New contract for Prescott


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I think fans have opinions and jerry has opinions
If I was making the call I couldn’t throw 100 million at Dak at this point
Whether you think Dak can be a good QB or not I just don’t think I’ve seen enough to make that deal right now
Knowing I’ve got another year I wait
Then there is the opinion that matters, Jerry
I think jerry will try to sign him this off season so hopefully he can work out a deal you can reasonably get out of in a few years if he doesn’t continue to grow as a QB
I feel Dak has some traits you like and some issues to fix. If I’m spending my money I see if those get fixed first
I would bring in a new OC and see if a new mind can develope a system to fit Dak because for the team, Dak being the answer solves one problem and is the best out come
I want Dak to be the answer


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Let him test free agency.
No one is going to throw the bank at him.
Then he can be resigned by the Cowboys at a modest contract.
He’s not a FA till after next year. I wait and see another season. That may cost you more money but the risk is less
I don’t think jerry has the same plan though


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I say it happens. I also say they should wait unless they get him at a discount. They should not pay Dak like the reason they are winning until he is the reason they are winning.
I think that’s spot on
Waiting seems the logical thing to do
Jerry is probably not waiting though


Fattening up
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If you get a team friendly deal you can get out of in a few seasons, I’d do it now. If it’s a top-10 QB commitment, I’d wait until the last minute.

I think Dak’s a guy who’s going to do a team friendly contract though. He’s also a guy who probably should do a team friendly contract if it locks him in as a starter on a good team for the long haul.


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The most important contract is DLaw then jones and cooper and Dak . I think they will get Dak done in offseason if we make noise in playoffs


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I would bring in a new OC and see if a new mind can develop a system to fit Dak because for the team
I want Dak to be the answer

I want a new OC really badly (being me riley please)...will they do it? what if Lamehan makes 3 adjustments the rest of the way and dallas wins a playoff game?


1st Round Pick
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If you get a team friendly deal you can get out of in a few seasons, I’d do it now. If it’s a top-10 QB commitment, I’d wait until the last minute.

I think Dak’s a guy who’s going to do a team friendly contract though. He’s also a guy who probably should do a team friendly contract if it locks him in as a starter on a good team for the long haul.


He can still get the endorsements here.

If he were smart he’d recognize he isn’t a good enough QB to carry a team and he needs as many good players around him as possible and take the low contract.


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If you get a team friendly deal you can get out of in a few seasons, I’d do it now. If it’s a top-10 QB commitment, I’d wait until the last minute.

I think Dak’s a guy who’s going to do a team friendly contract though. He’s also a guy who probably should do a team friendly contract if it locks him in as a starter on a good team for the long haul.
....I agree too. Dak wants to win as priority, so that will help keep the good players on board. Taking a modest contract, with less incentives.


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He can still get the endorsements here.

If he were smart he’d recognize he isn’t a good enough QB to carry a team and he needs as many good players around him as possible and take the low contract.

Exactly. He seems like he’s likely to be a pretty realistic dude about it, too, but you never know. He’s in a good situation, though. A bigger contract on a team without the defense and running game and lead WR and a shot at fixing what has been a dominant OL is going to be hard to come by. He’d end up like DeMarco Murray maybe taking more money for a worse outcome if he left.


Cowboys 24/7/365
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I think Jones will wait until the NFL Draft on the urging of his son and see if another 2nd-4th round college prospect grabs his eye. I believe there is a 30% chance of Jones using a pick under those conditions. Otherwise, I see Jones and Prescott/agent hammering out an extension sometime during next June and July. Some people who do not wish Prescott extended or do not understand the economics of professional sports athlete's contracts (especially in football) should hopefully prepare themselves 'for the worst'.


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When Osweiler and Glennon get big deals relative for QB deals of those respective times, Dak will get a bigger deal.

To say there is no market for him is silly. Or to let him hit free agent to get a "fair deal" would be very risky.

Imo Jerry will try to lock him up in March. Whether he gets it done or not is a different story.
I think he'll take a friendly deal but still think he's over 20 mil per on average