New Jersey boy not allowed back to school without flu shot

Cajuncowboy;4957487 said:
It should. Unless you are the type of parent that thinks the government knows what's best for your kids more than you do.
look, give your kids the shot or don't. i don't care either way. (as a matter of fact, i think the school overreacted by not letting this 4 year old back in class)

i just think the drama that always comes up regarding vaccinations is pure hilarity. i find anything conspiracy related to be very entertaining. didn't mean to offend.
one poster mentioned that in NJ the state mandates all preschools in NJ require all kids attending to get the flu shot/vaccine.

If that is the case the school didnt have an option. They are following a state mandate.

There really is nothing else that the family can do except lobby to get that changed.

But in the meantime they have to follow the regulations or dont have their kid attend.
KLJ;4957578 said:
look, give your kids the shot or don't. i don't care either way. (as a matter of fact, i think the school overreacted by not letting this 4 year old back in class)

i just think the drama that always comes up regarding vaccinations is pure hilarity. i find anything conspiracy related to be very entertaining. didn't mean to offend.

Why would you find a parents concerns over medicating their children hilarious?
Hoov;4957593 said:
one poster mentioned that in NJ the state mandates all preschools in NJ require all kids attending to get the flu shot/vaccine.

If that is the case the school didnt have an option. They are following a state mandate.

There really is nothing else that the family can do except lobby to get that changed.

But in the meantime they have to follow the regulations or dont have their kid attend.

Thats the point entirely. The government mandating such a thing. They are over stepping their bounds.
Cajuncowboy;4957487 said:
It should. Unless you are the type of parent that thinks the government knows what's best for your kids more than you do.
In some cases they do - there are plenty of wackjob parents out there that would do things you and i think are crazy and harmful so standards are set in place - some are better than others.

In this case it would appear that the mandate is created with concern over the health of children attending preschool and based on oppinions of those in the medical field.

There may be some conflicting evidence pertaining to the flu shot and outcomes; most of those working in the medical field think the benefits far outweigh the risks. Based on those findings at this present time the state gov of NJ has decided to make a mandate backed by medical oppinion. I would agree that they are erring on the side of caution.

But, Since we are talking about public schools and not private schools the state does have the authority to make such a mandate.
KLJ;4957578 said:
look, give your kids the shot or don't. i don't care either way. (as a matter of fact, i think the school overreacted by not letting this 4 year old back in class)

i just think the drama that always comes up regarding vaccinations is pure hilarity. i find anything conspiracy related to be very entertaining. didn't mean to offend.

Point to something within this thread that has been conspiracy related. You come with your almighty opinion yet it's clear you didn't even read through the thread. You're just as bad as those you ridicule. One side thinks the world is out to to get them and the other things nothing could ever go wrong(that's you).
Hoov;4957593 said:
one poster mentioned that in NJ the state mandates all preschools in NJ require all kids attending to get the flu shot/vaccine.

If that is the case the school didnt have an option. They are following a state mandate.

There really is nothing else that the family can do except lobby to get that changed.

But in the meantime they have to follow the regulations or dont have their kid attend.

That's exactly it. It's not the schools. It's the state.
Cajuncowboy;4957681 said:
Why would you find a parents concerns over medicating their children hilarious?
it's the way that parents communicate their concerns on this subject that i find hilarious.
a_minimalist;4957741 said:
Point to something within this thread that has been conspiracy related. You come with your almighty opinion yet it's clear you didn't even read through the thread. You're just as bad as those you ridicule. One side thinks the world is out to to get them and the other things nothing could ever go wrong(that's you).
i read the entire thread.. chill..

my "almighty opinion"? lol.. why is my opinion any better or worse than anyone elses?
KLJ;4957820 said:
i read the entire thread.. chill..

my "almighty opinion"? lol.. why is my opinion any better or worse than anyone elses?
He wasn't rediculing people, you were.
KLJ;4957820 said:
i read the entire thread.. chill..

my "almighty opinion"? lol.. why is my opinion any better or worse than anyone elses?

I don't know you tell me. You're the one who came in spouting off about how people who discuss vaccinations are people who wear tin foil on their heads. Sorry, but if you think that doesn't prop yourself up and make those other opinions look like they are ridiculous, especially when they aren't even related to what you're accusing them of, you're wrong. You basically insulted everyone who took part in this thread.
I'm 27 and I've never had the flu or a flu shot.

Whatever happened to the benefits of the body's NATURAL immune system and the human body? I understand at an early age that one's immune system isn't totally developed, but there are certainly ways other than vaccines to minimize the risk of infections, viruses, etc.

I'll keep a synthetic virus or bacteria that has possibly not even gone through the necessary protocols of evaluation and safety measures out of my body, thank you very much.
Flu shots are sort of a gamble - they are ordered and stocked for the strains that health professionals think will be most likely that season. Sometimes they are wrong and the shots will be ineffective.

Im over 30 and have never had a flu shot and have gotten along just fine, but jeez is a flu shot really that big of a deal? Just have your kids vaccinated and move on.
TheSport78;4966996 said:
I'm 27 and I've never had the flu or a flu shot.

Whatever happened to the benefits of the body's NATURAL immune system and the human body?

It only profits the individual.
My son's pre-K class has had a Flu outbreak.

At least 4 kids have gotten it already and everyone of them had a flu shot a month or more before they came down with it.

Our little man is staying home for a few days to let the dust settle.

I know it's a crapshoot by the CDC for try to predict what strains should be included in the vaccine. They usually look to the southern hemisphere and weather cycle and try to guess what strands will be in the states 4-5 months later. It's not easy.
I assume at this point almost everyone knows that a flu shot can do what it is suppossed to do and still fail miserably in preventing the recipient from getting the flu.

We try to keep vaccines (excluding the basics) to a minumum for several long-term health reasons. But sometimes, that greater good thing kicks in to a level where we may do it. The preservatives in all vaccines (even though they are better now) often have metals. Aluminum and other preservaives will camp out in your brain, permanantly. The fact is not disputable. Years and years of this may (will?) have a pretty serious cummulative effect. Now that the database covers multigenations, the links to alzheimers and dementia are strong--but not certain. The CDC knows this but it's a trade off.
DFWJC;4967007 said:
My son's pre-K class has had a Flu outbreak.

At least 4 kids have gotten it already and everyone of them had a flu shot a month or more before they came down with it.

Our little man is staying home for a few days to let the dust settle.

I know it's a crapshoot by the CDC for try to predict what strains should be included in the vaccine. The usually look to the souther hemisphere and weather cycle and try to guess what strands will be in the states 4-5 months later. It's not easy.
I assume at this point almost everyone knows that a flu shot can do what it is suppossed to do and still fail miserably in preventing the recipient from getting the flu.

We try to keep vaccines (excluding the basics) to a minumum for several long-term health reasons. But sometimes, that greater good thing kicks in to a level where we may do it. The preservatives in all vaccines (even though they are better now) often have metals. Aluminum and other preservaives will camp out in your brain, permanantly. Years and years of this can have a pretty serious cummulative effect. Now that the database covers multigenations, the links to alzheimers and dementia are strong--but not certain. The CDC knows this but it's a trade off.

Interesting point...I wonder how many people that get the flu have had the magic shot? I doubt the CDC will ever tell. I remember during bird/pig flu scare-fest the CDC decided to count all flu as the N1H1 to inflate the fear.

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