My Car Was Stolen This Afternoon


I do like that one guy who makes fun of all the extra steps people go through for their "life hacks", Khaby Lame.
Lol did someone really cut open a banana with a knife, and someone actually put zip ties around a glass so they can hold it, LOL are people really that stupid or starved for attention
Lol did someone really cut open a banana with a knife, and someone actually put zip ties around a glass so they can hold it, LOL are people really that stupid or starved for attention
I've never seen those, but there are some really stupid ones that people think they're geniuses for coming up with. I don't even care enough to remember any of them, that's how dumb they are. I've also seen some that made me think, "Why would anyone be doing that in the first place?"
I've never seen those, but there are some really stupid ones that people think they're geniuses for coming up with. I don't even care enough to remember any of them, that's how dumb they are. I've also seen some that made me think, "Why would anyone be doing that in the first place?"

Haha, some really good ones in here, the banana, the fork/into a spoon and the zip ties :laugh::laugh:
That really sucks. Years ago someone tried to steal my car at my apartment one night, but they couldn't get it started, I had a hidden starter switch on the car. My neighbor went outside to get a pack a smokes from his truck and scared them off. Luckily no damage was done and nothing was taken.
It's a viral thing that started in the Midwest.

There's a class action lawsuit going against Hyundai and Kia going now because they haven't provided any kind of reasonable solution at this time.

How is it their fault? How about going after TikTok and the people stealing the cars?

If Kia and Hyundai intentionally made the flaw and then published a how to steal their car guide, sure..that's one thing. But blaming them because other people suck? Lame.
How is it their fault? How about going after TikTok and the people stealing the cars?

If Kia and Hyundai intentionally made the flaw and then published a how to steal their car guide, sure..that's one thing. But blaming them because other people suck? Lame.
I think Hyundai and Kia are somewhat responsible for cheaping out on parts and materials in the region of the car that starts the engine. This literally isn't happening in any other make of vehicle.

And I'm not demanding that they give me five figures or anything, but offering car owners a free wheel lock or some kind of education on this defect would've been a nice start. They'll sure as hell email or call you if you're due for service or if you're 3 days behind on a payment....
Hands down the most bizarre thing that's ever happened to me. My wife was grocery shopping, I was at home on my back deck smoking a brisket flat and listening to the radio in broad daylight when some young punk took a cab into my neighborhood and boosted my car. Right out of my driveway.

It feels so damn violating. It was such a quick and concise job that even my dogs (who bark at everything) didn't notice anything amiss.

I really wanted to alert Zoners that may drive older model Kia's and Hyundai's to invest in a wheel lock system or a GPS tracker that you can mount to the car inconspicuously. There is apparently a TikTok Challenge that I was not aware of where you can break the steering column, and start the engine with a USB drive. The police who responded to the call told me that close to 10 vehicles in my area had been stolen in the last 24 hours. Social media has created a car theft fetishism.

It takes a real piece of crap to steal property from hard working people around the Holidays.

Be safe, ya'll.

I was suspecting organized crime until you mentioned a tik-tok challenge. How disgusting. Punks trade info online on how to act just like the mafia. I hope you're well-insured. I've been keeping my car in my garage almost all the time because if thieves. I'm well-insured, but I still wouldn't want it to get stolen.

Some years back, some goons broke into my car and stole my car stereo. That was already bad enough. I can't imagine how awful it must feel to have your whole car stolen. I hope these punks get caught and have the book thrown at them.
I feel your pain. It happened to me when I was 18 and again when I was 45.

What got me was the utter shock that hit first. Both times. Walking to where the vehicle was, not seeing it then looking around like it moved somewhere else all on its own.

The pissed off feeling came afterward. So incredibly frustrating.

Thought mine was stolen... ended up being a scam. In high school we went to support the soccer team in a playoff game. Paid $5 to a guy that was directing all the cars into a lot for parking. He then towed all of them. NJ sucks.
That sucks man. Had a few attempts to break into my vehicles over the years. One got lucky and stole a few items out of the truck. Makes you feel terrible for a bit.

Hope they find the people responsible and lock them up.

I made room in my garage to fit both vehicles in cause people suck.
I feel your pain. It happened to me when I was 18 and again when I was 45.

What got me was the utter shock that hit first. Both times. Walking to where the vehicle was, not seeing it then looking around like it moved somewhere else all on its own.

The pissed off feeling came afterward. So incredibly frustrating.

Just curious, were your vehicles stolen from your home or was it when you were out and about shopping or visiting people or whatever? I'm told I have a care that's desirable to steal. It's a Honda Civic. I have it insured, plus I keep it in my garage, if possible. I also don't drive it to the airport if I'm going on a trip. I take an Uber. The last thing I want is to leave it in the airport's long-term parking. But I don't think anything can guarantee no theft.

