NewyScruggs Blog: Wade Phillips Stands Behind Michael Vick

Here's a definition of hypocrisy: Someone who once claimed if anyone could show how dog fighting somehow effects society then they would indeed condemn it themselves...then once those facts were presented...still cling to defending the 'sport' of dog fighting and apologize for those who do it.

Hypocrite...liar...fuzzy logic...all the same.
5Stars;1570833 said:
Yes, yes it is...

I see the hypocrasy in people killing animals for sport but condemning dogfighting. On the other hand, dog fighting is even more barbaric in that the attraction is in watching things kill each other and tear each other to shreds - but still, both are killing in the name of "sport". There is a degree of hypocrasy - just one that can be rationalized to a point.

But in the killing for food I see no hypocrasy at all. That's the way the food chain works, and we are at the top of it. There is no rational way to equate killing animals for food to dogfighting.

aikemirv;1570834 said:
But we as a society get to decide which moral values we deem "against the law" do we not. There is a lot of hypocrisy in that alone IMO.

Sure ...... so what's the point? If society has deemed the kind of thing Vick is accused of to be against the law, then it's against the law.

If he wants to try and use a claim of hypocrasy in his defense, then fine ...... he'll just have to find out that the prison football team doesn't compensate it's players as well as the NFL.
Hoov;1570115 said:
It appears that Phillips will not say anything negative about anyone to the media. And its not his place to do that, i like that about him.

He took the politically correct angle.

How is that "support"?
Stautner;1570844 said:
I see the hypocrasy in people killing animals for sport but condemning dogfighting. On the other hand, dog fighting is even more barbaric in that the attraction is in watching things kill each other and tear each other to shreds - but still, both are killing in the name of "sport". There is a degree of hypocrasy - just one that can be rationalized to a point.

But in the killing for food I see no hypocrasy at all. That's the way the food chain works, and we are at the top of it. There is no rational way to equate killing animals for food to dogfighting.

Sure ...... so what's the point? If society has deemed the kind of thing Vick is accused of to be against the law, then it's against the law.

If he wants to try and use a claim of hypocrasy in his defense, then fine ...... he'll just have to find out that the prison football team doesn't compensate it's players as well as the NFL.

:bow: Very well stated! 100%
Alexander;1570845 said:
He took the politically correct angle.

How is that "support"?
What ? I dont understand what you mean.
FuzzyLumpkins;1570813 said:
So you admit that this is a gross hypocrisy yet still advocate the incarceration of people based on it? I jjust want to get this clear.
Unless I am missing your point, Vick is not incarcerated.

I see no "gross hypocrisy" as it pertains to Vick, though I do see where people can question why he is being sanctioned prior to a trial, same as I could for the others who have been. Thus I suppose I see hypocrisy, but I expect that to exist. As I said we are all human.

Do I advocate incarceration? Absolutely. For Vick? If he is convicted, yes. Prior to conviction? No, only because I do not consider him a risk to others or for flight. If the charge was murder of a human being I would not want him free on bail.

I'm not given to wild insinuations of my fellow man, but I also don't have much faith in my fellow man because I know we all have failings. I do nto make excuses for mine, nor will I accept excuses for the obvious failings of others. I can dislike a great many things that are legal. I feel no need compare legal things to illegal things and paint my fellow man.

This is why I am no good at discussions of which is more destructive, drugs or alcohol. I don't care which is more destructive. I care which is legal and which isn't. If someone wants to drink alcohol in a responsible way it's none of my business. If someone wants to do drugs, even if it's in the privacy of their own home, I hope they get caught, arrested, and punished. It's illegal. They're not harming anyone? I don't care.

What does this all mean? It means that I know I am a hypocrite in some ways and I have no fear of admitting it because the one thing I will not do is lie to myself, or to you. You're a hypocrite too. Make no mistake about that. No amount of piety can excuse any man of this judgment unless he is someone akin to Ghandhi, Mother Teresa, the Dalai Llama, etc. and his life's meaning is a higher plane. No disrespect to you, but if you were among those souls you wouldn't have time for a favorite football team.

Ultimately it comes down to this Fuzzy. When I look in the mirror each day to shave or brush my teeth, I'm not ashamed of that ugly bastid staring back at me and nothing you or anyone else can say is going to make me ashamed of that reflection. Know why? Because I don't hide from my faults, but I do work on overcoming them.

I do not stab people in the back, and even my "enemies" could come to me in their greatest time of need and I would do whatever I could to help them. There are some guys on another forum who mock the death of my son. The absolute lowest time of my life. Those guys all have sons. Not a day goes by that I don't pray that those guys who hate my guts never have to suffer through what happened to me. I don't do it to feel superior over them or because I believe in karma. I do it simply because no man should bury his own child.

