My CD "Open to Interpretation" is for sale...

5Stars;3280621 said:


The phrasing, the tempo, the harmonics...the melodies. Chord shapes that I sweet. You got got soul, and some skillz.

And I love the title of your music.

Thanks mucho. When ya write instrumentals, it's all about keeping the song fresh. Songs with lyrics can have chords repeated, etc because the lyrics and the vocalist carry the weight...but with an instrumental, unless you're an ACE guitar player, ya better spend a lot of time making subtle changes, etc.

Glad you picked up on them. Feels like the effort was worthwhile. :)
You favorite song from that album, Juke?

I really like Bienaguena.
Hoofbite;3280660 said:
You favorite song from that album, Juke?

I really like Bienaguena.

I's like picking your favorite son or daughter. :)

I am partial to Funk You, Bienaguena, Surf's Down, Wanderings, An Unanswered Prayer, and Open to Interpretation..for a number of reasons with regard to what they mean to me.

Given all the music that's out there today that is looped and computer generated, I get a kick out of a song like Wanderings, which was recorded with one live mic, one take cuz ya can't really cut in on an acoustic track, and then I went to hell with myself and added reverb. :)
Bob Sacamano;3280639 said:
Yep. WG, Faerluna and Kristi.

You lucky bastage.

Oooh baby...Just as long as Brad doesn't try to sneak in with that Cowboys Cheerleader outfit of his. :eek:
Sweet! I had a dog named Pepper...she lived for 18 years....may your dog live and bring as much joy to you as my dog did!
Juke99;3280651 said:

The music is a passion but ya know, the shelter work, is equally rewarding... :)

I'm assuming that Lab is yours? I need details, how old, gender...etc.

Female, 12 years old (hard to believe), one of those special dogs you get once or twice in a lifetime. :)

And believe it or not, "Pepper" is my favorite song... Even before I realized the name of it.

Anyway, your music is really excellent. I'm glad Reality encouraged you to post it.
Excellent song composition and artistic expression John, I particularly liked Pepper :)!

I am a big animal lover and supporter so much respect for the proceeds designation, our dogs are like our kids!!

Your friend Jeff has some pipes too, excellent work together!

Hoofbite;3280660 said:
You favorite song from that album, Juke?

I really like Bienaguena.
That one and "Wanderings" are mine. I really love the pure sound of the guitar in them.

He did a country one for a contest that he won. It's called "They Ain't Improved Love." He had never written a country song before. Give it a listen. I was amazed at how authentic he got his first attempt. Even if you aren't a country music fan, you listen to that and you know that this guy has what it takes.

I also highly recommend one that he doesn't have on his website. I hope he reads this and puts it onethere. It is called "Skywriting in the Dark."

Back when he was gonna step down some guys on another site said all of this was a lie. They said my explanation that he had a songwriting career he was going to give a try was a lie. The joke's on them. Once again their feeble little imaginations couldn't comprehend the truth. One of them imagined himself a musician and songwriter. The chasm between Juke's talent and his makes the Grand Canyon look like a drainage trench.

Anyone who has a passion for music, I urge you to share that with John and the others on this site that do. You'll find that in addition to our love of the Dallas Cowboys that there are some people on this site who are just plain talented. Several guys have posted youtube videos of their guitar playing. I am not kidding, I would pay for the privilege to just sit and listen to Juke and 5stars and some of these others guys to just have a jam session with some eats and drinks.

Last year John was invited to the CMA Awards. He is this close to some of these songs being ones we hear played on the radio or MP3 by big name artists that we all know who they are.

I don't know about anyone else, but I feel very privileged that he's sharing this with us. I've heard him play live and that Taylor guitar he posted earlier not only is beautiful, he can make that thing talk to your soul.

That's what the song you listed and "Wanderings" do for me. Sorry it took me so long to get to that point.
Juke99;3280106 said:
Scoot over to the website,

Lemme give ya some hope, a few years ago, I used to write songs without solos because I hated the way I played. After playing be ear for, well, a LONG time, I decided to take lessons two years ago. Now I have a CD of instrumentals...with a bunch of 'em signed by publishers.

Just keep at it...even if it's only 15 minutes each day.

Thanks John, but I truly suck. I've given up lately although they're all still sitting out. I do like my Lucille. Very easy to play if'n I could play.
Juke99;3280111 said:
Btw, this is a HUGE compliment for me.

