My son's pre-K class has had a Flu outbreak.
At least 4 kids have gotten it already and everyone of them had a flu shot a month or more before they came down with it.
Our little man is staying home for a few days to let the dust settle.
I know it's a crapshoot by the CDC for try to predict what strains should be included in the vaccine. The usually look to the souther hemisphere and weather cycle and try to guess what strands will be in the states 4-5 months later. It's not easy.
I assume at this point almost everyone knows that a flu shot can do what it is suppossed to do and still fail miserably in preventing the recipient from getting the flu.
We try to keep vaccines (excluding the basics) to a minumum for several long-term health reasons. But sometimes, that greater good thing kicks in to a level where we may do it. The preservatives in all vaccines (even though they are better now) often have metals. Aluminum and other preservaives will camp out in your brain, permanantly. Years and years of this can have a pretty serious cummulative effect. Now that the database covers multigenations, the links to alzheimers and dementia are strong--but not certain. The CDC knows this but it's a trade off.