Unless I am missing your point, Vick is not incarcerated.
I see no "gross hypocrisy" as it pertains to Vick, though I do see where people can question why he is being sanctioned prior to a trial, same as I could for the others who have been. Thus I suppose I see hypocrisy, but I expect that to exist. As I said we are all human.
Do I advocate incarceration? Absolutely. For Vick? If he is convicted, yes. Prior to conviction? No, only because I do not consider him a risk to others or for flight. If the charge was murder of a human being I would not want him free on bail.
I'm not given to wild insinuations of my fellow man, but I also don't have much faith in my fellow man because I know we all have failings. I do nto make excuses for mine, nor will I accept excuses for the obvious failings of others. I can dislike a great many things that are legal. I feel no need compare legal things to illegal things and paint my fellow man.
This is why I am no good at discussions of which is more destructive, drugs or alcohol. I don't care which is more destructive. I care which is legal and which isn't. If someone wants to drink alcohol in a responsible way it's none of my business. If someone wants to do drugs, even if it's in the privacy of their own home, I hope they get caught, arrested, and punished. It's illegal. They're not harming anyone? I don't care.
What does this all mean? It means that I know I am a hypocrite in some ways and I have no fear of admitting it because the one thing I will not do is lie to myself, or to you. You're a hypocrite too. Make no mistake about that. No amount of piety can excuse any man of this judgment unless he is someone akin to Ghandhi, Mother Teresa, the Dalai Llama, etc. and his life's meaning is a higher plane. No disrespect to you, but if you were among those souls you wouldn't have time for a favorite football team.
Ultimately it comes down to this Fuzzy. When I look in the mirror each day to shave or brush my teeth, I'm not ashamed of that ugly bastid staring back at me and nothing you or anyone else can say is going to make me ashamed of that reflection. Know why? Because I don't hide from my faults, but I do work on overcoming them.
I do not stab people in the back, and even my "enemies" could come to me in their greatest time of need and I would do whatever I could to help them. There are some guys on another forum who mock the death of my son. The absolute lowest time of my life. Those guys all have sons. Not a day goes by that I don't pray that those guys who hate my guts never have to suffer through what happened to me. I don't do it to feel superior over them or because I believe in karma. I do it simply because no man should bury his own child.
Now you have a look into my psyche and some of its flaws. The choice to respect me for them or disrespect me for them is yours.