels being made and released constantly. I think it seems like the pool of original material has mostly disappeared because Hollywood overly emphasizes and hypermarkets the rehashed stuff so much that it drowns the former out like white noise.

My pet peeve with Hollywood and remakes is not so much about quantity and more about quality. Some remakes can be embarrassments to the originals. Case in point: 1959's Ben-Hur was, in fact, a remake of a 1920's original. The 1959 release won 11 Academy Awards and in my opinion deserved every... single... Oscar.

The techniques and technology Hollywood gained in the 30 years between the first two films improved the remake tremendously. It was almost 60 years between the ultra-classic 1959 film and the latest remake released a few years ago. Sometimes the third time is NOT a charm because the latest remake was an embarrassment to its legacy. Worse, all three movies are based on such a SIMPLE story. How can the most advanced era of Hollywood create a dud based on a simple story? smh

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CowboysZone LOYAL Fan
I used to think the same thing, that Hollywood's creativity has bottomed out. To be honest, Hollywood has been remaking original films for many decades from almost its beginning.

The number of remakes and sequels has increased, especially in the last decade or so, but there are scores of new movies that are not remakes or sequels being made and released constantly. I think it seems like the pool of original material has mostly disappeared because Hollywood overly emphasizes and hypermarkets the rehashed stuff so much that it drowns the former out like white noise.

My pet peeve with Hollywood and remakes is not so much about quantity and more about quality. Some remakes can be embarrassments to the originals. Case in point: 1959's Ben-Hur was, in fact, a remake of a 1920's original. The 1959 release won 11 Academy Awards and in my opinion deserved every... single... Oscar.

The techniques and technology Hollywood gained in the 30 years between the first two films improved the remake tremendously. It was almost 60 years between the ultra-classic 1959 film and the latest remake released a few years ago. Sometimes the third time is NOT a charm because the latest remake was an embarrassment to its legacy. Worse, all three movies are based on such a SIMPLE story. How can the most advanced era of Hollywood create a dud based on a simple story? smh


Of course there are new and different movies coming out yearly. But, most of it is terrible, made to promote a social ideal or just boring content which I care nothing about.

Another problem is the lack of superstar actors/actresses. There are quite a few less polarizing figures such as Eastwood, Sly, Arnold, Streep, J. Roberts, Costner, Foster just to name a few. There are still some big stars out there but their roles are dimishing.

Also, when a film is a hit, Hollywood tends to cram it down our throats with sequel after sequel. Prepare for Pacific Rim 7 in our future :)


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They should remake The Wild Bunch and Night of the Commit.


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I used to think the same thing, that Hollywood's creativity has bottomed out. To be honest, Hollywood has been remaking original films for many decades from almost its beginning.

The number of remakes and sequels has increased, especially in the last decade or so, but there are scores of new movies that are not remakes or sequels being made and released constantly. I think it seems like the pool of original material has mostly disappeared because Hollywood overly emphasizes and hypermarkets the rehashed stuff so much that it drowns the former out like white noise.

My pet peeve with Hollywood and remakes is not so much about quantity and more about quality. Some remakes can be embarrassments to the originals. Case in point: 1959's Ben-Hur was, in fact, a remake of a 1920's original. The 1959 release won 11 Academy Awards and in my opinion deserved every... single... Oscar.

The techniques and technology Hollywood gained in the 30 years between the first two films improved the remake tremendously. It was almost 60 years between the ultra-classic 1959 film and the latest remake released a few years ago. Sometimes the third time is NOT a charm because the latest remake was an embarrassment to its legacy. Worse, all three movies are based on such a SIMPLE story. How can the most advanced era of Hollywood create a dud based on a simple story? smh

High concept. That’s what the big studios are solely focused on. They don’t like,you see what you see. Remakes of already known titles and stories,and super hero films...with a sprinkle of artsy this and that. I’m glad you brought up the 1920’s version of Ben Hur though,and only a film buff or film industry person would know it. Love that one more than the others,due to the backstory,and knowing a lot of what you see on film is real. Guys jumping for their lives off a real burning ship,or men and horse getting brutally hurt,maimed or killed in the Circus Maximus.


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Movies That SHOULD Be Re-Made:
•The Lone Ranger...with Josh Brolin as the man in the mask...start the movie with The Lone Ranger doin' Lone Ranger stuff.....then he and Tonto get drawn into the middle of a "wont somebody help us" kinda adventure and finish with The Lone Ranger doin' Lone Ranger stuff.
and he doesnt take off the mask....EVER.
and he aint afraid of guns n stuff.

movies that should NEVER be re-made:
•Elvis movies
•Clint Eastwood movies
•John Wayne movies
•Steve McQueen movies
•Stallone movies
•Jimmy Stewart movies
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should be re-made:Flash Gordon...this time...animated.

should NOT
•Creature From The Black Lagoon
•Close Encounters
•earth vs the flying saucers
•enemy mine


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CowboysZone LOYAL Fan
should be re-made:Flash Gordon...this time...animated.

should NOT
•Creature From The Black Lagoon
•Close Encounters
•earth vs the flying saucers
•enemy mine

I would like to see a new Creature from the Black Lagoon today, I feel many younger people missed out on that one and would enjoy it.

Also, I want to see an Aquaman movie made :thumbup: