NFL and the Cowboys lost their luster?


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Between the NFL network crashing and burning before our eyes and the Cowboy's perhaps following a similar path, what is the state of NFL Football these days? Seems like money overall has gotten tight suddenly and the NFL (who was a cash cow for sure) might be falling on hard times. Is Jerry readying the tea leaves (or bottom of the black label bottle) and thinking the glory money days are over? Can't remember it being this way before. Amazon Prime taking over Thursday football killed the NFL network. ESPN is a shell of what it was 10 years ago. Bottom line is the NFL and more specifically the Cowboys becoming irrelevant in today world and hence excitement is cratering? PS. We can always blame Global warming for everything. It is toasty out there.
18 billions / 450 mils for the Boys?

Money seems very tight these days. Mhmmmm..

I am just glad i dont have to manage my life with such a tight budget.


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You gotta realize that when rich people are complaining about losing money. That just means they aren't making as much as they would like.


Junior College Transfer
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Between the NFL network crashing and burning before our eyes and the Cowboy's perhaps following a similar path, what is the state of NFL Football these days? Seems like money overall has gotten tight suddenly and the NFL (who was a cash cow for sure) might be falling on hard times. Is Jerry readying the tea leaves (or bottom of the black label bottle) and thinking the glory money days are over? Can't remember it being this way before. Amazon Prime taking over Thursday football killed the NFL network. ESPN is a shell of what it was 10 years ago. Bottom line is the NFL and more specifically the Cowboys becoming irrelevant in today world and hence excitement is cratering? PS. We can always blame Global warming for everything. It is toasty out there.
Times are so hard, most NFL teams were just recently handed several hundred million by Roger in a revenue sharing event.


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That's a good point, the NFL also moved a franchise to Vegas and now MLB is doing the same. I don't think it is a coincidence.
just makes all the prior rules and everything else about gambling and having any contact with gamblers so hypocritical.
NFL got in bed with gambling while piously acting so righteous for so long about it


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Between the NFL network crashing and burning before our eyes and the Cowboy's perhaps following a similar path, what is the state of NFL Football these days? Seems like money overall has gotten tight suddenly and the NFL (who was a cash cow for sure) might be falling on hard times. Is Jerry readying the tea leaves (or bottom of the black label bottle) and thinking the glory money days are over? Can't remember it being this way before. Amazon Prime taking over Thursday football killed the NFL network. ESPN is a shell of what it was 10 years ago. Bottom line is the NFL and more specifically the Cowboys becoming irrelevant in today world and hence excitement is cratering? PS. We can always blame Global warming for everything. It is toasty out there.
I think fans are turned off by the greed of the NFL and it's players and the fact that a great deal of games more resemble the WWF than real football.
Like wrestling, they seem to let muscle bound athletes run around and make outstanding plays and the media eats it up, but it has more and more appeared that the winner is decided off the field.
Last year's game between Dallas and Detroit, as well as the year before, were both glaring examples of things not appearing to be on the up and up- and fans of other franchises are saying the same about games their favorite team is involved in.
I think fans are turning the channel.


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The nfl falling on hard times lololol

Some joke that
I don't think they realize yet how bad it will get.
Fans, especially older fans, are losing their ability to care.
The NFL is no longer respected by many as being anything more than a business that will do anything for profits, and the product they have been putting on the field is sub par.


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I think fans are turned off by the greed of the NFL and it's players and the fact that a great deal of games more resemble the WWF than real football.
Like wrestling, they seem to let muscle bound athletes run around and make outstanding plays and the media eats it up, but it has more and more appeared that the winner is decided off the field.
Last year's game between Dallas and Detroit, as well as the year before, were both glaring examples of things not appearing to be on the up and up- and fans of other franchises are saying the same about games their favorite team is involved in.
I think fans are turning the channel.
The highest rated TV shows for each year are always the NFL. No one is tuning out. You probably should for your mental health with the things you post on this site. You don’t really like the team. No one is tuning out though. No metric shows that. The games aren’t rigged either. Sad that I have to type that for you


What's it going to be then, eh?
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Between the NFL network crashing and burning before our eyes and the Cowboy's perhaps following a similar path, what is the state of NFL Football these days? Seems like money overall has gotten tight suddenly and the NFL (who was a cash cow for sure) might be falling on hard times. Is Jerry readying the tea leaves (or bottom of the black label bottle) and thinking the glory money days are over? Can't remember it being this way before. Amazon Prime taking over Thursday football killed the NFL network. ESPN is a shell of what it was 10 years ago. Bottom line is the NFL and more specifically the Cowboys becoming irrelevant in today world and hence excitement is cratering? PS. We can always blame Global warming for everything. It is toasty out there.
Whatever, Old Man.


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That’s the one negative, games being streamed where you need an app. It could turn some fans off. You need an app to watch Thursday night games. You needed an app to watch the playoff game last season between the Chiefs and Dolphins. We may need an app to watch the Super Bowl someday.
Yeah. Agree

I like streaming overall, but needing multiple different apps for NFL games is pretty brutal.


NFL Historian
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Cowboys just got a check for 465 million...part of the 13 billion dollar profit the NFL made last year. I think they'll be OK. Just cause some are mad at Jerry and Dak, the sky is falling.
Catastrophizing is the favorite pastime here at CZ.


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I worry about the NFL in 20 years.

People who are 40 yrs old and up, grew up with limited entertainment options, and hence most guys had "a team" and kids just grew up passionate about sports, and became adults passionate about sports teams on TV.

These have every conceivable form of entertainment. I don't see many 16, 18. 21 year Olds that are die hard sports fans.

When kids from 79s, 80's and 90s die out....the 40, 50 and 69 year Olds "of tomorrow" will care more about Japanese cartoons, podcasts, and zoning out on their virtual reality machines.

Granted...none of that has anything to do with DALLAS losing its luster. That's due to not winning anything in 30 years, and the joke our ownership is.


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The highest rated TV shows for each year are always the NFL. No one is tuning out. You probably should for your mental health with the things you post on this site. You don’t really like the team. No one is tuning out though. No metric shows that. The games aren’t rigged either. Sad that I have to type that for you
Talk to me in another year or so.
I fear you may be in for a shock.


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The NFL itself will continue to flourish. What has really changed is the nature of fanship.

I believe that you are seeing fans that are more loyal to particular players than the teams they play for.

I think this is a combination of several factors. First, there is free agency. Before the mid 90's most players, especially the top tier ones, played for a single team in their career. There was no conflict of interest when rooting for a particular player on a team because he was going to remain with that team about 90% of the time.

Yes, there were trades and some players were able to get picked up by another team after being waived. However, in most cases, fans were able to enjoy teh full careers of their favorite players on a team. We experienced every phase of their careers, the hopeful rookies with all their potential, their emerging contributions to the success of their teams, their prime productive seasons and their years as an experienced older veteran.

Nowadays, the player you love on your team eventually becomes the player you root against on a different team. this creates a conflict of interest among the fans. Some have strongly identified with a particular player and it is difficult to make the choice for many of the newer fans. At the very least, it has diluted the intensity of loyalty to teams. It has made rivalries less relevant.

Another reason is the popularity of fantasy leagues. Who will you be more loyal to, the players on a particular team or the players that you, yourself, created and is using to compete against other teams? If someone is a Cowboys fan but they have an opponent player that must score in order for them to win their fantasy league game (and win money), where does their loyalty truly lie?

An additional reason is our ability to access so much information about the players. there are no longer many secrets and we are privy to just about every facet of their daily lives. As such, they are no longer "bigger than life". They are involved in so many other enterprises, creating their "brand" that the players seem more like mercenaries than loyal members of the team you root for. Loyalty given is not always equal to loyalty received and I think fans are more aware of this.

The rule changes and certain innovations, combined with contract issues and the salary cap has also frustrated many fans who have reacted to placing less emphasis on being a sports team fan. Older fans may feel as though they don't even recognize the game any more.

Of course, I am referring to "average" fans. That's not us. We're crazy. We'll spend an hour or two several times a week discussing every nuance of the Cowboys. However, I feel as though we are a dying breed.

It's not the NFL that is declining in popularity, it is the overall degree of intensity that fans feel for their teams that is declining.


NFL Historian
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The NFL itself will continue to flourish. What has really changed is the nature of fanship.

I believe that you are seeing fans that are more loyal to particular players than the teams they play for.

I think this is a combination of several factors. First, there is free agency. Before the mid 90's most players, especially the top tier ones, played for a single team in their career. There was no conflict of interest when rooting for a particular player on a team because he was going to remain with that team about 90% of the time.

Yes, there were trades and some players were able to get picked up by another team after being waived. However, in most cases, fans were able to enjoy teh full careers of their favorite players on a team. We experienced every phase of their careers, the hopeful rookies with all their potential, their emerging contributions to the success of their teams, their prime productive seasons and their years as an experienced older veteran.

Nowadays, the player you love on your team eventually becomes the player you root against on a different team. this creates a conflict of interest among the fans. Some have strongly identified with a particular player and it is difficult to make the choice for many of the newer fans. At the very least, it has diluted the intensity of loyalty to teams. It has made rivalries less relevant.

Another reason is the popularity of fantasy leagues. Who will you be more loyal to, the players on a particular team or the players that you, yourself, created and is using to compete against other teams? If someone is a Cowboys fan but they have an opponent player that must score in order for them to win their fantasy league game (and win money), where does their loyalty truly lie?

An additional reason is our ability to access so much information about the players. there are no longer many secrets and we are privy to just about every facet of their daily lives. As such, they are no longer "bigger than life". They are involved in so many other enterprises, creating their "brand" that the players seem more like mercenaries than loyal members of the team you root for. Loyalty given is not always equal to loyalty received and I think fans are more aware of this.