These thieves get brazen, especially now that they can exchange info with one another online.
That sucks man. Had a few attempts to break into my vehicles over the years. One got lucky and stole a few items out of the truck. Makes you feel terrible for a bit.

Hope they find the people responsible and lock them up.

I made room in my garage to fit both vehicles in cause people suck.
Problem is, locking them up isn't doing it.

You can look back in history and it clearly becomes apparent, that only strict harsh punishment deters crime. Can't look at it from our perspective as non-thieves, they don't think as we do.
Hey, it was Physical Graffiti.

Any level of theft makes you feel violated. I felt violated when the crooks stole my ****** car stereo and a flashlight. The car stereo barely worked anymore, but that flashlight was the last gift my aunt had given me before she died. Plus, I had to replace my window. I felt violated. It would be way worse, of course, if it had been the whole car. That must be the worst, sickening feeling. It would be a terrible experience whether the car is a clunker or a luxury car.
Any level of theft makes you feel violated. I felt violated when the crooks stole my ****** car stereo and a flashlight. The car stereo barely worked anymore, but that flashlight was the last gift my aunt had given me before she died. Plus, I had to replace my window. I felt violated. It would be way worse, of course, if it had been the whole car. That must be the worst, sickening feeling. It would be a terrible experience whether the car is a clunker or a luxury car.
It's absolutely violating, since I was home. Someone woke up that morning, knowing they were going to take a cab to my street and steal my vehicle. That's icky. There are personal things in the car too like my work badge and my garage door opener remote as well. Also very icky.

What sucks the most is how much money and time I've put into the vehicle recently. I just spent $500 on a brake job on December 8th, just replaced the tires in July, just had it professionally detailed, as a Christmas gift to myself, and then I detailed the engine two days before it was stolen.
It's absolutely violating, since I was home. Someone woke up that morning, knowing they were going to take a cab to my street and steal my vehicle. That's icky. There are personal things in the car too like my work badge and my garage door opener remote as well. Also very icky.

What sucks the most is how much money and time I've put into the vehicle recently. I just spent $500 on a brake job on December 8th, just replaced the tires in July, just had it professionally detailed, as a Christmas gift to myself, and then I detailed the engine two days before it was stolen.

That really sucks. I wonder if the cab company or Uber or whoever might have records that could help. Maybe some driver who dropped a suspicious person off even had a dash cam. I really hope the goon who did this gets caught and punished.
Hands down the most bizarre thing that's ever happened to me. My wife was grocery shopping, I was at home on my back deck smoking a brisket flat and listening to the radio in broad daylight when some young punk took a cab into my neighborhood and boosted my car. Right out of my driveway.

It feels so damn violating. It was such a quick and concise job that even my dogs (who bark at everything) didn't notice anything amiss.

I really wanted to alert Zoners that may drive older model Kia's and Hyundai's to invest in a wheel lock system or a GPS tracker that you can mount to the car inconspicuously. There is apparently a TikTok Challenge that I was not aware of where you can break the steering column, and start the engine with a USB drive. The police who responded to the call told me that close to 10 vehicles in my area had been stolen in the last 24 hours. Social media has created a car theft fetishism.

It takes a real piece of crap to steal property from hard working people around the Holidays.

Be safe, ya'll.
Man I am sorry. Real sorry. America is crazy now. Dirtbags are more brash than ever. I got one for you…

Monday night a large van parked right in front of our house. My younger daughter had school off and her boyfriend left at 11:15pm and told us the van just pulled up. My older daughter was just on her way home and we could see her being home in about 20 minutes. We watched the van. Hard to tell if it was occupied but I was sure someone was in there and it ended up he was. Still should not have parked in that spot. Our neighborhood is nice and quiet. We called the cops but they took their time getting there. We could see my older daughter was almost home and parks in a car port at the bottom of our driveway right where the van was. I said f this. Locked and loaded and positioned myself in a stone step way going down to our driveway. I kept thinking if this idiot is going to try something with my daughter he is deader than fried chicken. She pulls up sees the van and stays in her car. My wife calls her and tells her to drive up the driveway. I am thinking what the hell is going on here. I walk out to the driveway to escort her in. Finally the dumb cop shows up. The guy in the van claims to be there to pick up our neighbors boy. It’s almost midnight but whatever. That was a weird one. We all had a laugh about it in the house but the scary thing was the van was there late on a week night and I was ready to bushwhack some dirt bag. So laughs aside that could have been bad. You have to be on guard these days.
Just curious, were your vehicles stolen from your home or was it when you were out and about shopping or visiting people or whatever? I'm told I have a care that's desirable to steal. It's a Honda Civic. I have it insured, plus I keep it in my garage, if possible. I also don't drive it to the airport if I'm going on a trip. I take an Uber. The last thing I want is to leave it in the airport's long-term parking. But I don't think anything can guarantee no theft.

