National Anthem

CATCH17;4712032 said:
I wish they would just play some kind of orchestra recording for the National Anthem, or let the guy from the Bears game sing it.


This guy is awesome, he sings at the Blackhawks home games.
It was complete and utter garbage. Not her voice but the way she sang it and the ridiculously stupid beat. Complete crap.
GimmeTheBall!;4712027 said:
I KNOW the history of the national anthem, professor.
Fact: It glorifies war, not the price we pay.
Subjective fact: Its composition and construction is a like a train wreck.
Fact: Calling someone ignorant is arrogrant and name calling someone for halfing an opinion is un-American.

You can half the opinon you want Mens.

Fact is, if you believe that our national anthem "Glorifies war" then you Sir are Naive(since you do not like Ignorant). I guess that makes me Arrogrant. (I will have to look that one up.)
Yoshimitsu;4712045 said:
I know i did. Otherwise you wouldn't get offended and insult me.

She did alright. She did something different. So what? Queen Latifah is a great person. There has been absolutely worse national anthems.
What does the kind of person she is have to do with the quality of her rendition? Again, if you want to hear a great version, look up Houston's. Latifah's was embarrassing.
cowboyeric8;4712055 said:
It was complete and utter garbage. Not her voice but the way she sang it and the ridiculously stupid beat. Complete crap.
Careful, the race card has already been pulled in this thread for talking about the beat.
SDCowboy85;4712058 said:
What does the kind of person she is have to do with the quality of her rendition? Again, if you want to hear a great version, look up Houston's. Latifah's was embarrassing.

I don't care really. The last thing on my mind watching any sporting event is the national anthem. I don't care for the song.
wconn1979;4712057 said:
You can half the opinon you want Mens.

Fact is, if you believe that our national anthem "Glorifies war" then you Sir are Naive(since you do not like Ignorant). I guess that makes me Arrogrant. (I will have to look that one up.)

Not ever one can get a fancy education. I relate to my fellow CZ mens with decensy and friendliness and invite all to drink from the furry cup of friendship.

You must feel so high and mighty trying to educate the rest of us.
Take a vacation from your arrogancy and be a decent humans.
Otherwise you are just a brat who does not know as much as you thinks you do.:mad:

Feel free to point out how stupid I am in my words. I half gotten over that and I just write to get across importance to the ones here who want to read what ah write. Go ahead and make my day.
CliffnMesquite;4712083 said:
I wonder if impersonating royalty is some kind of crime...:confused:

She once impersonated a rapper thuggess when she was found with weapons in her car maybe 10 years ago. Nows, however, she has reincarnationed herself as a good person.
anava;4711932 said:
Was there discussion about QL butchering the national anthem last night? Even Romo had a "what the hell is this face" going on. He put his helmet on a walked away before she finished.

When I saw it was Queen Latifat, I fast forwarded through (I had it on PVR).

Although as Austin Powers would say, hey it's Queen Latifat except she isn't as fat anymore.
birdwells1;4712047 said:
I was hoping no one started this thread because it usually goes somewhere this board does well to stay away from.

Everyone's music preference is different and that difference should be respected. Two different people can hear a halftime show a come away with differing opinions.

The National is should not be about how someone interprets the song, that part has already been done. To me it is sang to honor those who sacrificed their lives so this great nation could be born, to massacre it is a slap in their face in my opinion. Singing the national anthem should NOT be about yourself.
I thought she sung it very, very well. I really liked her rendition, but I'm not a traditionalist.
Didnt mean to stir anything but I just couldnt stand the beats she added, the National Anthem is just something you leave as is. I wish someone had the gif of Romo's face while she was singing.
Ren;4712015 said:
I have never understood why the US lets singers basically make up their own version of the national anthem. It's really cheesy IMO

lol its a little thing called FREEDOM OF SPEECH.....its not like she was off key and forgot words.....I just think people like to complain when it doesnt suit their taste....thats why we remote controls or better yet refrigerators to go get a beverage out of during that time lol
anava;4712119 said:
Didnt mean to stir anything but I just couldnt stand the beats she added, the National Anthem is just something you leave as is. I wish someone had the gif of Romo's face while she was singing.

If you watch it on youtube, Romo is like ***, then starts warming up.
Also was she wearing the wrong Manning's number or did the 18 signify something?
Doomsday;4712107 said:
The National is should not be about how someone interprets the song, that part has already been done. To me it is sang to honor those who sacrificed their lives so this great nation could be born, to massacre it is a slap in their face in my opinion. Singing the national anthem should be about yourself.

:bow: :post: :signmast:
It couldn't have been any worse than this guy.

Yoshimitsu;4712068 said:
I don't care really. The last thing on my mind watching any sporting event is the national anthem. I don't care for the song.


Now, compare it to "America the Beautiful."
There you will find the eccense of America.
The geography, the beauty of the peoples and the mens.
You will find a reflective and subdued grace of the reverence for nature and manskind -- NOT SOME guy in a wig standing on a boat loving the pierotechniques of war and gore.

Please Write yo congressmens and ask for ATB, not the SSB as our natunal anthem.

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