When I write an instrumental, I do it as if there are going to be lyrics...I want people to be able so sing the song in their heads after they listen.

With most instrumental albums, the instrumentalist is hell bent on showing the world how well he can play. OK, so after that 2 minutes is over, then what?

I always loved Jeff Beck's early albums and Joe Satriani's Surfing With the Alien because those guys wrote SONGS. They can also play their hineys off.
Then it should ony add to your satisfaction to know that I am a musician and guitar player myself... I know how artists are most affected by the opinions of other artists.

Again, nice work.
Hoofbite;3280660 said:
You favorite song from that album, Juke?

I really like Bienaguena.

One of my favorites to ---just can't remember how to spell it
Jimz31;3280774 said:
Sweet! I had a dog named Pepper...she lived for 18 years....may your dog live and bring as much joy to you as my dog did!

I adopted her knowing she has I'm pretty thankful for each day...we try to make the best of every day.

When I worked with her at the shelter, I just knew something about her was different. Not that most of the dogs there aren't great and deserving of a home but she just had a different quality about her.

The transition period of 2 years at a shelter, where her condition had degenerated to the point that she was becoming a bit aggressive and had, at times, chewed her paws to the point that she couldn't be walked, was difficult.

But she's settled in now and is doing just fine.

Chocolate Lab;3280781 said:
Female, 12 years old (hard to believe), one of those special dogs you get once or twice in a lifetime. :)

And believe it or not, "Pepper" is my favorite song... Even before I realized the name of it.

Anyway, your music is really excellent. I'm glad Reality encouraged you to post it.

Thanks very much.

Labs are great dogs...they're typically clowns who love to perform and get attention. I've had a number of training sessions with different Labs...mostly because people don't understand, if ya laugh or in any way encourage a "bad" behavior with a Lab, you've just reinforced it for life.

Thanks about the music...

Continued joy with your pooch.
DWAREZ;3280789 said:
Excellent song composition and artistic expression John, I particularly liked Pepper :)!

I am a big animal lover and supporter so much respect for the proceeds designation, our dogs are like our kids!!

Your friend Jeff has some pipes too, excellent work together!


Yep...ya know, I'm not gonna make money on this CD so I figured it would have more value to me if I took the moolah and donated it to the shelter.

And yeah, Jeff is truly a talent...great guy.

April ain't so bad either. :)

Thanks for the kind words.
Yo, Hos...maybe I should write a song called "I'm Your Lapdog"


Thanks on "They Ain't Improved Love" I wrote that after I came back from the Country Music Awards. The guitar line in that song is the center of it. Funny thing, I sound like the Rolling Stones doing country music. I've always loved Keith Richard's rhythm playing. He's actually quite a butcher on the guitar but he had that sound on his rhythm guitar that was a Stone's trademark. So I open G tuned the guitar and voila, Keith Richards.

Thanks about Wanderings. That one seems to catch everyone's attention.
jobberone;3280826 said:
Thanks John, but I truly suck. I've given up lately although they're all still sitting out. I do like my Lucille. Very easy to play if'n I could play.

Have you taken lessons?
Spectre;3280838 said:
Then it should ony add to your satisfaction to know that I am a musician and guitar player myself... I know how artists are most affected by the opinions of other artists.

Again, nice work.

Coool. So, what are ya playing? How long? Hobby or passion?
justbob;3280937 said:
One of my favorites to ---just can't remember how to spell it


Here's how the title came about:

I was playing Malaguena...and thought "mal" is "bad" in Spanish.

Bien is "good"

Hence....the name for the song.

Pretty lame, huh? :D
Juke99;3280947 said:

Here's how the title came about:

I was playing Malaguena...and thought "mal" is "bad" in Spanish.

Bien is "good"

Hence....the name for the song.

Pretty lame, huh? :D

Muy Bien ---Works for me --Working on your cd --when the virius wreaked my computer I had to upgrade to Windows 7 and still haven't figured it out ---I 'll have it to you before you are ready to train your next cowdog...

Check out my latest bunch-
Woo hoo, I am getting my CD, and an 8X10 autographed glossy.......

I'm making room on the wall, it's going between my Donny Osmand and Bobby Sherman glossies, and right above Boy George.

I can hardly wait!

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