Now you have a look into my psyche and some of its flaws. The choice to respect me for them or disrespect me for them is yours.
FuzzyLumpkins;1570832 said:
......... in general animals are not afforded rights to freedom, happiness or life. If this was the case then there would be no pets, no animal testing and no meat aisle.

The rights of man supersede all.

They are afforded the right to whatever the law deems as humane treatment, ad whether you view it as hyopocrisy or not, it's still the law, and, if guilty, a law Vick willingly broke and gambled on getting away with.
Hoov;1570849 said:
What ? I dont understand what you mean.

Nobody understands worry mate!

:laugh2: Huh, Alexander, huh?
We all know and understand that dog fighting is a vile activity. That isn't the issue here.

The issue (at least to me) is all the people jumping on the Mike Vick hate bandwagon and spewing diatribes full of condemnation and judgements upon his very soul......all while wearing leather boots and munching on a hot dog.

If you eat meat or use animal products, you engage in the torture and murder of innocent, domesticated animals. I'm sorry if that doesn't jive with your self-image.....but it's the truth.

The argument of "food VS sport" is completely and utterly invalid. Human beings do NOT need meat to survive. We eat meat because we like it. I like it too! We all have a little blood on our just that our blood is legal and accepted.

If you need to be educated just look up some information on what goes on in a slaughterhouse. You probably won't stop eating meat.....but you'll understand that every meat eater is guilty of murdering animals......and the stuff that goes on in a slaughterhouse is WORSE than the stuff that goes on in a dogfight.
Jay-D;1570864 said:
We all know and understand that dog fighting is a vile activity. That isn't the issue here.

The issue (at least to me) is all the people jumping on the Mike Vick hate bandwagon and spewing diatribes full of condemnation and judgements upon his very soul......all while wearing leather boots and munching on a hot dog.

If you eat meat or use animal products, you engage in the torture and murder of innocent, domesticated animals. I'm sorry if that doesn't jive with your self-image.....but it's the truth.

The argument of "food VS sport" is completely and utterly invalid. Human beings do NOT need meat to survive. We eat meat because we like it. I like it too! We all have a little blood on our just that our blood is legal and accepted.

If you need to be educated just look up some information on what goes on in a slaughterhouse. You probably won't stop eating meat.....but you'll understand that every meat eater is guilty of murdering animals......and the stuff that goes on in a slaughterhouse is WORSE than the stuff that goes on in a dogfight.

Main Entry: 1do·mes·ti·cate
Pronunciation: d&-'mes-ti-"kAt
Function: transitive verb
Inflected Form(s): -cat·ed; -cat·ing
1 : to bring into domestic use : [SIZE=-1]ADOPT[/SIZE]
2 : to adapt (an animal or plant) to life in intimate association with and to the advantage of humans
3 : to make domestic : fit for domestic life
4 : to bring to the level of ordinary people
- do·mes·ti·ca·tion /-"mes-ti-'kA-sh&n/ noun

You talk a good game, but you don't know what the hell you are talking about!

As the poster Iceberg would say, "you and the English language are not the best of friends I take it"...

Besides, your views on fighting woman automatically cancels anything you have to say.

:rolleyes: :cool:
Hoov;1570849 said:
What ? I dont understand what you mean.

It was not in response to you, Hoov.

That was just the first good response I read.

That said, the amount of discussion to what amounts to a vague response from Phillips is quite funny.

He said what anyone wanting to stay out of the debate would say.

His problem is his experience with the player, which almost to a man, is fairly positive.

Dan Reeves has the same outlook. He hopes it is not true and is waiting for the truth to be revealed.
5Stars;1570874 said:
Main Entry: 1do·mes·ti·cate
Pronunciation: d&-'mes-ti-"kAt
Function: transitive verb
Inflected Form(s): -cat·ed; -cat·ing
1 : to bring into domestic use : [SIZE=-1]ADOPT[/SIZE]
2 : to adapt (an animal or plant) to life in intimate association with and to the advantage of humans
3 : to make domestic : fit for domestic life
4 : to bring to the level of ordinary people
- do·mes·ti·ca·tion /-"mes-ti-'kA-sh&n/ noun

You talk a good game, but you don't know what the hell you are talking about!

As the poster Iceberg would say, "you and the English language are not the best of friends I take it"...

Besides, your views on fighting woman automatically cancels anything you have to say.

:rolleyes: :cool:

Do you even read some of the things you post? Are you telling me that cattle are not domesticated?

When "domestication" means: to adapt an animal to life for the advantage of humans....I would say that describes our relationship with cattle exactly. gotta learn how to swim before you come out here in the deep water.
Jay-D;1570864 said:
We all know and understand that dog fighting is a vile activity. That isn't the issue here.

