Name Brand Or Not?

You live in LC? I went to school there. Didn't make it to the farmer's market when I was in school at the time, not sure they even had one.
Actually I live in West El Paso, but I'm only a stone's throw from Cruces so we go almost every weekend to hit their Market. It's huge! We have farmer's markets here, but they aren't even a 1/4 of what's over there.
They're also open on Wednesdays, but only 1/2 of the vendors show up that day. A new vendor showed up recently selling hand-made steampunk gadgets that work. They're expensive, but man! I want a some of what he makes! He'll even build something on the spot, if he has the material and you request something.

Super cool.
Hellman's? Oh hell yeah but I have not tried Heinz and their promoting heavily
Mustard, used to be a French's man until I had the original mustard, Plochman's, and I gotta say Whataburger's mustard is pretty great on burgers
Ketchup, only Heinz will do and now they're using a new song after Carly Simon's "Anticipation" for 10 years. And their flavored ketchups like Hot and Jalapeno are pretty fine as well.
Hot Sauce, Crystal but I experiment around with anything new
Worcestershire, Lea & Perrin and no other is acceptable. Ever. Under any circumstances.
Mezzetti for jarred peppers, cocktail onions except for green pimento stuffed olives, then it's Goya
Hamburger pickles, for years, I was a Best Maid guy but then I had Mt. Olive's and they're excellent.
Jarred salsa, Walt Garrison's Medium Salsa is the best I've found and it's not easy to find. I order it online.
Chips, I used to be a Lays or Charles Chips guy when they delivered those in a can but I've been converted to HEB's store brand and they beat Cheetos and Fritos for me. Fritos have started to have a burnt after taste. And I am usually not a store brand guy.
Deli, Boar's Head, some things are just worth the additional $
Vodka, martini's, Belvedere or Stoly Gold. For mixing, Tito's.
Gin, martini's, Bombay Sapphire, For tonics, Hendrick's. Tonic and ginger beer, Fever Tree.
Bourbon, Woodford Reserve
Scotch, Single malt, Glenmorangie or Balvenie.
Tequila, 1800 for marg's, Patron for top shelf and just discovered a new one at Costco, Qui, very pricey but a smooth sipper. BTW, if you haven't hit up Costco for liquor, I suggest it. The selection is not what you would find in a liquor store like Total Wine or Spec's but the process are good.
Rum, Bacardi and just discovered the Bacardi Maestro and it's as smooth as a baby's butt
Bottle mixes, Baja Bob's Sugar Free
Go to mixer, Topo Chico. Also fun to say if you do it in your best Ed Sullivan voice like you are introducing that little Italian mouse. Disney ripped them off with that French rat. But I do prefer foreign rodents to the domestic ones.

OK, is this enough or you want more?
Cannot stand store brand bottle water. It is Dasani or nothing.

Maybe it is psychosomatic but my GERD reacts better taking Prevacid than any store brand box labeled Lansoprowhatevertheheckname.

For me, raisin bran is Kellogg's Raisin Bran. Store brand raisin bran tastes like chipped rice cakes to me.
One of the things I miss the most about Dallas is the Farmers' Market. Different sheds for growers and vendors and the best produce and best prices around. And the absolutely best tomatoes around. Canton and Jacksonville farmers know tomatoes.
Cannot stand store brand bottle water. It is Dasani or nothing.

Maybe it is psychosomatic but my GERD reacts better taking Prevacid than any store brand box labeled Lansoprowhatevertheheckname.

For me, raisin bran is Kellogg's Raisin Bran. Store brand raisin bran tastes like chipped rice cakes to me.
I think it is that way with all the store brand cereals, which doesn't make sense since they're being made by the name brands but there is a difference.

I am not a store brand guy but I have been converted to HEB chips and I wonder who is making them because their Cheetos and Fritos are not the same, much better.
Being Type 1 sucks... especially when traveling and I'm about to again for a promo tour. I'm not looking forward to it. Having to show a doctor's note to airport security because I have to carry my vials of insulin and needles and a tester... Worrying about going low and there's no way to get to something sugary... it happens. Injecting sometimes in public restrooms because you're about to eat... Things getting hectic so you forget an injection and your blood/sugar goes up to 400... forget to eat and you drop down to 30...

sorry bro.
i dont know any other type 1's.
did not realize the requirements fully...
may be we merge u and @dallasdave
he provides the insulin and u provide the bovine secretions internally!
I think it is that way with all the store brand cereals, which doesn't make sense since they're being made by the name brands but there is a difference.

