New contract for Prescott


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No chance of him holding out - it would bury his career.

Getting hurt playing on an $840K contract would “bury” his career. A starting QB asking for a reasonable pay rate compared to his peers isn’t going to bury his career. But like I said, it won’t come to that. He’s going to get paid whether you or I like it or not


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Getting hurt playing on an $840K contract would “bury” his career. A starting QB asking for a reasonable pay rate compared to his peers isn’t going to bury his career. But like I said, it won’t come to that. He’s going to get paid whether you or I like it or not

Getting badly hurt on any contract would bury his career. From the Cowboys perspective it is better to have 840k in lost money than 20m+ in lost money if something unfortunate were to happen. The team and player dont have aligned financial interests.


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Jerry will pay him just to prove how right (ie lucky) he was in the draft. Dak has become one of his top “success” stories that he will take credit for. Allowing Dak to walk, or even testing him in FA, would be akin to Jerry admitting he was wrong. Won’t happen.


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Getting badly hurt on any contract would bury his career. From the Cowboys perspective it is better to have 840k in lost money than 20m+ in lost money if something unfortunate were to happen. The team and player dont have aligned financial interests.

Tell that to Dak and his agent. You act like the players don’t have any choice. They can easily tell Jerry: “We aren’t playing for $840K, we’ll see you week 10. Good luck with Cooper Rush.” Then what? You are telling me Jerry puts his foot down and says no? But again, won’t come to that. The 2 sides will come to some sort of agreement that gives Dak security without being huge franchise QB $.

People are letting their biases get in the way in this discussion. Trust me, I don’t want to see Dak get paid big $ either, but it’s going to happen.


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Confidence will grow over the years.stick with 1 qb draftpick is no guarantee of success


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Tell that to Dak and his agent. You act like the players don’t have any choice. They can easily tell Jerry: “We aren’t playing for $840K, we’ll see you week 10. Good luck with Cooper Rush.” Then what? You are telling me Jerry puts his foot down and says no? But again, won’t come to that. The 2 sides will come to some sort of agreement that gives Dak security without being huge franchise QB $.

People are letting their biases get in the way in this discussion. Trust me, I don’t want to see Dak get paid big $ either, but it’s going to happen.

If Cooper Rush can get us 13 points a game, I'd just pay the players on defense and take my chances.


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Tell that to Dak and his agent. You act like the players don’t have any choice. They can easily tell Jerry: “We aren’t playing for $840K, we’ll see you week 10. Good luck with Cooper Rush.” Then what? You are telling me Jerry puts his foot down and says no? But again, won’t come to that. The 2 sides will come to some sort of agreement that gives Dak security without being huge franchise QB $.

People are letting their biases get in the way in this discussion. Trust me, I don’t want to see Dak get paid big $ either, but it’s going to happen.

You're right about Jerry.

But I think its bad business.

I'd tell the agent I can sign Ryan Fitzpatrick to a 2 year deal at 3.5m per year or Bridgewater for a little more. Daks not good enough to sit out and make demands.


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I say it happens. I also say they should wait unless they get him at a discount. They should not pay Dak like the reason they are winning until he is the reason they are winning.

But doesn't this suggest HE, not Zeke, should carry the team? Remember we are built as a run-first team......


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Tell that to Dak and his agent. You act like the players don’t have any choice. They can easily tell Jerry: “We aren’t playing for $840K, we’ll see you week 10. Good luck with Cooper Rush.” Then what? You are telling me Jerry puts his foot down and says no? But again, won’t come to that. The 2 sides will come to some sort of agreement that gives Dak security without being huge franchise QB $.

People are letting their biases get in the way in this discussion. Trust me, I don’t want to see Dak get paid big $ either, but it’s going to happen.
I think you’re right. Dak isn’t a franchise QB at this time and in the end he won’t get paid like one. But he’s the only option we have and maybe he can develop into one. So I think Dak will get a little better than Bortles type offer this offseason with the message that if he doesn’t take it, he’ll get Kirk Cousined and then after the second tag will end up being a backup somewhere.


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If you get a team friendly deal you can get out of in a few seasons, I’d do it now. If it’s a top-10 QB commitment, I’d wait until the last minute.

I think Dak’s a guy who’s going to do a team friendly contract though. He’s also a guy who probably should do a team friendly contract if it locks him in as a starter on a good team for the long haul.
He seems to not fall into the Cousins/Smith category of QB’s which has its own pros/cons. The good thing for us considering Dak’s ability to improve falls into the category of a QB who can remain stable during the season with less highs and lows that you see from the Cousins and Smiths. To be able to have that type of QB means having the reliable RB and decent O-line with at min two WR that can run a decent route. We seem to have those other peices in place to sign Dak now and not to mention a stout defense.