NFL and the Cowboys lost their luster?


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Between the NFL network crashing and burning before our eyes and the Cowboy's perhaps following a similar path, what is the state of NFL Football these days? Seems like money overall has gotten tight suddenly and the NFL (who was a cash cow for sure) might be falling on hard times. Is Jerry readying the tea leaves (or bottom of the black label bottle) and thinking the glory money days are over? Can't remember it being this way before. Amazon Prime taking over Thursday football killed the NFL network. ESPN is a shell of what it was 10 years ago. Bottom line is the NFL and more specifically the Cowboys becoming irrelevant in today world and hence excitement is cratering? PS. We can always blame Global warming for everything. It is toasty out there.


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I think that the league is in a bit of a period of transition in terms of traditional media vs. more of a "grassroots"/podcast type of system. It's a big reason that ESPN got Pat McAfee. I think the likes of NFL Live and Good Morning Football have gotten stale. I think the grassroots levels such as Pat McAfee, Mark Holmes, etc are more of where people are starting to shift towards. This, the NFL and networks are trying to figure out how to capture those views.


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I don't think the NFL is in trouble. Not in the way of closing its doors. I think they are seeing that people aren't watching these media type shows like they used to. The only time I watch the 4 letter network is when the Cowboys are playing and I won't be doing that this year. I cut out that network entirely from my streaming services. I have other ways to watch the MNF and I may not even do that because espn ruined MNF. I think its more about people are tired of watching two guys yell at each other about who's the better QB.

For as much grief as I give some people on here, this is still the best and fastest source (for me) in getting DC news. That's why I am still around.


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CowboysZone ULTIMATE Fan
Between the NFL network crashing and burning before our eyes and the Cowboy's perhaps following a similar path, what is the state of NFL Football these days? Seems like money overall has gotten tight suddenly and the NFL (who was a cash cow for sure) might be falling on hard times. Is Jerry readying the tea leaves (or bottom of the black label bottle) and thinking the glory money days are over? Can't remember it being this way before. Amazon Prime taking over Thursday football killed the NFL network. ESPN is a shell of what it was 10 years ago. Bottom line is the NFL and more specifically the Cowboys becoming irrelevant in today world and hence excitement is cratering? PS. We can always blame Global warming for everything. It is toasty out there.
Cowboys just got a check for 465 million...part of the 13 billion dollar profit the NFL made last year. I think they'll be OK. Just cause some are mad at Jerry and Dak, the sky is falling.
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It's an institution, it will never crater. Ups and downs sure, but even at their lowest they'll still be raking in billions.
Now, is the NFL and ESPN, and all the other related entities as good as they once were? Nope, decidedly inferior product they're putting out,,, I will give them an A+ for access though, you can follow your team on many different platforms.


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CowboysZone LOYAL Fan
maybe Dallas, not the NFL. The decision to stop GMF and Total Access is absurd. They were the only reason to watch that network.

I think if they changed their schedule to move Thursday night games to Friday after the high school season ends and the Sunday night games to Saturday night when the college season ends it would give a serious bump to ratings. I know I'd love it.


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I’m very skeptical about the idea the nfl is losing any luster. I think that perception may come from the media companies struggling but I think that comes from the amount of competition out there.

For the longest time you had a few NFL shows on the major networks (fox, cbs, etc) and espn. Then NFLN joined and now it’s the Wild West with everyone from Netflix to Amazon to YouTube and even Nickelodeon bidding to get NFL games. Not to mention all of the podcast and amateur content being released. It’s extremely difficult to compete in that space right now but even if the NFLN completely folded the NFL still has plenty of places to sell its content to.


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CowboysZone ULTIMATE Fan
I think GMFB is supposed to return and be revamped here soon as TC's start.
They moved the production from NY to LA. And all the hosts did not want to move. I think Schrager or Brandt, staying in NY, but will be on remote, but not all the time.

Jamie Ederall I believe is moving to LA to still host the show.

NFL Today or Inside the NFL or what ever it was called will be renamed but not on as often. it is supposed to been revamped as well.
Probably will not see as many of the talking head shows as before.
I would think they will still have their live TC coverage though.


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Is the NFLN really failing? It should. It has a terrible choice of programming. Chris Rose that does post game highlights Sunday Is the only decent show on.


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Between the NFL network crashing and burning before our eyes and the Cowboy's perhaps following a similar path, what is the state of NFL Football these days? Seems like money overall has gotten tight suddenly and the NFL (who was a cash cow for sure) might be falling on hard times. Is Jerry readying the tea leaves (or bottom of the black label bottle) and thinking the glory money days are over? Can't remember it being this way before. Amazon Prime taking over Thursday football killed the NFL network. ESPN is a shell of what it was 10 years ago. Bottom line is the NFL and more specifically the Cowboys becoming irrelevant in today world and hence excitement is cratering? PS. We can always blame Global warming for everything. It is toasty out there.
What are you basing this on? I’ve seen nothing to suggest these organizations are falling on hard times….maybe you’re confused because it’s July?