I am not a store brand guy but I have been converted to HEB chips and I wonder who is making them because their Cheetos and Fritos are not the same, much better.
I could be wrong but I recall seeing a news story about generic cereal. In short, any product that gets kicked out anywhere between the production vat and sealed boxes is re-routed to generic/store brand packaging. Same manufacturing process but some of the product bought by retailers is of slightly less quality.
I could be wrong but I recall seeing a news story about generic cereal. In short, any product that gets kicked out anywhere between the production vat and sealed boxes is re-routed to generic/store brand packaging. Same manufacturing process but some of the product bought by retailers is of slightly less quality.
I would agree with that on the quality.

I know that most store brands are required to be made identical to the name brand, just packaged differently. The only way we find out who's making them is on a recall as the manufacturers do not want that information out. Several years ago, there was a recall on Peter Pan peanut butter AND Great Value, Walmart's brand. After the recall, Walmart's store brand took over and Peter Pan's sales dipped at the Walmart stores and Sam's.

Some stores get tricky and have their store brand labeled close to what they want us to think is the real manufacturer. Good example is Albertson's soup labels look like Campbell's but that is not the manufacturer.
Its gotta be PBR not some junk like Old Milwaukee.

Who'll argue with Dirty Harry? :muttley:

I think they stole pic this from Gran Torino though.
Is there anything in y
Hellman's? Oh hell yeah but I have not tried Heinz and their promoting heavily
Mustard, used to be a French's man until I had the original mustard, Plochman's, and I gotta say Whataburger's mustard is pretty great on burgers
Ketchup, only Heinz will do and now they're using a new song after Carly Simon's "Anticipation" for 10 years. And their flavored ketchups like Hot and Jalapeno are pretty fine as well.
Hot Sauce, Crystal but I experiment around with anything new
Worcestershire, Lea & Perrin and no other is acceptable. Ever. Under any circumstances.
Mezzetti for jarred peppers, cocktail onions except for green pimento stuffed olives, then it's Goya
Hamburger pickles, for years, I was a Best Maid guy but then I had Mt. Olive's and they're excellent.
Jarred salsa, Walt Garrison's Medium Salsa is the best I've found and it's not easy to find. I order it online.
Chips, I used to be a Lays or Charles Chips guy when they delivered those in a can but I've been converted to HEB's store brand and they beat Cheetos and Fritos for me. Fritos have started to have a burnt after taste. And I am usually not a store brand guy.
Deli, Boar's Head, some things are just worth the additional $
Vodka, martini's, Belvedere or Stoly Gold. For mixing, Tito's.
Gin, martini's, Bombay Sapphire, For tonics, Hendrick's. Tonic and ginger beer, Fever Tree.
Bourbon, Woodford Reserve
Scotch, Single malt, Glenmorangie or Balvenie.
Tequila, 1800 for marg's, Patron for top shelf and just discovered a new one at Costco, Qui, very pricey but a smooth sipper. BTW, if you haven't hit up Costco for liquor, I suggest it. The selection is not what you would find in a liquor store like Total Wine or Spec's but the process are good.
Rum, Bacardi and just discovered the Bacardi Maestro and it's as smooth as a baby's butt
Bottle mixes, Baja Bob's Sugar Free
Go to mixer, Topo Chico. Also fun to say if you do it in your best Ed Sullivan voice like you are introducing that little Italian mouse. Disney ripped them off with that French rat. But I do prefer foreign rodents to the domestic ones.

OK, is this enough or you want more?
Is there anything left in your pantry that you didn't cover?
Not too set on brands but there are items that I am brand specific on

Tuna - Bumble Bee in water
Kraft Real Mayo
Heinz Ketchup
San Marzano Tomatoes for Sauce
Nike tennis shoes
Levis are the only jeans I will wear
generic everything...

auto parts
bottled water
you name it.

even my guitar in the guitar pic thread is the MIJ not the MIA
Kirkland is a generic brand that can usually deliver. But I stay away from other generics when it comes to most food. Same with bathroom tissue - anything but Charmin and you feel like you're wiping your tush with a pine cone.

Facial tissue must be Kleenex. Store brand milk is usually ok though. Generic mustard is ok, but Heinz is the only ketchup.

wet wipes ftw.....
Its gotta be PBR not some junk like Old Milwaukee.
If my memory serves me well, that 'old Milwaukee' was a subsidiary brand from the Stroh's brewery,that was my brand for years ,early on in life/ High School those gold cans with black labeling,,, then later on when that "old Milwaukee" hit the scene, it was selling across the Wabash river in Illinois for $5.98 per case,MAN,me & my peach orchard owning bro! Left a vapor trail in our wake heading over there,I bought 6 cases& he bought 10:lmao:

I'm pretty much a straight up JIM BEAM Man anymore:starspin::thumbup:

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