New Cowboys home jersey?

I personally wouldn't be against a slight change in a couple things. Some of you guys speak as though the uniforms have remained exactly the same throught the Cowboys history, and although I am not old enough to have seen it all, by looking at some of you guys Sigs, they have undergone slight changes over time. Thats what I think this would be if it happened, slight changes to a currently good uniform to give it better continuity. So stop the over-reacting.
TheEnigma said:
I personally wouldn't be against a slight change in a couple things. Some of you guys speak as though the uniforms have remained exactly the same throught the Cowboys history, and although I am not old enough to have seen it all, by looking at some of you guys Sigs, they have undergone slight changes over time. Thats what I think this would be if it happened, slight changes to a currently good uniform to give it better continuity. So stop the over-reacting.

Slight changes are fine.

But if you are talking about adding fat ugly stars to the shoulders and making the entire jersey silver?

That is disgusting.

One thing that the Cowboys have always done since their inception is display an aura of class and dignity. And above all, we have remained a distinct entity that the league simply cannot do without. One thing we have never been is just another NFL team.

Once we succumb to the garish habits as the rest of the league has (I dare you to tell the Bills and Cardinals jerseys apart anymore), we lose our identity. That is what makes fans emotional.

There are certain things you don't mess with. The Steelers, Raiders and Dolphin jerseys are the same way. There is something to be said for tradition. You can make a few minor changes. But some people are just fine with junking the past. That is not right.
call me a purist, but i don't think the home uni's should ever change.

that said...that sample would be a really cool third jersey to wear once or twice a year. i always liked the darker blue and the star on the sleeves.
speaking of a change in blue's....if this is true, maybe we'd finally get the dark blue back on the field on the star and in the endzones. the dark blue looks so much better.
Classic is nice: Dallas, Balt/Indy Colts, Miami, Pitts.

But I do like the Seahawks uni's better then the old ones they had. Maybe thats b/c im younger, and dont mind change to much. Arizona looks JUST like atlanta's uniforms now.

That being said, the jersey posted is fine by me. I dont want us wearing silver jerseys..... BUT:

The one posted here is fine
The thanksgiving look/throwbacks are awesome
Navy Blue pants? eh... maybe, i'd have to see it. Maybe if we went Navy jerseys with Navy pants.
Use the white helmets, fine

Otherwise, keep it the same. Im not saying thats ^^^ wat I want, but i could tolerate all of those.

I do wish we wore the Blue uni more. I just get tired of wearing White and silver week after week, it looks very fresh whenever we finally alternate.,
You don't mess with the Home Uni's, That's what makes the Classic Look, Like somebody says, the Yankees don't change their uniforms. However, I think Jerry could do a little tinkering with the Away Jersery, but this is most likely tied to the new stadium, or maybe a new Alt Jersery.

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