It sucks but fumbling in the playoffs and going to a division rival won't get u a round of applause.. That stung a bit considering everything else good he did for us...
He got what he deserved from the fans!
Watching UFC 185 right now, and it's taking place at American Airline Center in Dallas.
Murray is in attendance, I'm assuming he bought the tickets before he decided to chase the dollar. Anyway, his face comes up on the big screen and the crowd immediately starts booing.
That didn't take long. I suspect he'll receive a similar welcome when we play the Eagles.
Murray took a better job offer.
One issue keeps circling in my mind…eagles offered $8mil and $21 mil guaranteed…we $5mil with $12 mil guaranteed….I know there's is higher BUT
If he thinks he's unpopular in Dallas, just let him underperform in Philly and he'll discover his attempts to join their ranks will all be for naught. They'll instantly turn on him like the wild dogs they are. The pressure is on.
If he thinks he's unpopular in Dallas, just let him underperform in Philly and he'll discover his attempts to join their ranks will all be for naught. They'll instantly turn on him like the wild dogs they are. The pressure is on.
Hopefully he would have knocked you the hell out too.
Ya'll need to get over it, boo him because he's an Eagle thats fine. I sure as hell wont be rooting for him. But no need for that classless garbage counting another man's pockets. Their job as players is to perform and like anyone else they want to get paid for their performance, Dallas didnt want to pony up so he went to an organization that did.
Exactly like most Dallas fans have you mean?
dude clearly wanted to stay here, live here and raise his family, build his post-career in Dallas unfortunately he never got a fair deal from Ebenezer Scrooge. i hope everyone enjoys this new "patriots" method Stephen Jones is implementing. we are sacrificing the goodwill of our players and the family atmosphere the franchise has always been about.
It's hilarious how the fan base couldn't wait to run him out of town. They don't realize his franchise records aren't gonna be sniffed at for a long time, and those same fans who under-appreciated what he did for us will be in for a harsh reality watching this team go back to leaning on a 35 year old QB with a bad back next year.
After a 20 year drought we finally found a formula that works, and we couldn't wait to run the main component out of town over a couple million a year.