The issue (at least to me) is all the people jumping on the Mike Vick hate bandwagon and spewing diatribes full of condemnation and judgements upon his very soul......all while wearing leather boots and munching on a hot dog.

If you eat meat or use animal products, you engage in the torture and murder of innocent, domesticated animals. I'm sorry if that doesn't jive with your self-image.....but it's the truth.

The argument of "food VS sport" is completely and utterly invalid. Human beings do NOT need meat to survive. We eat meat because we like it. I like it too! We all have a little blood on our just that our blood is legal and accepted.

If you need to be educated just look up some information on what goes on in a slaughterhouse. You probably won't stop eating meat.....but you'll understand that every meat eater is guilty of murdering animals......and the stuff that goes on in a slaughterhouse is WORSE than the stuff that goes on in a dogfight.

So, feeding beef based puppy chow to your dog is the same as training dogs to kill and maim each other then hanging and drowning the losing dogs or dogs that are deemed sub-par as killing machines............

And we are murderers for killing meat for food just as lions are murderers for killing antelope for food and snakes are murderers for killing rats for food ........

and it all is the same as training dogs to kill and maim each other then hanging and drowning the losing dogs or dogs that are deemed sub-par as killing machines............
Jay-D;1570896 said:
Do you even read some of the things you post? Are you telling me that cattle are not domesticated?

When "domestication" means: to adapt an animal to life for the advantage of humans....I would say that describes our relationship with cattle exactly. gotta learn how to swim before you come out here in the deep water.
I grew up on a ranch. I don't know of anyone in that business who thinks of cattle as domesticated.

Adapted to humans around them? Sure, but so are deer in the wild.
Jay-D;1570896 said:
Do you even read some of the things you post? Are you telling me that cattle are not domesticated?

When "domestication" means: to adapt an animal to life for the advantage of humans....I would say that describes our relationship with cattle exactly. gotta learn how to swim before you come out here in the deep water.

Go out and adopt a cow and teach it how to fetch a ball. Teach it how to be an eye seeing cow. Teach it what you can teach a dog.

Or, get lost in the water....(as if you're not already)!
And to some of the people here who have resorted to name-calling and insults in this thread.....just save it.

If you can't have a discussion or a debate without using elementary-schoolesque taunts, then you can't expect your opinion to be taken seriously. It makes you look foolish.

I think Mike Vick may have fought dogs simply because of the fact that I have seen him with alot of pit bulls.....but until he has had his day in court he is presumed innocent of dog fighting......which is against the law.

In the meantime......we're ALL going to have our own judgement day for our own sins.....and if you're eating meat, you're gonna have some explaining to do. I know I will.
Hostile;1570899 said:
I grew up on a ranch. I don't know of anyone in that business who thinks of cattle as domesticated.

Adapted to humans around them? Sure, but so are deer in the wild.

Hmmmm......that's strange because I also grew up in a farm environment and EVERYBODY knows that cattle are domesticated.

Domestication refers to the process of taming a wild animal for companionship or labor or food. Livestock didn't just show up on the farm waiting to be slaughtered....humans had to capture and domesticate them.
jackrussell;1570843 said:
Here's a definition of hypocrisy: Someone who once claimed if anyone could show how dog fighting somehow effects society then they would indeed condemn it themselves...then once those facts were presented...still cling to defending the 'sport' of dog fighting and apologize for those who do it.

Hypocrite...liar...fuzzy logic...all the same.

Im sorry but your lame excuse for logic doesnt cut it. Any actual case studies with scientific controls to show?
Jay-D;1570908 said:
And to some of the people here who have resorted to name-calling and insults in this thread.....just save it.

If you can't have a discussion or a debate without using elementary-schoolesque taunts, then you can't expect your opinion to be taken seriously. It makes you look foolish.

I think Mike Vick may have fought dogs simply because of the fact that I have seen him with alot of pit bulls.....but until he has had his day in court he is presumed innocent of dog fighting......which is against the law.

In the meantime......we're ALL going to have our own judgement day for our own sins.....and if you're eating meat, you're gonna have some explaining to do. I know I will.
I doubt you mean me on the name calling. Report it if people are calling you names. I missed it.

I don't feel any meat eater has explaining to do other than they like food. That's all the explanation that is necessary for me.
Jay-D;1570908 said:
In the meantime......we're ALL going to have our own judgement day for our own sins.....and if you're eating meat, you're gonna have some explaining to do. I know I will.

Oh! So YOU have seen Vick with pit bulls, huh? Well, then that explains your stance in this conversation!

And, I guess everyone that has eaten meat is going to hell? Damm-it! I wish you would have told me that sooner!

Get down off the cross, Jay, we need the wood!


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