NBA Playoffs 2023


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No joke. Anti-climatic conference round. Lakers and Celtics getting spanked. No disrespect to Miami, It’s the Nuggets year. Finally get a Playoffs with their #2 player healthy and no stopping them now.


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It is amazing that when I was a teen, I remember a pregame in game 4 of the 1998 Wcf when they said the Lakers never won a game 4 when down 3-0.

Fast forward to today and the Lakers still haven’t won a game 4.


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Making a conf Finals is worth celebrating.
LA/BOS should be in reshape mode not going nuts over a sweep loss.


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Enjoying this playoff season.

Both the Heat and Panthers doing well so far.


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Think about the humor of this years playoffs: the joke of the NBA refs became so bloviated, so profuse, so ...obvious...that all the insiders, all the outsiders, all the midsiders knew NBA actions had turned the league... NAKED.

NAKED in fraud. NUDE in lies. NAKED in self-parody and mockery. And still they simply couldn't blow enough fraud whistles. A pile of LeBron lies, and Laker lies and level-playing-field lies had piled up into a mountain of refuse, with puss and acid and incendiaries. Ultimately a sort of LIE-VOLCANO.

But let's keep it real. The League has now embraced the massive annual embarrassment of being exposed and disgusting and ugly. They'll start it all over again with their media minions, well before tipping off the 2023 fall season. They'll ride it forward, playing their part in a larger national joke of lies, delusions, and oppressions of anything good or decent.
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Rising Star
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What a joke the national sports media is, saying stuff like that was the greatest performance in a sweep I have ever seen.

LeFlop puts up 33 in a half and they act like it is the greatest performance in playoff history. Yet Murray had 30 in a half on the road in the previous game with 23 coming in the 4th quarter to win the game.

It is clear none of them have watched Nuggets this season, they have been the best team in the league for most of it and Jokic has been playing lights out all year.


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What a joke the national sports media is, saying stuff like that was the greatest performance in a sweep I have ever seen.

LeFlop puts up 33 in a half and they act like it is the greatest performance in playoff history. Yet Murray had 30 in a half on the road in the previous game with 23 coming in the 4th quarter to win the game.

It is clear none of them have watched Nuggets this season, they have been the best team in the league for most of it and Jokic has been playing lights out all year.
LeFlop gets more press for bowel movements. Bet they talk more about what he’s going to do next year than they do about the Nuggets’ first ever finals!


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Lakers were barely over .500. Took divine (league) intervention for them to make the playoffs.
They made smart trades and finally got AD/LeBron healthy.
They were simply a really good team down the stretch and into the playoffs.

NBA fans knew the West was wide open AFTER Denver.
Same as it was for Dallas last year.
MEM had never won anything in the playoffs and melted down with the Ja nonsense.
PHX had obvious issues with depth, Ayton and CP3 being 87 years old.

Lakers made themselves awful with a terrible off-season but recovered in season.
Now we see if they shoot themselves in the foot or not this off-season.
They finally have some young, high upside players around AD/Bron but so often cant avoid the shiny 30+ year-old big-name chase.
LeBron as de facto GM has been awful for every team he joins after year 1 or 2.


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They made smart trades and finally got AD/LeBron healthy.
They were simply a really good team down the stretch and into the playoffs.

NBA fans knew the West was wide open AFTER Denver.
Same as it was for Dallas last year.
MEM had never won anything in the playoffs and melted down with the Ja nonsense.
PHX had obvious issues with depth, Ayton and CP3 being 87 years old.

Lakers made themselves awful with a terrible off-season but recovered in season.
Now we see if they shoot themselves in the foot or not this off-season.
They finally have some young, high upside players around AD/Bron but so often cant avoid the shiny 30+ year-old big-name chase.
LeBron as de facto GM has been awful for every team he joins after year 1 or 2.
The TimberWolves were a much tougher and truer test for the Nuggets in round one than the hapless Lakers in WCF.

The league really, really tried with its ref-Storm-Troopers to steal some games to the Lakers. To the point where Hoops fans around the globe memed the ref-jokes over all of social media. Yet even with all that was a cold sweep.

I was a Laker fan for decades. An NBA fan for years beyond that. Then I got clean. No more dirty needles.


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The TimberWolves were a much tougher and truer test for the Nuggets in round one than the hapless Lakers in WCF.

The league really, really tried with its ref-Storm-Troopers to steal some games to the Lakers. To the point where Hoops fans around the globe memed the ref-jokes over all of social media. Yet even with all that was a cold sweep.

I was a Laker fan for decades. An NBA fan for years beyond that. Then I got clean. No more dirty needles.
Lakers just hit a wall after playing full out for so long in recovering from the 11 seed area.
Denver is also just really, really good.
The Lakers would have crushed Minny in round 1 imo.

Media never shuts up about them so that can be annoying and the insane moves that get discussed as real by talking heads wanting attention is enough to drive anyone off a cliff.

I was a Lakers a fan during Showtime cause who wasn't and I didn't have a local team yet. Once I got a local team they became a rival.

It should be a nice boring off-season for them but can they stand it? Will they simply retain their assets, add a couple pieces and go to work? Unlikely.
Whatever the case we will hear about them making insane moves daily even if they mostly stand pat.


Since 1971
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So glad LeBron and the Lakers are done. I can't stand that whine and cheese show and all the minions who prop it up. Three steps LeBron throwing his big body around, never getting a call and then has the stones to chastise the Refs for some phantom ticky tack stuff. Good riddance. Please retire.


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Lakers just hit a wall after playing full out for so long in recovering from the 11 seed area.
Denver is also just really, really good.
The Lakers would have crushed Minny in round 1 imo.

Media never shuts up about them so that can be annoying and the insane moves that get discussed as real by talking heads wanting attention is enough to drive anyone off a cliff.

I was a Lakers a fan during Showtime cause who wasn't and I didn't have a local team yet. Once I got a local team they became a rival.

It should be a nice boring off-season for them but can they stand it? Will they simply retain their assets, add a couple pieces and go to work? Unlikely.
Whatever the case we will hear about them making insane moves daily even if they mostly stand pat.
I admire and respect great Lakers like Magic, West, Kareem, Kobe, Shaq, etc., and I’m a Celtics fan. Lebron is NOT a great Laker.


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Boston is not finished just, and after tonights miracle finish they just might complete the comeback…


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Didn't watch the game. But did check out Twitter tonight.

I also noticed in the box score. Celtics keep getting more free throws.


Groupthink Guru
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CowboysZone LOYAL Fan
Didn't watch the game. But did check out Twitter tonight.

I also noticed in the box score. Celtics keep getting more free throws.

Butler double dribbled before the shot anyways, so it shouldn't have mattered. Heat Twitter isnt going to point that out