National Anthem

anava;4712132 said:
Also was she wearing the wrong Manning's number or did the 18 signify something?

I was wondering the same thing.
Her singing wasn't bad, but the beat sounded like it was made from one of those old synsonics drum kits from the early 80s.
The anthem been done so many times that the next singer could be copying a previous anthem singer's style. No one can't sing like how Whitney or Marvin sung it so they have to put a spin into it so it can be fresh. Problem is most of those spins they try to put into the anthem fails most of the time.
I personally didn't care for her version of national anthem but I've seen lot worse.
Galian Beast;4712151 said:
She was born on March 18th... probably not a coincidence...

Maybe that was how many slices of pizza she had before the game.

Couldn't resist. :eek::
I just didn't realize there were laws about how a song can be sung. I'm going to tweet her and let her know that the national anthem police will be coming for her shortly.
CATCH17;4712164 said:
Maybe that was how many slices of pizza she had before the game.

Couldn't resist. :eek::

Couldn't resist what? That was clever and humorous.

And this was sarcasm.
Galian Beast;4712168 said:
I just didn't realize there were laws about how a song can be sung. I'm going to tweet her and let her know that the national anthem police will be coming for her shortly.

There isn't. The people complaining just sound like a bunch of traditionalists and nationalists.
Doomsday;4712107 said:
The National is should not be about how someone interprets the song, that part has already been done. To me it is sang to honor those who sacrificed their lives so this great nation could be born, to massacre it is a slap in their face in my opinion. Singing the national anthem should NOT be about yourself.

The topic usually devolves into a racial thing, I would rather just stick to Cowboys football.
I just didn't like the music that was added. Seemed very weird and out of place.
GimmeTheBall!;4712097 said:
She once impersonated a rapper thuggess when she was found with weapons in her car maybe 10 years ago. Nows, however, she has reincarnationed herself as a good person.

U might want to check the Queen L history.....she is from North Jersey....she never claimed to be a thug, has always been part of the positivity moment in hip hop. The year before she got pulled over and charged with a firearm she had experienced car jackings and had several of her family members and friends shot in Jersey.

The arrangement sounded like the "resolution music" from the soundtrack to a 1990s Hallmark family movie. Atrocious.

Incidentally, the idea that the Star Spangled Banner is a musical trainwreck is fairly bizarre. It's challenging to sing for most singers, but it is fairly straightforward - not a lot of awkward intervals or stilted melodies. America the Beautiful, on the other hand, is a pretty, if schmaltzy, tune that has some really awkward musical moments. The thinness of the melody at "...above the fruited plain" is pretty extreme, and an off-putting interval from the prior section to most ears.

But, uh...go Cowboys!
anava;4712132 said:
Also was she wearing the wrong Manning's number or did the 18 signify something?

yeah, I think so.

And then the traditional military fly-over...what was that? 2 WFAN newscopters or something? :laugh2:
SDCowboy85;4712023 said:
Not being able to hold a note and putting the anthem to a canned MIDI hiphop beat is amazing? Amazing is when Whitney Houston sang it. This was horrid.

Are you referring to the time she lip synched it. I enjoyed Queen Latifah. She can sing and those that are saying she butchered it clearly have a lack of music knowledge. She hit the notes. She did what she was supposed to do other than she used a melody that some people didn't like. Get over it!!! This is America. Land of the free.
I didn't care for her version. You shouldn't mess with the National Anthem.
I really don't like when entertainers put their own personal flayva into the National Anthem it wasn't written in Motown. It should be sung the way it was meant to be. I don't know who got it started but I don't like it.
GimmeTheBall!;4711950 said:
who cares?

Singing the national anthem, at least to me, at a sporting event is such a waste of time. words get mangled and forgotten, every performing puts his stupid spin on it and the SSB is such a valentine to war that it makes me ill.

Let us have "America the Beautiful" as our anthem and let us not debase it by featuring it in a gladiatorial venue.

I agree, but if you are going to do it then do it right. Horrible!

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