The rule changes and certain innovations, combined with contract issues and the salary cap has also frustrated many fans who have reacted to placing less emphasis on being a sports team fan. Older fans may feel as though they don't even recognize the game any more.

Of course, I am referring to "average" fans. That's not us. We're crazy. We'll spend an hour or two several times a week discussing every nuance of the Cowboys. However, I feel as though we are a dying breed.

It's not the NFL that is declining in popularity, it is the overall degree of intensity that fans feel for their teams that is declining.
It’s probably for the best.


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I have not watched that show since Kay Adams left.
That good morning football show is absolutely ridiculous it's the NFL's version of romper room.

I'm not going to venture a guess what generation it's geared for I can just tell you it's certainly not mine.


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The NFL is the new federal reserve. They print money.

Maybe for some Cowboys fans these frustrating times has made the luster look a tad dull but there's nothing off with the NFL in regards to cash flow.

The new TV deals and gambling will make the NFL owners billions.


Well-Known Member
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The NFL itself will continue to flourish. What has really changed is the nature of fanship.

I believe that you are seeing fans that are more loyal to particular players than the teams they play for.

I think this is a combination of several factors. First, there is free agency. Before the mid 90's most players, especially the top tier ones, played for a single team in their career. There was no conflict of interest when rooting for a particular player on a team because he was going to remain with that team about 90% of the time.

Yes, there were trades and some players were able to get picked up by another team after being waived. However, in most cases, fans were able to enjoy teh full careers of their favorite players on a team. We experienced every phase of their careers, the hopeful rookies with all their potential, their emerging contributions to the success of their teams, their prime productive seasons and their years as an experienced older veteran.

Nowadays, the player you love on your team eventually becomes the player you root against on a different team. this creates a conflict of interest among the fans. Some have strongly identified with a particular player and it is difficult to make the choice for many of the newer fans. At the very least, it has diluted the intensity of loyalty to teams. It has made rivalries less relevant.

Another reason is the popularity of fantasy leagues. Who will you be more loyal to, the players on a particular team or the players that you, yourself, created and is using to compete against other teams? If someone is a Cowboys fan but they have an opponent player that must score in order for them to win their fantasy league game (and win money), where does their loyalty truly lie?

An additional reason is our ability to access so much information about the players. there are no longer many secrets and we are privy to just about every facet of their daily lives. As such, they are no longer "bigger than life". They are involved in so many other enterprises, creating their "brand" that the players seem more like mercenaries than loyal members of the team you root for. Loyalty given is not always equal to loyalty received and I think fans are more aware of this.

The rule changes and certain innovations, combined with contract issues and the salary cap has also frustrated many fans who have reacted to placing less emphasis on being a sports team fan. Older fans may feel as though they don't even recognize the game any more.

Of course, I am referring to "average" fans. That's not us. We're crazy. We'll spend an hour or two several times a week discussing every nuance of the Cowboys. However, I feel as though we are a dying breed.

It's not the NFL that is declining in popularity, it is the overall degree of intensity that fans feel for their teams that is declining.
That began long before the gambling and the extra money, this happened because of fantasy football and video gaming has made them follow players because it is what drives their hobbies...

I knew that shift was coming but that is typically more bandwagon fans that do that now I know there's some real fans that play fantasy football and, but I just can't do it it's too pure for me football to be putting together rosters of rival teams' players and then hoping they do well in games, I just can't do it...

But I'm a purist in no way shape or form do I really follow players once they leave the Dallas Cowboys.. I don't care what they do or how they are or what we may or may not have lost I don't really give a flying you know what...

For me it's about the flag it's about the colors it's about that star on the helmet I don't care who's the owner is I don't care who the coaches are or who the players are I'm going to root for them and I'm going to fight for them like I do on here because it's kind of like a family member even if they make you mad and frustrated at times,

I will defend them to the core when it really counts and when we're being bashed not only by our rivals but now by our own fan base as you've seen, I will be benched before I allow that to happen on a regular basis...Defend the Star :starspin:, like James Washington did on TO , that me personified. :oldcouple:


The Labeled One
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Between the NFL network crashing and burning before our eyes and the Cowboy's perhaps following a similar path, what is the state of NFL Football these days? Seems like money overall has gotten tight suddenly and the NFL (who was a cash cow for sure) might be falling on hard times. Is Jerry readying the tea leaves (or bottom of the black label bottle) and thinking the glory money days are over? Can't remember it being this way before. Amazon Prime taking over Thursday football killed the NFL network. ESPN is a shell of what it was 10 years ago. Bottom line is the NFL and more specifically the Cowboys becoming irrelevant in today world and hence excitement is cratering? PS. We can always blame Global warming for everything. It is toasty out there.
Been saying this was coming for years....and Jerry's pocketbook isn't nearly as deep as everyone thinks.