Movies That Should Be A Remake and Movies That Should Never Ever Be Remade

“Frankenstein” is a big fat no with me...until someone actually represents it in the Universal Classic Horror way it should be. I’m sooooo sick of the dumb reboot failures of it,or gross missinterpstions and new spins on it. I don’t want to see some poor imitation of must be done with the original style in mind. The look,the aura,the lab’s really one of the most brilliant and deeply envoking scenes ever put on celluloid. I also do not believe Clive was just acting in that scene. I think he kinda honestly felt it a bit. Where’s he’s shaking as they hold him,and he says....”Oh ho the name of God! I know what it feels like to be God!” You can't fully act that,and I spent a full straight week on just that one scene,teaching myself about stop motion,and how to edit film with my camera set up in a darkened room,in my underwear taking single shots,frame by painstakingly frame shot. Why I did? Because I’m a full blown nut,and was just curious.
“Where were you all week? You didn’t answer your phone,and didn’t answer your door either?”...
” probably wouldn’t believe this.....but...” looooool
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I would like to see a new Creature from the Black Lagoon today, I feel many younger people missed out on that one and would enjoy it.

Also, I want to see an Aquaman movie made :thumbup:
Well good news for you then. Yes,they are going to do a Aquaman,or at least want to do it. As for Creature? It’s been on the Universal development train for years and years.
They are trying to reboot the whole Uni horror genre,with the last Mummy being the first of films slated for production...but it was such a bomb of a flick,I’m not sure they are going to get there. They got all the wrong people in the kitchen is the problem,and they don’t understand you can’t cheapen it,or change everything to be different. It’s either done with the right blend of classic style and staying true to it,or it just losses it’s way...and you wind up with a real stinker. The Wolfman 2010 was a good one I thought,capturing that style and told the make up artist Rick Baker (although he disagreed) that it was pretty good...but they didn’t release it right and it struck out too.
Flash Gordon still with the humor but better special effects... Not cardboard wings with the Hawkmen.

Couple Carey Grant WWII comedies... Father Goose and Operation Petticoat although have no clue would get the lead Role.

Since I just watched it recently... Ensemble comedy like DC Cab. Could even be a competition between Uber and lyft drivers comedy.

Do NOT remake...

An already crappy movie and do a pretty much dead on copy of the original... Perfect recent example... The Beguiled. First movie sucked and the remake was almost the exact same. If you are going to remake a crappy movie... Change it so some to at least attempt to make it better.

Do not remake an already classic movie that almost everyone knows and everyone thinks is already great. Chances are the very, best you will do is make it ok. Rarely will you make it good as or better.
I thought I read DC has it in the pipe-line...2019 or 2020.

Later this year I think, Jason Momoa (Khal Drogo From Game Of Thrones) is gonna play Aquaman.....

I think All Quiet On The Western Front would be a great re-make, but I dont think enough people would care about WW1 from the German perspective to warrant a big budget..........either way, we need more WW1 movies, and also more Revolutionary War Movies.....
I'd like to see a movie made about Stevie Ray Vaughan. Tommy Katona is a hellva guitarist and has mimicked SRV'S playing style, tone and sounds just like him when he sings.
Commando would be a good one. A close second for me would be Escape from NY.

The thing is I don’t know if there is an actor currently in Hollywood that could fill the shoes of Kurt Russell in escape or Arnold in commando. I know the guy that played khal drago played conan in the remake but I heard the movie wasn’t good.

At the end of commando there was a hint of a sequel. Maybe it could be about matrix’s daughter and the aftermath of the events from the original or something lol.
I almost went with Commando too. The one knock I had with that movie was the villian looked like a guy you would find drinking beers on his porch rather than some special ops trained killer. Especially when compared to Arnold's roided up ace
A good Wolverine movie

Never Remake:
The Big Lebowski
Natural Born Killers
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Totally agree about Bennett (villian), he was completely out of place.

In the movie Bennett was an ex-member of matrix’s team but was fired for being excessively violent lol. It was hard to believe that guy was anywhere near matrix’s level as a special forces kinda guy.

The chains mail he wears throughout the movie is hilarious too.