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What are you basing this on? I’ve seen nothing to suggest these organizations are falling on hard times….maybe you’re confused because it’s July?
Yeah there's not even any smoke I don't know what he's talking about literally any transition or changes or leveling out of the topics he's discussing has no sign that sports in any of the major professional or even now with colleges starting to pay their players I don't see problems right now sure at some point you're gonna hit flat spots and we're gonna see the salary cap maybe don't go up a couple years from now maybe it levels out it stops growing at a point but I I don't see the stadiums emptying and a whole bunch of teams raised their prices so I don't see where they think that and the NFL's in trouble in any way shape or form I think the oversaturation of media is being readjusted because I think there's way too much of it it's a 24/7 365 days they're trying to fill up space on 10 different channels and 50 podcasts and a whole bunch of apps....

So yeah I agree with something that said here it's just a transitional period and mostly the media but I don't see any sign of a decline in any of the sports they're spending big time...


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I think that the league is in a bit of a period of transition in terms of traditional media vs. more of a "grassroots"/podcast type of system. It's a big reason that ESPN got Pat McAfee. I think the likes of NFL Live and Good Morning Football have gotten stale. I think the grassroots levels such as Pat McAfee, Mark Holmes, etc are more of where people are starting to shift towards. This, the NFL and networks are trying to figure out how to capture those views.
Mark Holmes? LOL!! Isn't that the dude who looks homeless and stole the Jobu doll from Major League as his schtick? That guy is a total Homer...Hopefully no one watches him for insight on the Cowboys because you will just become dumber. I agree that overall the Sports media is switching over to podcasts/streaming platforms but a lot of them are just guys that bought a Costco/Amazon web cam and are playing TV producer. I think it will evolve over time but right now the Cowboys content is pretty terrible overall. Fisher, Downey, Mark Holmes? blech...


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NFL football for the most part has become unwatchable, nowhere near what it used to be sitting home on a Sunday and watching 4 games. The Networks are meh at best, ESPN is a bunch of loud mouths who prefer to yell and show bias towards certain teams more than talk informative Football. As for the Cowboys? Jerry hasn't lost a thing that is important to him, all this while destroying the on field product....just like his plan


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Between the NFL network crashing and burning before our eyes and the Cowboy's perhaps following a similar path, what is the state of NFL Football these days? Seems like money overall has gotten tight suddenly and the NFL (who was a cash cow for sure) might be falling on hard times. Is Jerry readying the tea leaves (or bottom of the black label bottle) and thinking the glory money days are over? Can't remember it being this way before. Amazon Prime taking over Thursday football killed the NFL network. ESPN is a shell of what it was 10 years ago. Bottom line is the NFL and more specifically the Cowboys becoming irrelevant in today world and hence excitement is cratering? PS. We can always blame Global warming for everything. It is toasty out there.
is it falling off and crashing? or is it just slowing down. no doubt they had rapid growth over the past few years, decade perhaps, but it wasn't going to be permanent and forever, at some point, it would slow down and maintain and grow more slowly. there is not unlimited amount of money and there are competing sports vying for some of the same dollars.


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NFL football for the most part has become unwatchable, nowhere near what it used to be sitting home on a Sunday and watching 4 games. The Networks are meh at best, ESPN is a bunch of loud mouths who prefer to yell and show bias towards certain teams more than talk informative Football. As for the Cowboys? Jerry hasn't lost a thing that is important to him, all this while destroying the on field product....just like his plan
Everything that is popular eventually runs its' course. I don't see near the interest in football and other things like many of us in Gen X in these new generations. As Gen X and the Boomers age and begin to die out I am thinking the popularity of the NFL will go down. I guess Millennials are into it but I don't think it is to the same level as our generation. Gen Z'ers are so attached to screens and braindead Tik-Tok culture that I am not sure the NFL or other old standards (movies/sports/etc) will survive. I could be wrong.


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Mark Holmes? LOL!! Isn't that the dude who looks homeless and stole the Jobu doll from Major League as his schtick? That guy is a total Homer...Hopefully no one watches him for insight on the Cowboys because you will just become dumber. I agree that overall the Sports media is switching over to podcasts/streaming platforms but a lot of them are just guys that bought a Costco/Amazon web cam and are playing TV producer. I think it will evolve over time but right now the Cowboys content is pretty terrible overall. Fisher, Downey, Mark Holmes? blech...
Who do you guys listen to?