NFL and NFLPA joint agreement on pain management, potentially including marijuana


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I don't equate it but, the point is that there is legal precedents for such cases. Business gets sued every day for things just like this. How do you hold bars responsible for drunken drivers when they can't test Blood Levels? It's not out of the question by any means.

What legal precedent? You're just pulling things out of the air and fearmongering. People can literally sue you for whatever they want. A judge can literally tell you there's no case here and throw it out.

You're also referring to established law referencing the providers of alcohol. What law are you referencing with this, "no testing means full endorsement and responsibility for consequences," stance?


Regular Joe....
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Protect business? Expound on that. I'm all ears.

Keep in mind we're talking about a scenario of the employee getting in trouble outside of work doing something they're not supposed to be doing.

Yes, prescriptions are clearly labeled with warnings on them. This provides cover because it now puts the responsibility on the user, rather then the business. The only way the business is liable is if it can be proven that they new the individual had a problem and ignored it. You adopt a policy that allows for the use of unregulated substances and you open yourself up to all kinds of issues.


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Tiger Woods and his girlfriend have recently gotten sued for this very same reason. Tiger owns a restaurant, which his girlfriend manages for him, and they hired a known struggling alcoholic to run their bar serving drinks. The bartender got drunk while on the job, killed himself in a car accident afterwards, now his family is rightfully suing Tiger and his girlfriend for hiring their now deceased son to a position that ultimately caused his death.

It amazes me how you guys can equate that scenario with the NFL not testing for weed.


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Yes, I feel like I'm talking to my self here. Are you reading the posts?

Prescription Drugs, prescribed by a doctor come with warning labels that protect business and Doctors to a great extent. You don't get that with a dime bag.

It probably feels like you're talking to yourself because you're too stubborn
to look at a different viewpoint.
And for the love of God, stop saying "dime bag". We aren't talking about your local
16 year old high school dealer... smh/lol. Adults buy in greater volume, usually a half ounce to an ounce.


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Yes, prescriptions are clearly labeled with warnings on them. This provides cover because it now puts the responsibility on the user, rather then the business. The only way the business is liable is if it can be proven that they new the individual had a problem and ignored it. You adopt a policy that allows for the use of unregulated substances and you open yourself up to all kinds of issues.

This is your fantasy. A warning label on a prescription bottle doesn't absolve the user of their responsibility nor does it absolve an employer of the actions of the employee while working.

If you allow a crane operator to work while on pain meds you are liable. "But your honor, there was a warning label." Lol


The Boognish
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Completely wrong, as usual. My point was not even close to that. I'll say it again people, this board is about Football and sports. This board is not about weed and should it be legal or not. My entire discussion was about the NFL and what happens if Weed is accepted.

And you Fuzzy, with this direction you are taking the discussion is going to get the thread closed down. Why would you want that?

Look to yourself. You were arguing this before I entered.

And there is a difference between accepting and not testing for. Better question: what good does it do?


Regular Joe....
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Lol. I enjoyed reading your meltdown.
Dude, I merely corrected you on the speeding comment.
I am fully aware of and understand completely the thread topic.

Maybe you should go back and read post 283. You wrote that I was "pretty much wrong"
on the entire post. You said I "probably have a point" with speeding but there's "no proof" and spouted "let's be real".
You claimed I was creating a "false narrative".

That's an awfully weak acknowledgement.
Next time you're called out on your mistake, own it.

Better if I just own you. You were wrong at the start, you are wrong now and I suspect that you will always be that guy. Fine with me, every board needs one. I guess you are this one's.


Regular Joe....
Reaction score
This is your fantasy. A warning label on a prescription bottle doesn't absolve the user of their responsibility nor does it absolve an employer of the actions of the employee while working.

If you allow a crane operator to work while on pain meds you are liable. "But your honor, there was a warning label." Lol

I think you have the wrong idea. None of this is "my fantasy", per say. A prescribed drug takes the liability off the league to a great extent. I never said it absolves employers and I actually gave example of when it doesn't but again, warning labels clearly warn against operating heavy equipment etc. while on the medication. If a heavy operator shows up to work impaired and doesn't inform his employer, that's on the operator. Believe me, this is not about what I believe to be right or wrong or good or bad. The NFL, by adopting a policy of accepting weed provides no benefit to them, that I can see.


Well-Known Member
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Better if I just own you. You were wrong at the start, you are wrong now and I suspect that you will always be that guy. Fine with me, every board needs one. I guess you are this one's.

And there it is. You're defeated.
I was right from the start. Your childish remark here solidifies that.
You got nothing and, from the safety of your childhood room, you throw this garbage on the board.