I almost went with Commando too. The one knock I had with that movie was the villian looked like a guy you would find drinking beers on his porch rather than some special ops trained killer. Especially when compared to Arnold's roided up ace
A good Wolverine movie

Never Remake:
The Big Lebowski
Natural Born Killers
Also, I want to see an Aquaman movie made :thumbup:
isn't Aquaman in the works?
No idea......
I thought I read DC has it in the pipe-line...2019 or 2020.
Well good news for you then. Yes,they are going to do a Aquaman,or at least want to do it.
Later this year I think, Jason Momoa (Khal Drogo From Game Of Thrones) is gonna play Aquaman.....
Aquaman began production last spring. Characters like Black Manta and Ocean Master will be in the film.

Sites like Box Office Mojo and Metacritic have posted December 21 as its release date but Warner Bros’ site has announced squat about an official release date. Not sure where Mojo and Meta get their info but they are usually right.

It will not surprise me if the release date gets moved up or back a week or so though. It would be bad enough opening against Paramount’s Bumblebee on the same day. Transformer movies may have weak plots but they usually attract significant box office.

That would cut into Aquaman’s initial audience reception by itself but 21st Century Fox’s Alita: Battle Angel (see avatar :p ) opens the same day too. Not sure it is a smart move going up against a James Cameron project. WB may wait and gauge how Alita’s early marketing campaign fares first.
Well good news for you then. Yes,they are going to do a Aquaman,or at least want to do it. As for Creature? It’s been on the Universal development train for years and years.
They are trying to reboot the whole Uni horror genre,with the last Mummy being the first of films slated for production...but it was such a bomb of a flick,I’m not sure they are going to get there. They got all the wrong people in the kitchen is the problem,and they don’t understand you can’t cheapen it,or change everything to be different. It’s either done with the right blend of classic style and staying true to it,or it just losses it’s way...and you wind up with a real stinker. The Wolfman 2010 was a good one I thought,capturing that style and told the make up artist Rick Baker (although he disagreed) that it was pretty good...but they didn’t release it right and it struck out too.
The first Mummy w/ Fraser was great because it was funny as hades. The one w/ Cruise was simply way too serious.
Police Academy but only if they don't make all about women and ruin it like ghostbusters and I'm sure the up coming oceans 8.

Never remake Caddyshack(classic) or faceoff(stupid) for different reasons of course.
Movies that should be remade: Bad movies. Fix the issue(s) and solve the problem(s).

Movies that should be never remade: Good movies. Don't try to fix what isn't broken.
Or movies that could have been great, with better technology......Like Bambi.
The first Mummy w/ Fraser was great because it was funny as hades. The one w/ Cruise was simply way too serious.
Oh yeah....the Fraser Mummy was great fun. The Cruise one? I never got more than 20 minutes in and was gone. The lighting is what’s most wrong with it. Where they take all the warmth out,and has a bleached out look. It ruins it right there every time for me. Film makers have been using that trend,and it think it absolutley stinks. It’s called “Tungsten” lighting on my camera...and I typically do not use it,for that same reason. It whitewashes all the color you that drab fluorescent look. “Oh yes.....let’s make it look like a stark public bathroom,that should be fun for the folks coming in to enjoy a good time”. It’s depressing and works against humor too. The only cool thing about that film was the premier where they had a 75ft tall sarcophagus at Hollywood and Highliand Center. Got to see that,and was like...whoa!!! Super duper cool.
Put the Creature from the Black Lagoon in the Aquaman movie........2 birds, 1 lame stone.
Have that guy who played Mr. Spock included also.Just call him Prince Namor that makes 3 birds
I would like to see a new Creature from the Black Lagoon today, I feel many younger people missed out on that one and would enjoy it.

Also, I want to see an Aquaman movie made :thumbup:
Excellent choice, I thought Revenge of the Creature from the Black Lagoon was the best of the 3. Man, I was a creature feature fool as a kid. Scare the hell out of myself and then sleep under the covers and almost suffocate. I wore myself out looking under my bed for one of those Body Snatcher pods because I figured my parents would have liked me more under control.

The Thing was a far superior remake than the original but hard to call it a remake it was so different. And they even made a remake of the remake, which was just stupid.

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