These thieves get brazen, especially now that they can exchange info with one another online.
Not from home. Parking lots.

My first car was stolen from my high school parking lot while I was at football practice. My second car was stolen from my hospital's parking lot where I work.

My neighborhood has had a few homes broken into over the decades we have lived here. However, no cars have ever been jacked (keeping fingers crossed after typing that).
It's absolutely violating, since I was home. Someone woke up that morning, knowing they were going to take a cab to my street and steal my vehicle. That's icky. There are personal things in the car too like my work badge and my garage door opener remote as well. Also very icky.

What sucks the most is how much money and time I've put into the vehicle recently. I just spent $500 on a brake job on December 8th, just replaced the tires in July, just had it professionally detailed, as a Christmas gift to myself, and then I detailed the engine two days before it was stolen.
I had a leather jacket stolen once at a laundromat. I was livid, but at least they had the decency to leave my keys behind.

That feeling stuck with me though, and someone tried to my next leather jacket from the bar I was bouncing at. I met him at the door, and the thing never would have fit him, as he was considerably bigger than me. That didn't stop me from threatening his life, at which point he couldn't handle it back fast enough and never returned to my bar.
That really sucks. I wonder if the cab company or Uber or whoever might have records that could help. Maybe some driver who dropped a suspicious person off even had a dash cam. I really hope the goon who did this gets caught and punished.
These were leads that I handed over to the detective, but alas - he can't do anything with them.

Because my car was parked in a blind spot where there aren't any cameras, and none of my boomer neighbors have any cameras at all set up on the exterior of their homes, there is no direct footage of the perpetrator walking from the cab and into my driveway. So the detective has no probable cause to serve the cab company a warrant for those records. Why was my car parked off camera, you may ask? Because my wife just bought a brand new car 3 weeks ago. I never in my wildest dreams would've thought a 10 year old vehicle with 135,000 miles on it would be attractive to criminals.

My doorbell captured a cab entering my street 4 minutes before my car was stolen. The cab didn't go down the street and exit the neighborhood, he pulled a U-Turn right there to exit the neighborhood the same way that he came in. As he was leaving, you can see that he no longer has a passenger. The person that ordered the cab was dropped off right in the vicinity of my home. There is a spot on my street about 200 yards away where there is empty space between houses on a bridge that sits on top of a creek. I have zero doubt that this is where the perp was dropped off because it's so inconspicuous. As a matter of fact, police officers often sit there to try and catch people speeding and/or running a stop sign.

This whole process has been very eye opening for me. You realize first hand how useless most police officers are, and it's not their fault. It's simply the letter of the law. Unless you are caught in the act of doing something illegal, or unless it's a serious crime that requires serious funding for a larger investigation, these cases like mine simply stay in the queue with little to no movement.
These were leads that I handed over to the detective, but alas - he can't do anything with them.

Because my car was parked in a blind spot where there aren't any cameras, and none of my boomer neighbors have any cameras at all set up on the exterior of their homes, there is no direct footage of the perpetrator walking from the cab and into my driveway. So the detective has no probable cause to serve the cab company a warrant for those records. Why was my car parked off camera, you may ask? Because my wife just bought a brand new car 3 weeks ago. I never in my wildest dreams would've thought a 10 year old vehicle with 135,000 miles on it would be attractive to criminals.

My doorbell captured a cab entering my street 4 minutes before my car was stolen. The cab didn't go down the street and exit the neighborhood, he pulled a U-Turn right there to exit the neighborhood the same way that he came in. As he was leaving, you can see that he no longer has a passenger. The person that ordered the cab was dropped off right in the vicinity of my home. There is a spot on my street about 200 yards away where there is empty space between houses on a bridge that sits on top of a creek. I have zero doubt that this is where the perp was dropped off because it's so inconspicuous. As a matter of fact, police officers often sit there to try and catch people speeding and/or running a stop sign.

This whole process has been very eye opening for me. You realize first hand how useless most police officers are, and it's not their fault. It's simply the letter of the law. Unless you are caught in the act of doing something illegal, or unless it's a serious crime that requires serious funding for a larger investigation, these cases like mine simply stay in the queue with little to no movement.
I don't think there's any law prohibiting the cops from getting the information from the cab company, then checking the passenger's address to see if your car is there, or if any of his neighbors saw it.

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